This game is brutal on legendary. I've played Demon Souls and every Dark Souls but I never had as much difficulty with them as I do with this.
Also, Truth and Reconciliation on legendary was a huge ball buster as well.
This game is brutal on legendary. I've played Demon Souls and every Dark Souls but I never had as much difficulty with them as I do with this.
Also, Truth and Reconciliation on legendary was a huge ball buster as well.
try ninja gaiden on hard difficulty and come back to me lad
bungie thought that legendary on Halo 1 was a bit easy so they bumped it up for Halo 2 and it ended up being too hard, then they bumped it back down from the rest of the series then on
>get a checkpoint right as a Jackal snipes me
Halo 2 really isn't that difficult, the game just has a bunch of cheap shit put in.
>jackal snipers
>the level where you can die from 2 brutes and 2 grunts before the game renders
Among other things.
give me a specific title otherwise i'm going to end up playing through them all to find the experience you were talking about
>Playing campaign co op with bro
>we're going to do legendary, one sitting, to completion
>nearly at the end, fighting shit ton of brutes
>getting my shit pushed in, look around for bro
>he's running into a wall
>look beside me
>passed out on his controller
Man, Halo 2 was good times.
Im sure he means Black on Xbox, since the the other 2 where made easier. I think its called Ninja Master difficulty something like that.
Used to do the same thing. I've got the halo 2 campaign almost memorized we played through it so much
I think he means this
>Halo: Reach
>Swords base mission
>Let the AI drive the warthog so I can shoot
>AI launches it off of a cliff
>game saves in mid air
Halo 3 on legendary is 2 times worse flood and brute shots
The elites have pinpoint accuracy on legendary.
>Halo 3 legendary
Literally the easiest legendary across all halo games. Very little difference between easy and legendary on halo 3.
i remember the flood nest being hell
Elites are replaced with brutes and they go on rampage if you kill one of their group.
flood fucks my shit up errytime
Had to co-op with my cousin to beat it on legendary. They had so much fucking HP and would headshot me when I peaked out of cover. I also found it that you can take out a hunter with one whole plasma pistol.
>that one part of new mombasa where theres a bunch of fucking jackal snipers
that one part took me 2 hrs on legendary. i had to hide in a fuckin corner and take em out one by one
>game puts you in an open area with little cover against carbine brutes
>you get a single needler and no grenades
>bungie thought that legendary on Halo 1 was a bit easy so they bumped it up for Halo 2 and it ended up being too hard, then they bumped it back down from the rest of the series then on
What kind of fucking backwards ass parallel universe are you from? Halo 2 was the laziest fucking game in the series.
>coop legendary on 2
wasn't that even fucking harder than singleplayer? if either of you dies it it's back to the checkpoint iirc
This is exaggeration but besides 4 and Reach, 3 is probably the easiest
Cortana is fucking bullshit though. I could never headshot the ranged forms
It seems like I can get this game for cheap so I guess it's time to bust out the old ecksbawks.
On hand while I wait for shipping I have Mechassault and Crimson Skies, anyone know which one is harder? Never played either, picked them both up at a flea market.
I replayed all the Halo campaigns on Legendary recently for the Helioskrill armor in Halo 5. I played the campaigns all solo and the difficulty of Halo 2 I feel is overrated while CE is underrated. It's amazing people have problems with the Jackal snipers who are at the same spot every time but these same people find the endless flood swarms and health management of CE easy. Two Betrayals has to be the hardest mission in the entire series
I was always really liked the Brutes' design in Halo 3 for some reason. Thought they looked, acted and sounded really cool.
I still get chills at the one part where you walk in that wide platform on the Forerunner tower and a chieftain is there challenging you to a duel while all his subordinates sit in a semicircle and cheer for him
Two Betrayals and Keyes are difficult, but every other mission in H1 isn't that bad. Truth & Reconciliation can be a challenge if you waste all your sniper ammo, but that's nothing a plasma pistol and some patience can't fix.
I know Crimson skies to be a fun game. It can be challenging but not too hard.
