Was Borderlands 2 well-written?
Was Borderlands 2 well-written?
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>Written by Anthony Burch
Do you see the problem now?
I'm going to go with no
Much better than Borderlands 1 that's for sure.
It was alright
Tina Dungeon > TORGUE > Pirate Booty > Sir Hammercuck
Crawmerax Son beach was top fucking comfy
Bordlrands 1 wasn't even written, it was just there.
I felt like the outline for the story was well done, on the main game as well as the DLCs, but the actual writing for them was mostly garbage.
Memes aside it was pretty good for a video game, but the bar is so low in this industry so it doesn't mean much.
I didn't even realize till the other day Torgue's voice actor was Mr. Satan
It sounded so familiar
>vault hunters get repeatedly shot, hit, burned etc throughout the game without so much as flinching
>roland dies from one bullet to the back
nope but the dlc content was, still waiting on 3 just hope leveling isn't shit like 2
good taste
>Handsome Jack, president of Hyperion, tries to kill the vault hunters
>Any killed Vault Hunters respawn at a Hyperion-made checkpoint
You approach Fyrestone and this guy lands in front of you
What do you do?
Angel hacked them
I honestly loved this one bit.
400 Anarchy and let the lead wind blow.
I woud be lying I I said I didnt like the whole Attack on Core Angel arc. shit was great... then right after everyone was back to being silly billies. It was a hell of a whiplash.
I hated the writing. Especially Jack.
Oh boy just you wait. I got a super duper awesome plan to kill you all.
It's coming my super awesome plan to kill you.
Oh man, you're going to be so surprised when I put my plan into action
AH HA! I got you. You never saw it coming.
You may have gotten away but I'll get you later.
any story that ends the moral of the story is youre a total bitch is great
>ripping on a game while he posts something that has worse animation then food fight
How hilarious / You just set off my trap card / Your death approaches
Handsome "totally not Micheal Ian Black" Jack was okay until ten minutes in where he went from kinda funny to lolorandomohilariouso!
Felt forced and shitty, game didn't need a story.
This is gold
I feel like the only person who didn't like the Torgue dlc.
he got even worse when he's trying to be all dramatic and it comes off as cringe
especially when the game has a character remind you that Jack lies a lot, because the player is retarded and wasn't able to understand the "lolikillppl4fun" dude is evil
Tina dungeon was fucking radical.
What are some other games where I can shoot skeletons with guns?
If your excuse is
>Final boss
>Tiny Tina
then fuck you
A story would have been fine if it was good. Also the person who wrote it really had a thing for the first game considering all the characters they kill off or have horrible things done to them. Also Jack's death was so anti climactic. After killing the big monster he just stands there until you shoot him once and he dies. Fucker should have been captured, beaten by the people of Sanctuary and tied to a runner to be dragged around until there was nothing left of him.
Borderlands 2 has one of the best soundtracks in video games. THERE I SAID IT.
>Borderlands 1 establishes solid game lore
>Memelands 2 shit all over it and retcons it because lol I never played the first a just read the wiki
Kill Anthony "Faggot" Burch
Fun game, but god no. The writing is just.... it's like a transcript of a 15 year old girl's conversation.
TTD was the best dlc I ever played, it wasn't overly cringy and tried to do the best with what they had.
>There are actually people care about the story and not the loot and gameplay
Even the game itself told you "shoot first,talk later" and "Loot everything"
Nothing wrong with liking Jesper Kyd, family.
Really? I don't remember it being bad or even mediocre, but I don't really remember a single song. Until you post the one that makes me say "Oh shit, I remember that."
No. It's story was functional, it had a beginning, a middle and an end. However, it lacked any really strong main or supporting themes. Things happen, but none of it is really thematically related. Its attempts at comedy are trying too hard in my opinion relying on being "wacky" and pop culture references that were dated before the game even came out. And unfortunately its good and sometimes excellent soundtrack which has some really good atmospheric and action fitting tracks, are in direct conflict with it's lowest common denominator humor and sometimes theme park like atmosphere. As a story it's overdone and uninspired.
how dare they try to make their game unique
>you will never have the feeling of walking into Fyrestone and hearing this for the first time ever again
go to bed burch
not an argument
Being an FPS Diablo with cel shading already sets it apart from other games.
Burch is an aweful writer that poisons everything he touches.
No, they could have made their game unique with the same kind of writting but WAY less forced, instead we get meme jokes every 2 sentences.
This is another game that I don't get the hate for on this board. It's a very tongue-in-cheek game and never implies that the story was intended to be incredibly deep. Borderlands 2 was an excellent game for what it was but Sup Forums hates it for not being what it wasn't.
it's like 5 autists who spam the same opinions every thread.
most people like it because it's a fun game that has funny writing despite Burch being a retard.
You probably won't remember them, but I'll post a few that I really enjoyed
I'm with you, man. I was thoroughly unimpressed with Borderlands 1 but this one had me hooked. Really glad I gave it a second chance.
