Does your mom hate video games?

Does your mom hate video games?

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I don't live with my parents, so I wouldn't know

You can't just ask her?

she's in a different continent and I don't have her phone number

Sauce? I don't remember reading this

So no /ss/ then?

I still have no idea what /ss/ is



Fucking this.

iqdb and google ain't helping, gonna need a sauce my good man

You're still an innocent soul. leave this dreadful, foul place while you still can.

Rubba dub dub, thanks for the grub

Straight shota

I've been here for 6 years and the /ss/ shit is new to me


basically a young male (child) having sex with an older female woman
finding it hot is really gay because it's at least in part to a young boy


straight shota I think

Iqdb isnt good for manga

Some manga made by the guy who okusan i think. Dont bother tho the mom has a bangin body but the face of an asian betty boop

Nope she actually plays CoD and other fps shit.


>finding it hot is really gay because it's at least in part to a young boy

Why is that a problem? I always see people say /ss/ is really fucking terrible and people drop certain anime or manga because of it.

you know why i'm here

Who is that and why is she making out with a 7 year old?

Because enjoying any pornography involving a penis is gayballs.


Found it through google easy familia.

because it's fucking gay

fuck, why do I have a boner?

>you will never make out with prime Demi Moore as a young boy

Is there even a purpose to life?

lmao pedo fag

shouldn't that attitude lead to people abandoning all porn with dicks in it in general then? seems like dumb logic to me

>you've promised me that, don't you?

at least read a translation by a gook who actually knows English

gonna need to apply my game then, is it worth it?

This can't be the reason. Being a homophobe is the reason people hate /ss/?

>calling that making out
your at least not hugless right?


doujin is Between Heaven And Hell

its not on sadpanda though

>using the word homophobe while on Sup Forums
please go away

The boy is actually 15.

fag alert

i just posted a bunch of porn in that trump thread, just checking to see if im banned or not.

Its okay nothing special

im not afraid of gay people

because google reverse image search is relative to your search history you fucking mong

What games do you play with your mom?

>recording a camwhore to fap to later
>mom walks in
>user help me with dr layton puzzle!
>start looking at it
>she sits beside me
>looks directly at the camwhore
>eventually figure out the puzzle
>thanks user
>youre welcome

she also likes dr mario, candy crush, some kind of sock game on facebook, a kind of cat game on her phone, and the wii


Putting honorifics on English words is retarded and rephrasing to avoid honorifics isn't translating, it's localizing.

I call it "make user's tinkly-winkly sprinkly"

billy d on the big Sup Forums

>Being this anally annihilated about hentai drawings

you are my oprah, user

I don't mind that kind of shit too terribly much, but it all depends on context

Look at Persona, those games make absolutely no goddamn effort to hide that they take place in Japan (except for the PS1 one, anyway), so having everyone be all "Yosuke-kun" and shit makes sense.

But to add to your point, when that shit is left in where it doesn't belong, it drives me up a fucking wall.

>Watched the Monster Musume anime
>Master Master Master Darling Master Master
>Went and read the manga because I heard it was a lot better
>Not only do I get all these uncensored boobs and asses, every girl actually has a unique nickname for the MC instead of them all calling him master

>Eddie Puss

That's actually pretty clever.

thanks anons


Game of fuck your step-dad.

Now that's MAKE A WISH!

That's great but where's the mother x daughter hentai


>mfw I actually edged for two hours with a 43 year old woman this morning

too much ass

Where the holy grail is


>not enough ass
just gonna fix your post no need to thank you me

I don't like this meme. Please refrain from posting it.

Nintendoâ„¢ games

Thanks my man

If the roles were reversed the guy would be imprisoned and shunned from society for the rest of his life. Why is what she's doing allowed?

My mom is dead.

Tell us more user.

I'm sorry for your loss user

How did she get away with this

Because they're both teenagers.

>Ali Rapp
>Tattoos on woman's arms
The stuff of nigthmares.

>43 year old woman

anything above 29 is too old, dude
unless of course you're around her age

Well this explains why she married a much younger man.

You cannot translate from one language to another without some of what you're referring to as "Localization". Things are always lost in translation. This is unavoidable. What's important is making sure the important stuff makes the trip and that you don't mess with the original meaning of the work as much as possible

As an example, the sentence in the original Japense almost definitely did not have this kid call his mother "Mom" in English. Putting in a word from a foreign language where it clearly does not belong and was not present in the original isn't translation or localization, it's just fucking retarded.

shut the fuck up you crying fucking retard. gas yourself.

>going out with a 33 year old woman who looks like she's still in her mid 20s


>arm tattoo that's not a sleeve

fucking DROPPED

>mfw I was 22 I was having regular sex with a 38-year-old who still wore bullshit like hello kitty panties and shit with skulls on it because she didn't want to accept she was middle-aged

Was yours at least mature user

International star, in an obviously scripted event. There's no chance a kid would look that goofy if the blond one is his mother.


>33 year old woman who looks like she's still in her mid 20s

does that include her vagoo?

I want to be like you user. Tell me your secrets.

What the hell is a vagoo? Do you mean vagina?

Found the homosexual.

If the woman is still up for it, she's still good you idiot.

Woah, don't be so triggered there, mate. I was just making an observation.

>Go to shitty online chatroom a few weeks ago
>see shitty name gone with the wind reference name
>"lol lets message it"
>conversation is actually very nice
>the woman wants phone sex and shit
>kinda weirded out but sure ok
>Actually sounds like a woman and orders me to masturbate for her
>uhhh ok
>Cum kinda early but she says its ok
>Calls me again the next day and the next and the next
>3 days ago she tells me she is going to see a relative and my city is along the way
>Dropped by at 5 am in the morning
>5'4 red headed milf with a great ass
>Cuddled me slowly and teased me for 2 hours without letting me cum
>have had little no sleep afterwards and work today sucks
>May never her see her again but I loved every fucking moment of it




Awesome dude, good on you.

not him but that's not true, most people have standards unless you're really desperate

Yes it does. It's tight and feels like it's barely been busted through. She told me she's only ever dated 2 guys.

Met her at my job in marketing department for a fashion company. I honestly thought she was the same age as me. It wasn't until our second date that she told me how old she was. She thought I wouldn't want to see her anymore but I have a thing for older women.

>mom played video games a lot before I was born
>still played fairly often after, as well, and fucking loved puzzle games
>remember her and my older brothers having daily competitions playing Tetris on the N64 to see who could get the high score
>years later, she's basically entirely abandoned video games because 3D makes her dizzy, and it's easier for her to access popcap games like Peggle
>I mention the Wii Virtual Console during some dinner conversation
>She asked if they had Solomon's Key
>Tell her they do and she gets super excited
>Over the next few weeks, she beat the entire game, top to bottom

It was pretty nice to watch my mom play video games again.