He's off to somewhere
He's up to something
Other urls found in this thread:
going to gamescom and personally annoucing mgsv definitive ex, with chapter 3
e51 was a red herring
survival was in development the whole time by kojipro LA
death stranding is "silent hills: death stranding"
screencap this post
if you're right I will eat a bandanna on twitch live
Will you still follow thrlugh if its just MGSV related?
Fuck off already
You fangays are fucking awful.
y-you too
What was his name again?
David. My name is David.
Kazuhira "One Man Klan" Miller
Kazuhira "Shoot the Spooks" Miller
Kazuhira "Master Race on Motherbase" Miller
Kazuhira "Around Blacks, Never Relax" Miller
Kazuhira "No Baboons on our Balloons" Miller
Kazuhira "Don't Let Any Nigger Get to Paz" Miller
Kazuhira "Pull the Trigger on Every Nigger" Miller
Kazuhira "Discount Rates for Apartheid States" Miller
Kazuhira "Empty my Nine into the Welfare Line" Miller
Kazuhira "One Two Three Four I Declare a Race War" Miller
Kazuhira "If you Fulton a Coon, I'll pop the Balloon" Miller
Kazuhira "If you Fulton a Black, don't bother coming back" Miller
Kazuhira "Unless you're the Master Race, get the fuck out of Mother Base" Miller
I'll be generous and give you rusefags a bump
>implying Konami still cares in any way shape or form
I'd kill for this
That's a cool plane
confirmed bullshitter, you revealed nothing. you said something would happen yesterday but nothing fucking happened
This is it boys, the big one
I believe my words were "Keep your eyes on Gamescom", no date specified. Touchy stuff, you know.
no you specifically said the day after survive was announced there would be something else
>eyes on kazuhira
Something else, during Gamescom.
Reading comprehension, friend.
(Also I forgot my tripcode, so I posted it again. Wanted to clarify that statement was coming from an official source)
this wouldnt make any sense?
Why would they make this whole subterfuge about kojima leaving unfairly? the other workers?
Sony signing?
If this was a ruse, what was the purpose
Oh!! A kojima thread!
Does anyone have that reaction pic that says
>I'll keep cumming
on it? Pls, I need it.
Wow. That's actually a very Asian looking dick
Fuck off
stop it
He's just fucking with people
Literally nothing will happen and guys will look dumb.
Naw Death Stranding is going to be MGS6
>Kazuhira "Empty my Nine into the Welfare Line" Miller
Gets me everytime
Somebody vocaroo this
Nothing will happen and honestly, good job getting a large majority of Sup Forums to believe your bullshit.
Nicely done fucko, we are done here lads.
i believe you said you won't be posting again until the end of gamescom. or has your shitposting high wore off?
British airlines? Hmmm
>forgetting the trip
>rectified it by reposting it with the trip
That post was made BEFORE the SurVive trailer hit. He later said to keep our eyes on Gamescom
The only reason we were giving him any attention was because of this accurate prediction
this is also true
Im in so many tears, between laughing and crying holy shit.
Yes, but I've recieved even more information since then and I'm so excited that I really can't keep my lid shut ;)
>mgsv definitive ex, with chapter 3
Like I would even buy it at this point.
Then don't liar
>Milk you
Alright, alright. I am of levels with excitement that are just off the charts.
Please be patient. I can't wait to see everyone's thoughts.
As a former KojiPro LA employee I can tell you thats bullshit.
I want to believe you, can you post proof? Some staff paraphernalia, a pay stub, a tax form? I don't want to call you a bullshitter, but if you can post proof this roller coaster of bullshit can be put to rest and we can all go back to our regularly scheduled shitposting.
Lying cunt. Predict it right now dick wad.
How many days left of Gamescom?
>he actually trusted the tripfag at any point
embarrassing desu
Done right it'll raise interest and screen time in gaming media, and potentially intrigue people outside of core MGS fanbase
Do not a mess up my ruse cruse
You guys are fucking morons holy fucking shit
I've been burned before. . .
That typing pattern
Your foreigner is showing
>what was the purpose
last game of the series, big closure, etc.
They needed a bang for the MGS to end and Kojima himself said he was going to do something that has never been done before and if he fails he'd have to leave the industry for good. It makes sense, seriously.
Free us. Please
I cannot hep it prease a be patient
I'm too jaded to believe anymore.
>one two three four I declare a race war
>those Pre MGSV days when anons would pretend to be KojiPro employees and make shit up about the plot while we all gathered around and watched
I miss those days
NBGO mod here. Been investigating this for a year now, I have reason to believe that the insider is speaking the truth. Kojima is the "Man who Sold the World". Words to control the subconscious. A ruse orchestrated to show the possibilities of media manipulation. Real life mirroring fiction, Kojima and Konami's split representing Big Boss and Zero. Zero manipulating Big Boss (who is actually venom) by implanting memories (GZ) to become the enemy of the world. Hence the title "punished snake".
If you're FIB or nuclear snake please get fucked, delusional asshole
If you guys are wrong it will crush my soul but if you're right it'll be a delight
gibe us now
just uplaod the trailor
what about this? I respect a man who doesnt give a fuck
assuming he doesn't care about the other guy, if true
which is fucking hilarious
Call me delusional all you'd like, but I am
more confident than ever that my view is correct. I'm not 100% positive, but I'm close to it. I'm not sure how the storyline will turn out, but I can guarantee that something rusey has been going on. Vote manipulation on the subreddit, Hyping up The Game Awards only to cancel Kojima's appearance last second, the Pachinko meme, it's all meant to play on our emotions. To villianize Konami, just as Zero villianized Big Boss to the world by manipulating him.
massive free mgs v update
I know who that was. He will not find me.
>He will not find me
Don't give up, you magnificent fuck
People that should go fuck themselves for ruining the ruise cruise:
-gray xof
-futa snake
-nuclear snake
-robert peeler
-asshole who did ingsoc
-magswag certified
-hideo kojima
>this is legit
holy shit
when did Sup Forums (or >leddit or GAF, whoever did) figure this out?
Did they drop a release date for chapter 3? Don't want to know it, just curious if there's one.
>He will not find me.
is this a fucking roleplay thread? jesus christ who the actual fuck is falling for this shit, my god Sup Forums is a bunch of retards these days
...roleplay thread?
>daily reminder there were people who actually beleived David Hayter was a ruse
>people believed there was a day one patch to change the ending
>people believed Chapter 3 was a ruse
>People believed Death Stranding was a ruse
It's not even funny, you guys are legitimately just plain retarded
Thanks for the shoutout
Skull Face is voiced by David Hayter. You heard it here first.
Never Be Game Over
Thank you for your sacrifice you magnificent bastard
>he will not find me
Are you sure he wont find you? I believe it's time for you to change your face user, to become a phantom.