Pokemon Go is in 15th place now

>Pokemon Go is in 15th place now
What the fuck went wrong?

It was last month's flavor of the month

it's 9th actually, and still no1 top grossing in the app store, nothing went wrong, it's making mad money

even normies can see that it's not a game

>okay i got all these monsters
>now what?

that's what happened.

It's not a game

It's #15 on top grossing


Flavor of the month, no actual depth to it, Niantic actively removing real features because they can't get their servers to work otherwise.

I'd say those are the Top 3. My brother actually put in a refund for all the money he had spent through itunes after they removed the step tracking, and hasn't touched it since.

This. The only reason I'm still playing is my pokedex is at 95 and I want to get it to 100 for ocd reasons.

Once you stop seeing new Pokemon there's nothing to do. Gym battles are stupid.


Well because it's a Pokemon game to play outside using your phone, the premise is awesome, but the game itself is shit, it just trashes all the good stuff from the core series.

No battles against wild pokemon, training your pokemon means farming the same one over and over, taking over gyms are useless unless you have super powerful pokemon and can hold many gyms at the same time to get some significant amout of gold, the interaction between players is nonexistent, you can't even challenge people for battles (not that this would be a huge deal since the battles are just mashing your phone screen instead of thinking about your turns).


it´s a glorified singleplayer experience. You cant battle other players or see players searching in the same place that you.

Data drain

I don't get it. when i see a pokemon on my screen in the app, i just click it and it goes into battle. i don't have to be directly next to it, so what are those people doing?

Because everyone already downloaded it.

I haven't thought of this shit for like a week. It's done.

What a flavor, though. Holy shit.

Niantic captured a whole goddamn lightning storm in a bottle and then just forgot to put the cap on.

Dude snapchat, facebook, etc have been 1-2 on the charts for years, that isn't an excuse

it's over

Shit was nuts a few months ago, but it died down like I thought. Passing fad

Because in terms of gameplay and actual content, it's one of the most barebones game on the market

you're so fucking stupid, holy shit

pick up a dictionary

Niantic was handed a golden goose and they decided to beat it with a bat instead.

Remember this?
Me neither.

I remember 2 days of amazing pictures.

Millennials have ADHD. They can't get a career, move out their parents home, or grow out of their manchild habits.

That's still REALLY good


still lots of kids everywhere running around playing it

what was the guy even trying to do?


>Banned by botting accounts

Fuckers deserved it. They bit the hands that fed them and now they lost their only loyal customer.

I still play it.

>wonder why a pokemon game with no depth only last a month


>buying coins
>loyal customers

ded game

normies just move to the next hotshit

Normies have the attention span of a fly. They're into one fad one week then move on to the latest fad the next. It's not rocket science.

>broke tracking
>blocked trackers
>didn't communicate with audience until AFTER it did A and B
>held a comic con panel where the nerdist cunt pat their backs for 30 minutes and answered all 4 questions with "I dunno lol use lucky eggs thx."
>charged for microttansactions to buy items that would be flushed down the toilet because of server issues.
>app was abysmally optimized, buggy as shit

>despite all og these things, got insanely popular, and did NOTHING with the near infinite goodwill it gained. Just the fucking silent treatment. Unless you're Soulja Boy, then you tweet him once.
Hmmm my I wonder what went wrong...?


Playing a new game called Cum and Go

Not kidding but more botters buy coins than you think to speed up progress even more.
I have 2 bots and now asking for 40$ refund.

Everyone has it so there is less people to download it.

Everyone who wants it has it.

Is there a name for this stuff?

Focus on banning users for using IV calculators rather than making content.

Everyone who wanted it has got it already, plus a lot of people who do have it are bored as the novelty has worn off.

fuck off redditor

yep, fake.
sorry buts its true

fucking whiteknights I swear

pretty acurate analogies desu senpaitachi

Didn't launch with actual important features.


>Passing fad
It's going to die before the damn accessory even hits store shelves.

>drains battery
>catch rates reduced since launch
>no Pokemon in the actual wilderness; fields where you'd expect a fuckton of Pidgey, Caterpie, and Rattata are barren while cities are drowning in them
>no trading
>gyms are the only way to get coins without paying
>no point in powering up Pokemon before reaching 20
>ONE candy per Mon sent to the Professor, regardless of level, evo stage, etc.
>no Bulk Transfer option
>getting a Mon with the right IVs and moveset can take Korean MMO levels of grinding
>battles are reduced to a tapping frenzy
>no in-game way to check IVs

prove it aspie

Key features removed

This, pretty much. I think it's still doing far above average and I still see people out playing it to this day, but the fervor is definitely on the downturn. Niantic could've kept it up for longer if they had made the right moves, but they decided to pretend nothing was wrong and say absolutely nothing for such a long time.

Now anything they do will be too little too late. There will still be a sizable following, but a large section of the original player base has dropped off.

not sure

For me:
>have to leave the app open when j go for a run to have the steps count towards eggs, it's too hot outside (100F) and phone overheats
>no Apple Watch support (it's great for what I use it, but make fun if you must)
>same Pokemon over and over

Will def come back once they release Gen 2 and 3. After that idk.

They released a beta version when they should have waited until it was done. Imagine the shitstorm it would have been if pogo had came out and worked perfectly from the get go.


W-whats the aftermath?

>he spent money on items in this """"""""game"""""""

Well, quite literally everybody and their mother downloaded it already, and it's not like you need to download it multiple times. It's still shit though

My autistic sister does nothing but play this pointless, repetitive, shallow and empty """game."""

Got thrown out.

For me it was the fact that gyms are fucking stupid, mixed with when they took out the battery saver function for one update and put it right back in. Gyms are nothing but teams constantly overturning each other and I don't have the time nor energy to camp a gym for such a worthless payout. Paired with the fact that there's no real goal aside from maybe filling the Dex I just got bored with it.

She came on him for revenge

lying on the internet
baka senpai

_ ____ __ ____ ____ ____ !

>no substantial updates
The game is literally catch pokemon and then capture gyms to catch more pokemon.
Catch all the pokemon? Go catch some more, don't you want your level to be higher? So you can capture gyms? To capture pokemon?
Ad nauseam

I just wanted the game to literally be pokemon stadium. Some people had also pointed out that if the paying feature involved the core mechanics it was also kind of retarded. I mean it'd be like if megaman needed you to buy bullets in order to shoot enemies. It's pretty ridiculous, and while it doesn't feel that way to city players; the rural scene is fucking dead in the water.
Not to mention the fact that pokemon have specific spawn locations.

Bottom line is: everything in the game could have been done better. - THE GAME

I threw up a little bit calling it a game


Still use it.

No content. Poor battling system.