Game has beast races in it

>game has beast races in it
>as in you can race beasts

You think you're clever, huh? I expect better from a two star user.

imma cut you real slow

nice double prestige user

Hand it over.

quick, post sauce

>game has beast races
>it's just humans with button noses, animal ears, and odd colored skin

>not being at least 4th prestige


Looks like shitdoll so don't bother

toxic try hards, reported to blizzard

*sigh* what's wrong with him now?

OP reminds me that Dofus/Wakfu has a dog class now.

Suck my dick nigger

fracking reported for posting porn, f*cktard!!!


I thought the ouginaks went extinct during ogrest's chaos, was it retconned?

They survived but regressed into a tribal culture. I heard you could find them in the mmo as a mob creature.

what is this meme with the stars?

>Media artform presents story from point of view of non-human entity


that's like cheating man, Sindoll is the poju of furry artists

Is this star shit a new meme?⭐⭐⭐

>game has beast races

>they wear human clothes

Whats that on my shoulder Claire?

why am i seeing boxes instead of stars?

but Poju is better, but I guess that's because I like bois more

That's not Nezumi

>Game has beast races
>They have no animal characteristics whatsoever and are just human reskins

I guess this can actually apply to Elves and Dwarves too

>tfw no sindoll video game

What do you honestly get out of this?
We can't even enjoy the porn because you crop everything which makes it unsourcable.

Just tell us the source op


>Game has Beast Races
>Game has marriage
>Game has no female Beast Races available for marriage

FFXIV in a nutshell

I use the term reskin loosely, although FF Monstergirls are a bit dull.

I meant more like a race that behaves exactly like humans, but don't look like them.

type e621 and sindoll on google dude

Nezumi is too niche and would gross out more people than pull them over the edge.
If it's possible to truly be "turned furry" by an artist when you had zero furry fetish before, I expect the most vanilla artists to be the major gateways.

>dont know what to fap to tonight
>this thread

Thanks Op now I know.

New Krystal NTR doujin when?

To be honest I'm not even a furry. I just love the big thicc bodies and steaming gaping holes Nezumi draws on all his characters.

[Spoiler] I'm worse than a furry. I've gotten to the point where I dont care if its human, humanoid or not anywhere near human.[/spoiler]

Depends what you mean with animal characteristics. I'de almost prefer it in some cases depending on the creator it can get cringe but I guess that can go both ways.

>his characters.

Nigga thats a lady

So you're on the "You sick fuck" end of the furry scale.

I know what the source is, I'm talking about these stupid threads in general, they're not videogames related which goes without saying for 60% of the content on Sup Forums, and you can't even enjoy the porn dumps because of cropping so nine times out of ten you can't find the source because nobody will provide it and cropping destroys reverse image search.

Sup Forums moves too fast for them to stay on the front page for more than a few minutes so they're not even successfully sliding or disrupting the board.

So why do it? I'm unemployed and even I don't have that much free time. Dozens of threads a day that usually stay up for hours, 7 days a week, every month, all year.

What is the fucking point?