Why is the Wii U, still 300 bucks?
Why is the Wii U, still 300 bucks?
nintendojews. all their shit is spendy.
because you're stupid and cant find it for cheaper
the average consumer walks into a store, sees the wii u for 300 bucks. faggot
Because axing the price down would not increase sales to any significant and instead force them to take a loss on each console sold. So why bother.
>the average consumer doesnt know about ebay, amazon, or CL
try again, champ
Why is StarFox 3DS still $40 on the Eshop and in retail stores? This shit came out 5 fucking years ago.
Average person wants a new console, and not having to deal with whatever jew amazon sellers are selling it for
I think what he meant is why the MSRP still $299.99, you fruitcake faggot.
Because Nintendo fucked up by including an overpriced tablet controller. Even if you're going to play games that don't use it, you're still forced to buy the console+tablet combo instead of just the console+pro controller.
Because japs dont know when to cut their losses and hope their 15 year old games sell at 40$
>still outsold by the xbone
Why buy a $300 Wii U when you could buy a $250 PS4 or Xbone?
exactly my point...
ps4 is 349 big boi
because Nintendo only lower prices on their "selects" titles
It's not hard to find a used PS4 for $250. It's hard to find a used Wii U for $250 though that isn't beaten up or missing a tablet controller.
is a used ps 4 worth getting I'm worried it's going to be faulty like the last gen consoles
Depends where you're buying. Always test the console before you buy. If you're buying online then ask the seller to show the console playing a game.
What is he thinking anons?
Here's a tip for you faggots
Is there a way to play Xeno X with Japanese voices and all the lewd patched?
Is the only thing I've kept my WiiU for, but its been months or years since I last googled the CFW / crack scene.
It is the only console that has exclusives after all
What went wrong
Look for Xenoblade X undub
Because there still retards who buy it no matter how shitty games they do
Already bought the Limited Edition, Im a whore for artbooks.
Sweet, seems like Google time.
I only really ment it as a way to save at least 100 ameridollars
Why are the games still so expensive on a dead console? At this point I might as well just CFW it or whatever and pirate them.
Nintendo hardly ever drops the price of their games. This has been true since the NES era.
Fun fact: Mario Kart DS (the one for the original DS more than a decade ago) is still $35 is many stores.
Even if you got one cheap you'd still be paying $50-$60 for 4 year old games.
protip, this is the cheapest Wii U games will ever be
Nintendo never drops prices and the Wii U is basically the next Saturn for collectors. Resellers are going to jack up the prices so even Ubishit's launch shovelware will probably be worth money
Tablet controller isn't cheap. That's why Nintendo doesn't sell the controller individually in stores. They really want to force a gimmick down people's throats even when people don't like it.
>protip, this is the cheapest Wii U games will ever be
phystal Project Zero will remain a dream
Good thing Wii U is easily hackable and the games are so easy to pirate that I don't have to deal with these scalpers.
>this stupid so he doesn't know how to homebrew and use loadiine
>mfw i see these dumb fucks itt talking about how the games are expensive
Fuck sake, you can homebrew it and played back up wii u games since fucking forever. Only a retard or loaded fucks would still buy wii u games
Eh? Not that hard to get hold of.
It's going to be double that once it gets officially killed off
they dropped the price of the gamecube to $100 and no one bought it.
So is that why Nintendo jews everyone else with high MSRP?
I did.
Bastard. What's the price on that right now? 70?
>Got a refurbished Zelda limited edition WiiU for $250 earlier this year straight from Nintendo's Site.
You what mate?
>$50 discount on a 4 year old console
That ain't shit, but it is cool you got one of the zelda ones
Yeah £70 is about right, £60 if you're lucky.