Post what you think it's the best game ever made

Post what you think it's the best game ever made.

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mario 64

I tried to play that game, but dropped it around Maridia (>inb4 glass tube, I did figure out to use a power bomb). I recently played AM2R and really liked it, should I give Super another chance?

Yes, you really should.

Maridia is the worst area, but power through it and get that space jump.


Why the fuck not?


i fucking love that picture

It's not my favorite game, but it's one of the few games that I can really say that does what it sets out to do and doesn't stray from its core gameplay, but still manages to be interesting throughout. It's got decent replay value, unique music for every mission and a story that's basic and unintrusive but still compelling.
Also, this shit is the most immersive game you'll play, and it's purely because of gameplay and not graphics or visuals. I hate the term immersion, but I feel myself leaning into tight turns all the goddamn time.

Ff6. Nah call it FFIII as released in the states. I can't believe how much I hate what the series has become.

>I can't believe how much I hate what the series has become.
Well, at least it's not as bad as " "

Nethack or Yume Nikki


This is the superior version

Absolute vidyakino


I'm fond of Super Mario Bros 3, as far as 2D games go. I think it hits the sweet spots for good design.

As for 3D games, I'm not sure what I would pick.

My favorite to this day.

Despite only being a year and a half old it's cemented its place as my favourite game of all time.


You need only one song to believe you.



I should break out tactics, it's gotta be faster paced than no man's sky...

is it literally the best DLC up to date?
I'm serious, how does Undead Nightmare and the two GTA IV DLC's hold up?

>is it literally the best DLC up to date?

No, that would be Shivering Isles.

>sword falls
>wait a sec, you were there all along
>regain some humanity, fighting the scourge
>stands up in two legs, like a human
>cover the most deformed part of his face with the sword
>do battle one last time as the pround hunter he once was

From dlc is pay2feel

Metroid Prime

Definitely the best I've played, at least.

I'm sorry, but I just can't pick one over the other



Not that guy, but I love Maridia though. I will admit that part of it is the music, which is the best in Super imo, but I also love the atmosphere that it has. It's somehow both relaxing and eerie. I love it.

Best of its generation and genre and favorite game of all time. Literally the peak and magnum opus of Takahashi's career

I actually dropped the game my first playthrough because I was stuck on Draygon

Eventually a friend told me about the grappling hook trick to instakill him and then I finished the game

Holy shit Sherlock you solved the mystery you fucking genius!

user, you accidentally posted Xenoblade. Albeit Xenoblade is an excellent game, it fairs below Xenogears, the greatest game ever created.


>Xenogears, the greatest game ever created
My issue with Xenogears is and always will be that it just wasn't that fun.

Loving it so far.
What trick?

Freedom Unite!

If you blow up the turrets on the walls in Draygon's arena with missiles they reveal electric walls underneath

When Draygon grabs you and lifts you up you can shoot the electric walls with the grapple to shock both of you (dealing some but not much damage to you and instantly killing Draygon)

I played all the games in the Xeno series. Honestly I love all of them for their strenghts but the only one that has a feeling of "completeness" was Xenoblade. Gears had the second disc, Saga was tragically cut short and Xenoblade X's story was lacking. The only one that incorporated all the elements of Takahashi's vision best was Blade.

I thought that shit was just to shock me when failing to do a walljump


This is on sale on PSN, mind if I ask what makes it great and what gameplay is like?


oh my god I'm so fucking dumb for not realizing and trying this

inb4 "The old games were better"

That is a fair and rational response, and I completely see where you are coming from.

the game is at its peak after maridia
ending is fucking great


Beat it.
Then do 100%.
Then replay it again with your new knowledge and try to master wall jump, is your second best friend in Super.
Then learn to breaking sequence and other crazy shit.

Super Metroid is one of the most fun games ever made.

No you fucking faggot its called a joke.Whats with all these autists that think everyone is out to trick them?

>grappling hook trick
>not obliterating it with one headbutt

This user and OP are both correct.

So hard to pick just one!Super Mario World I guess.It was one of the first videogames I ever played.After the first Mario Bros.

I loved that game!I still have a copy of it.

Top shelf gaming right here


tutorial level done correctly

Sony's lazy Zelda 64 version. It's still fun, but it's diet Rogue Galaxy.

>tfw it's never going to be the same

Yeah, going mainstream is the worst thing that ever happened to the genre



Wall jump was easy for me

What's so good about this game? I'm genuinely curious.

You can't get a justifiable answer out of superfags

They dont even know why theyre so autistic over it outside of shouting atmosphere and walljump

Not if you enjoyed AM2R for the controls. Super feels comparatively slow and clunky and takes a long time getting used to

It's a special kind of hell.
Blizzard did a skill crunch for all the classes in Legion, making it so your don't need five hotbars. Made it feel more GW-esque with rotations being like five keys.
But nothing can replace that void. Nothing.

>says he quit the game because he couldn't kill Draygon
>had to resort to instakill
>suggest bluesuit as an alternative
you're not very smart.

original Deus Ex.
not flawless, but so much ridiculous better than the sum of its parts or than what anybody would have ever expected.

> would also accept either Thief 1/2

First two chapters can boring to replay and it's not the best FPS by any means, but everything else comes together as a great experience for me.

25 years old and I still play this game... this is for sure my favorite.

honorable mentions:
super mario 1&3
super mario world
super metroid
doctor mario
zelda: a link to the past
pokemon blue&red

>post what you think is the best game ever made
>it's not the best FPS by any means


This will be my answer until the day I die.

I literally can't find one flaw.

Text book example on how to breath life into a classic series. masterwork vidya at it's finest.

I liked Corruption the most. I can still hear the music.

I wouldn't say best game ever.

But by far greatest vidya OST of all time. Nothing beats it.

Fuck you