Which one was the bigger fuckup?
Which one was the bigger fuckup?
Why am I OBJECTIVELY WRONG in thinking MN9 wasn't shit?
I dont even know the right one lol
which one costed 60 fucking dollars?
Well MN9 was a massive kickstarter with thousands of people contributing their own funds into a game they hoped would revive their love for a similar series. No Man's Sky was over hyped and the developers lied, but overall the game still came out with few technical issues and just lacked content really.
I'd say a game where tons of people actually funded themselves turning into not only a technical mess but an overall bore is a much bigger blunder. No Man's Sky is disappointing, sure, but it was made by a small indie company and can be forgotten easily. MN9 was made through fan's money, was turned into a mess, soiled the trust and reputation of Inafune, and serves as a reminder of how kickstarter can go bad.
No Man's Sky will barely be remembered as a game that could've been good but was just filled with lies. MN9 will be remembered as a sore moment for kickstarter as a whole and how even big name developers can deliver total shit.
What did he mean by this?
Right. If people were smart left was almost gauranteed to be bad because it's random generated. Right also exposed the fraud that was inafune
Mighty failed...
But Nu Male's Sky promised a universe sandbox with "Everything to do' and "proceduraly generated"
And then delivered :
>mentions seeing the stars at night as inspiration
>can barely see stars even in fucking space because everything is bright and colourful as fuck
Doesn't matter. Neither beats Brink for being disappointing
Hated MN9
Kinda Liked NMS
So MN9 was worse.
NMS was worse. At least MN9 wasn't fucking boring.
Too Human would like a word with you.
The most i hear from people that don't actively hate it was that it was "at best mediocre". You're fine if you don't hate it.
MN9. Sup Forums would be tripping over itself praising NMS as the comfiest game to ever comfy if they didn't smell the Tortanic blood in the water.
Mighty Nu. 9
What about Duke Nukem forever?
>weeb game that only weebs care about
>big colorful online game that's been advertised and marketed to high hell
gee i can't decide
>MN9 was made through fan's money, was turned into a mess, soiled the trust and reputation of Inafune, and serves as a reminder of how kickstarter can go bad.
Too bad megaman fans are stupid and will back a new inafune adventure down the line
I really enjoyed too human
>constantly having to refill your life supports
>constantly being attacked by drones
>constantly having to search for recources
>having to bear through this horrible inventory system
>maybe 1 in 20 planets is halfway interesting and even then there isn't much to see and do except for the things listed above
Well when Inafune put up said second adventure on Kickstarter, not many people bit.
you've probably never played a megaman game if you genuinely think that
See pic.
This is sheer, unadulterated fucking laziness, and there's no fucking excuse. They ctrl+c ctrl+v a fucking stage direction into the game, instead of just writing "auuuggghhh" or something. And it wasn't just a one-off, because earlier in the same stage, the sound of static reads [STATIC or BUZZING noise].
There are a lot of reasons why the game is bad, but this, for as minor as it may seem, is why MN9 is a fucking garbage piece of shit.
>life support
If you are walking around on a hellhole, yes. Otherwise you can explore several planets without having to worry.
They are nonhostile by default. They only attack if you attack a facility or attack you directly.
>Constantly having to search for resources
So you can build upgrades. Which is part of the main point of the game. Congratulations on discovering the plot.
>Horrible inventory system
>1 in 20 planets
People fuckiing called this before release. If every planet wasn't the same copy paste lush worlds, people would complain about finding boring barren ones. People like you. It defeats the point of having different planets if it's going to be that way.
>Otherwise you can explore several planets without having to worry.
No you can't - EVERY environment bar the inside of your ship is 'toxic' inclusive of the space stations.
Which leads me a to a another failure of the game, if you're a in a full sealed environment suit, why do you have a breath meter underwater?
Your suit doesn't have infinite oxygen and probably needs to filter outside air to give you something breathable
What about atmospheres that don't contain any oxygen?
If it doesn't have 'infinite oxygen' (assuming you're even breathing oxygen...) how would you survive
>filter outside air to give you something breathable
Which is well an good if you're apparently breathing oxygen and the outside air is say carbon dioxide - but useless if the air outside is say pure fluorine - you can't 'filter' fluorine to oxygen.
>EVERY environment bar the inside of your ship is 'toxic'
This is blatantly false.
