2 years ago

>2 years ago
>somebody posts an e-celeb worship thread
>they're told to fuck off unanimously

>1 year ago
>somebody posts an e-celeb worship thread
>they're told to fuck off and that only X is acceptable

>somebody posts an e-celeb worship thread hourly
>there is no resistance at all

Please for the love of god Hiro, make /cel/ before Sup Forums is COMPLETELY overrun by redditors.

This board died with tortanic

i'm still waiting for japanese Sup Forums
that way all the cancer can stay on this board and the actual discussion about good games in the other board

this...........board was
not born.....to begin

This is now a Joost~ thread. Everyone post Joost~.

>op makes an e-celeb thread
>complains about e-celeb threads


I dunno men, fucking boxyfags started all of this shit

Joost~ is love. Joost~ is life.

If you're going to post something, please do not post 3DPD.

This thread needs more Joost~.

It wasn't tortanic, there was just a gate we crossed that we shouldn't have

>likes moecancer
>using the worst subs for said moecancer

Fuck you, nigger. Joost~ is a goddess.

Fuck off blog posting redditor faggot

Post Joost~.

That's because reddit.

Haven't you notice that all the ideals of reddit have slowly been accepted by Sup Forums on almost all boards?


What? Two years ago e-celeb threads were all the rage.

>meanwhile chrischan has been a Sup Forums celeb since 2006
>meanwhile hal turner
>meanwhile jack thompson
>meanwhile revealing how much of a newfaggot you are

she's just a girl, man! what the fuck is wrong with you? get laid you fucktard

Reddit is the superior website anyways, I'm not opposed to Sup Forums becoming more like it. Honestly it's for your own food.

I wouldn't have sex with her in real life. She looks kinda fuckin creepy.

You weren't here two years ago you fucking faggot. That shit was tolerated two years ago. It is vidya-related, whether you like it or not (I don't, but I just hide the threads rather than bitch).

You weren't here in 2011 when Sup Forums was literally 75% off-topic threads thanks to /new/ and /r9k/'s closures.

You can't honestly be comparing targets of hatred and trolling on the old internet to e celebs, right?

For every e-celeb thread that is created, there's the possibility that a legit videogame thread died because of it

I come here to talk about videogames, not people.

absolutely because half of any e-celeb thread is trolling of them. "its only 50% exactly the same"