I'm currently stuck in the hangar of Truth and Reconcilation with only a plasma pistol and plasma rifle. How do I beat this?
They're all challenging on legendary, 3 is much more difficult, really.
>that one halo 4 mission were you pilot a pelican
>final stretch just gotta fly to the final spire
>decide to fly into the didact ship to see what happens
>autosave seconds before hand
I do remember Crimson Skies has a harder setting thru cheat codes
Ultra Hard difficulty setting:
While playing a game, press X, B, A, X, Black. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.
why are you looking for old hard games?
Tap the trigger faster. If that doesn't work, restart and conserve your snipe better.
Played both Halo and Halo 2 legendary with my friend all the time. Halo 2 is way harder, sure some of the levels are easy once you figure them out but for instance Prophet of Regret on Legendary coop is 100% crazy.
For comparison we used to play two betrayals on legendary and we would restart the mission if either of us took health damage.
Halo 2 was great though. We had a blast loading up your team of dudes with 5 sniper rifles or putting 4 rocket launcher NPC's on the APC warthog.
I was afraid of that answer. How do you save sniper ammo when you get to the part with invisible elites rushing into the room?
thats what hes doing? i thought it was some tribal shit
Do it so many times you can stick them with plasma grenades with your eyes closed.
Invisible Elites die quickly. If you're already past that part, just keep your distance and ping stuff with the PP. It has no spread.
I have some free time and old video games entertain me
Yeah, his jetpack scrubs won't attack until you kill him. I forgot exactly what he said but it amounts to him basically calling you out
Thought it was a really great understated moment from the game
>loading up your team of dudes with 5 sniper rifles or putting 4 rocket launcher NPC's on the APC warthog
jesus christ this was so much fun
getting the spectre into the final boss chamber then loading it up with 3 Johnsons while a 4th snipes from above is the best shit, worth the effort
>load up silent cartographer
>part where you d-day the beach
>immediately kill my guys
>three way battle between me, marines, and covenant
I did this so often
I almost miss the days of having like half a dozen games and that's it, I knew them all like the back of my hand and could fire up any of them to just fuck around with the world.
now I got a backlog in the triple digits and even one playthrough of something seems like too much
take me back
i want to go back
nostalgia's a hell of a drug
never heard anything also the jet pack guys always attacked me when he was alive though i always killed them first
There's a video on YouTube. I think he says different stuff when you walk out but one of his lines will be him screaming "Fight ME! I'm right here!" Kind of difficult to hear because a hologram broadcast of Truth is speaking over him
It was a cool moment, liked that it wasn't a cutscene and he wasn't an abnormal enemy like a mini boss or something. Just a glory seeking warlord which is what brutes strive to be.
Man, did anyone mess around with the Thunderstorm skull? The one that promotes enemies to their highest rank?
Halo 2 with that skull reached the pinnacle of vidya. It took an average campaign and made it incredible. Stack it with heroic or legendary, and suddenly you have elites that can take several rockets to the face and still wont die.
The most hilarious part is seeing some Brutes and Elites fighting and the Brutes getting their shit kicked in because of the amount of damage the High Teir Elites could deal.
ok he just seemed like the average asshole with a grav hammer to me when i never heard the line
Good god I think I did one run with that skull and never again'd pretty hard.
Even the grunts were highest rank which meant they never broke rank and spammed the shit out of grenades and were actually accurate and aggressive, instead of the weak little cowards you're used to mopping up afterwards.
Fuck, man.
Used to be poor as a kid, and I enjoyed the fuck out of the cheap, bargain bin games. Like you said, you only had a few games and you played the everliving shit out of them.
I'm now making bank doing technical work as an adult, with plenty of free time, but I can't seem to play anything other than shitty multiplayer games.
I keep buying single-player games on Steam sales, $20-30 at a time, and I fire them up for an hour while drunk and never play them again.
I want to go back, too...
Kek, is that true? Didn't know high rank grunts kept their cool. I know all heretic grunts don't break ranks and flee
Wonder why
A belief followed through choice makes one more courageous than one enforced through fear.