>tfw Anthony Burch will not have anything to do with Borderlands 3
Sometimes I wonder what would've happened if Mike Neumann didn't have a stroke and wrote 2.
>not maining krieg
top kek
Its gonna be so good mang.
I loved rolands death and jack gets all serious and shit. I fucking LOVED that. THEN HE GOES BACK TO DOING STUPID SHIT
>shoot first, talk later
Good thing it has all those mandatory several minutes long conversations.
I'm hitting the level 40 wall in BL2, unlike BL1 this is pretty much the moment when the game stop being funny right?
that's what /v told me with infographs and damage scaling curves. tell me it's not true, I don't know if I can stand one more playthrough being one shooted
Was it good?
only if you like memes and incredibly contrived dialogue
Wrong thread sorry
Because it feels cynical. They're just trying so fucking hard to make appeal to "you" and "your humour" all while trying to mix it with fucked up backstories and edgy shit.
You can delete your own posts, bro.
Fuck Ultimate True Vault Hunter mode. It was unfair garbage.
>level cap is 65
>enemies still 1 shot you at the very beginning of the game
>enemies are fucking impossible.
I'd say it was worse then playing through the pre sequel as claptrap. I thought they'd at least make him decent BUT HES UTTER TRASH.
I always wondered what Radar did after M.A.S.H
I didn't take it that way.
Humor is subjective btw.
you're a faggot
The characters are cringey. It doesn't really have much going for. Borderlands 1 was borderlands with barely any story and that was ok. The wackiness turned up to 11 just makes it plainly unlikeable.
Hi Burch
you're anti-art
>There are actually people care about the story and not the loot and gameplay
well they jam their terrible dialogue down your throat constantly so its kind of hard to just overlook it and enjoy the game
>Not 72
I'm anti shitty art
Flavor text is not how you make something unique.
>being anti-creative
>being a blatant faggot and having absolutely no writing talent = art
Typical shithead.
not sure about the story but the game itself was very good, the story was good to say the least but not excellent
Art is art, no matter how shit it is.
Trying to make it more generic is not a good thing.
I cant even get myself to go trough TVH mode, I just did normal run of the game, then TVH for the DLCs
please no aon, I don't want to abandon every char after TVHM,
changing subjects, how do I get golden keys now? shift codes are not working for me
>Being an artsy-fartsy faggot
Trying to make it better is a good thing.
Removing shitty writing is a good thing.
Stop being a fucking obtuse piece of shit faggot.
Get your ass gone, Burch!
But she couldn't hack Roland back?
>I want it to be generic trash rather than unique trash
commit suicide.
not an argument
NewU stations are noncanon :^)
Roland dies after you kill Angel.
The story fell apart the moment they decided to cut the line of dialogue where jack tells you he poisoned wilhelm so you could easily get the hackable power core. From there it's just a shit show, the big death wall you disable only to have Bricks buzzers fly RIGHT OVER THE FUCKING CANYON while Roland narrated his climb into control core angel (how the fuck did HE get past the voice and bio signature door?!) and then Lilith just decides to be a dumb cunt and rub it in your face that those three missions you did, especially the one that cost mordecai his bird (which by the way bloodwing was retconned to be a female) was just so the three of them could traipse in inexplicably. It's not like Lilith phase shifted THE ENTIRETY OF FUCKING SANCTUARY before, so if she was gonna be a disobedient cunt, the least she could've done was phase you into the control core. Oh, and then just to add fuck you to suck my dick, they have the fucking nerve to further draw out this fuckheap of a story by raising a drawbridge blocking your path to borderlands 1 town, so Brick, in all of his infinite wisdom, decides not to just have his slabs fly you over, but instead go and get some dynamite so they can bomb the bridge. Finally there's the giant door into Heros pass, while you get to sit there and giddy in delight at yet another session of claptrap verbal diarrhea, brick and mordecai are raiding some Hyperion armory for an infantry carrier.
Long story short, 90% of the retardation in this games story comes from doors. Like that door blocking you from getting into the fridge, I wonder why my fire grenade doesn't work for melting it? Oh of course, it's not plot fire.
No one wonders if gearbox regrets that they best selling game its all about getting guns? semi realistic to boot
Best girl is the hyperion voice lady
it doesn't matter how many years I've read this, will never stop being amused by this.
>not an argument
They weren't arguing. They telling you to leave.
The only unique thing about Borderlands is that it is the only game series where every single line of dialogue make me cringe.
booty salads
>telling me to leave because you can't refute my posts
Humor is subjective.
>Humor is subjective.
I feel bad for that girl, she had to say that just because a jerkass said so
prove it isn't.
>this 1 butthurt faggot
I hate MOXXI so HARD
Is this the worst offense in Burch era Borderlands?
Moxxi is okay. It's funny when her hick accent slips through and she freaks out because she tries so hard to act like she isn't.