I'm parked on a mostly ocean planet right now that doesn't have massive toxicity or constant acid rain or rads to worry about. It was nice the first time I saw it, but most good ruins are under water. I came back after finding a rebreather.
Space Magic
fuck if I know user, that's just my best guess
It's a weird mechanic and I was honestly surprised when I found out I had limited underwater time too
Federation Force
The water was dumb as fuck. You can't even swim across the surface, you have to constantly putter your jetpack to keep from sinking.
Just because it's not listed as toxic (0 tox) doesn't mean you're environment suit won't deplete and you won't need to find more carbon/plutonium/thamium9
toxic/acid/cold/hot planet just add another layer of annoyance in a cooldown that can't even be recharged like the annoying environment suit.
I like NMS, but I'll agree that oxygen not being rolled in as a function of basic life support was dumb and immersion breaking.
If you need to ask, you're probably too autistic to understand any explanation.
I am environment suit.
yeah that was annoying as fuck
It feels like the devs dropped the ball on a lot of things, but other things make it look like it was all last minute cuts of something that was meant to be much better
Mine must deplete super slowly then cause I'm not having an issue. The real pain was having to find oxygen gear.
"My spacesuit doesn't function indefinitely without the teeny-tiny amount of resources needed to recharge it every hour or so"
Truly a problem.
No, that's everyone. You are in no danger at any time of having one of your bars run out (barring the rare extreme planet, and thats the entire point of them) unless you're spending ungodly amounts of time doing absolutely nothing watching the meters fall.
The devs dropped the ball on BASIC shit, not even counting the stuff that was cut.
The space ship photon cannons have a fucked reload mechanic
Can't swim on surface of water
Can't stay in ship while landing
Can't reassign keys
FOV options fucked
Training wheels on ship for low orbit flight
Buildings will spawn half in the ground
Can scan completely novel species for their identity but can't scan emeril from a distance to see if it's actually gold
Some ships literally give you fall damage from exiting
Same ships push you under the world if you exit close to a hill
Planets don't orbit or rotate
Can't stack some items, but you can if you salvage them from already made tech (dynamic resonators)
>Implying No Man's Buy was a fuckup consider how much it sold
MN9, but then again this year we also had Blunderborn, Umbrella Corps and the new Ghostbusters game, all of those games are much shittier in sales than No Man's Buy, which despite being an unpolished piece of shit fueled by the lies of Sean, still managed to sell a lot.
The galactic average notes are a mistake
They misrepresent the trade value of items
Because you sell everything at a reduced price and/or buy everything at an increased price, but the "galactic average" pricing misleads you
e.g. buying something 5% below, and selling 5% above won't net you profit, ever
mm9 by far, everyone should have known nms was going to flop at some point. the problem with mm9 was that it was all shit that could have and should have worked but the people working on it just sucked
Mighty Number 9. It promised Megaman and failed to deliver while backed by public money, while NMS promised the universe and delivered, but with monkeys paw-esque flaws that made it shit.
It's the difference between engineering the largest land vehicle and succeeding, but it gets 1 mile per gallon of fuel, and trying to build a simple bicycle and somehow ending with a wheel where the seat should be.
You're a fucking retard. Clearly the "galactic averages" are respective for buy and sell prices only.
On one hand, MN9 was an absolute burning dumpster fire trainwreck that gave us endless hours of entertainment after we all got through the grieving process and accepted it was a piece of shit
On the other hand, Nu-Male's Sky has brought forth the hipsters and their fucking hipster bullshit
>Hey man there's totally multiplayer in this game
>Okay I'm at this planet come find me
>I don't see you
>I'm by the tree
>I'm also by the tree
>Where are you
>I've been here all along man, who cares if we don't see each other, we did this together bro
>omg so tru i cry evry tiem
>Polygon: "Hipster Faggots Teach Us That Multiplayer Doesn't Have to Mean What Those Goobergators Want You to Think it Means"
It is misleading though
Of course I figured it out, but it's retarded that you even get a penalty to selling at all when trading is meant to be a legitimate way to work your way through the universe
The only way that trading is legitimate in this game is that is legitimately hamfisted as fuck.
The only profit to be made it finding a system where dynamic resonators sell for 99%+, and buying them from traders for the normal price.
>Bad game elevated to extreme heights by shills and gaming media
Hmmm, now where have we seen this before?
a single google search will prove you wrong.
Might Number 9, this shouldn't even be a fucking question. Anyone that thinks otherwise should be isolated from all other people
Like an anime fan on prom night
>mediocre game or weebshit
And it's so dumb having to rely on stupid rng like that instead of going high volume and doing shit based on market fluctuations
Plus, fucking everything on galactic market is low volume as fuck, can't even buy a full stack of shit
It's MM8 or another late MMX sequel. It's a bad game. But there's worse out there. BUT the fans wrote a 4 million dollar cheque to Inafune, and he promised a return to greatness. It's completely disapointing.
MN9 by far. It was forgotten the day it came out. NMS at least has some defenders, though both are mediocre over priced shit.
>not picking weebshit because at least it will scare the normies away so you can enjoy it in peace
>what is night time
>i am fuck
If Sony & HG were smart they would follow Minecraft's lead by releasing continuous free features over the coming years. At most they could do microtransactions to speed up the process, but would never interfere.
I just hope this game lasts a very long time because I want it to evolve into something truly amazing.
mighty is hands down worse.
nms is at least enjoyable if you ignored the hype and have a high enough autism quotient to be able to do the same thing over and over.
...have I been using chopsticks wrong this entire time?
This had potential to be funny. The elements are there, but who ever did this forgot to write a joke and thought memes would carry it.
Oxygen is part of life support.
You are too young.
At least NMS actually Profited.
>nms is at least enjoyable if you ignored the hype and have a high enough autism quotient to be able to do the same thing over and over.
It's really boring though. It's not minecraft autism reptetition either. That game let you build things. People got lost in it. NMS is just mining minerals on the surface of 10 planets over and over again with no point. You can't build anything or do anything.
Mighty brought down Inafune's reputation.
MM fans are morons and think he both created the character and directed the games. They confuse producers (business men or project leaders at best) with directors. They also don't know that Inafune is one of the major reasons why MM began to stagnate. He clearly had no idea what direction the series should take, other than shoving MM out and having Zero take over.
That's what Hello Games' plan has been for a while. With how well the game sold it shouldn't be hard
Here's all of the promised features absent in NMS: reddit.com
>Fucking around on a water world
>The beacons pointing to underwater ruins turn out to be false leads
>Fuck this gay planet. I'll search this big island a bit then leave for the next system.
>Island is lush as fuck and filthy with things that teach me about the Gek. At least my time wasn't totally wasted
>Hostile warning
>Turn to see some elegant mother fucker standing on the top of a hill
>Scan says Behavor: Stalking and Diet: Meat Eating
>It's not rushing to ream my boy pussy so I should be fine to poke around mo-
>It follows me.
>Make it lose track of me by melee boosting
>Comming back round to my ship ready to leave after finding some aluminium and scanning some huge animal
>Getting attacked from behind suddenly.
>It's the stalking animal from before
>It found me
No, really. Fuck this planet.
Mighty No9 sucked, but NMS is boring as fuck.
>nms is at least enjoyable
I didn't enjoyed a single second with NMS, at least in MN9 I had a goal to reach instead of wandering a shitty planet gathering resources.
At least Neptunia doesn't lie about what it is.
Pirated both so no sunk cost fallacy. NMS was legit garbage. It was a non-game, the sort of game you expect hipsters sitting in a retro coffee shop that only plays vintage vinyls through a digital record player who sip $15 dollar coffees to talk about how much of an 'experience' the game was. Because that's what it felt like it wanted to be. An 'experience'. Looking at vistas, getting those god awful poorly placed milestones every five minutes that interrupt everything you're doing to focus all of your attention on it. The game practically screams 'check out this amazing experience guys please post about it on your most relevant social media!'. I almost expected it to have the 'post to x' buttons when you reach a milestone or land on a planet or talk to an alien. The problem is they were so busy trying to make an experience they left out making a game and in doing so even your 'experiences' are dull and mediocre.
MN9 on the other hand felt like a poorly made mediocre fan game trying to copy mega man. However a mediocre megaman as better than a shitty non game walking simulator.
Objectively? No Man's Sky, and i'm glad I never cared about it.
For me though? Mighty No 9 broke my heart and played me for a fool. Fuck that game and fuck me from 3 years ago.
mighty no 9
NMS was shitty but they didn't lie about everything, just really vague