Buyers remorse thread

Buyers remorse thread

>Mirror's Edge

Oh... it's a bait thread. Move along

Mirror's Edge was shit


This is obviously a bait thread but I'll go ahead and post a real one.

I'm still mad.


I can't get more than 2 hours in, I was trying to play it like a stealth game and it's just impossible in the first few areas.

Playing AP as a stealth game isn't hard, in fact it's the most broken mechanic after putting a few points in.

The game's plot, characters and dialogue system are good but everything else is a fucking mess.

>48 hours
It's a little late for that friend

>have genuine remorse


>you can't hate games you've put x amount of hours into
I really hate this meme. It's either you can't say you hate it because you've only put 5 minutes into it or you can't hate it because you put 48 hours into it

>5 minutes in bulletstorm
>21 minutes in RF:G
not enough time to really gauge those games, you should at least beat the first level before you decide it's shit

>Eurotruck simulator 2

Kill yourself.

why do you keep buying survival games you idiot!

>Binary Domain
Either you have shit taste or your computer is a potato.

>didn't like JC2 multiplayer mod
well why the fuck not?

XCOM: Enemy Unknown
Boring as hell, the gameplay is completely retarded with most units shooting through walls.

>736 hours played
>buyer's remorse

I'd say you passed the buyer's remorse threshold about 730 hours ago, bud

I had a lot of fun with JC2 multiplayer mod.

It was probably my last enjoyable gaming experience.

Was too buggy at the time and I played it only for an hour or so.

I didn't say it was bad. It just wasn't for me you implicating fuck.


what the fuck is this retarded concept

you can regret buying a game no matter how much time you've put in it

maybe he regrets it especially because he put 700 hours in, ever think of that?

Got cucked by GFWL with Bulletstorm and I heard it's a dudebro game anyway.

RF:G was just annoying.

I have remorse. End of story.

>plays video games
>thinks he has taste

My PC is fine. All those games are just terrible.

Just fucking kill yourself, m8.

>heard it's a dudebro game anyway
it's like gears of satire, it's fucking great

>rfg was just annoying
>the tutorial mission was annoying
it has some of the best destruction physics of that generation, you should play it for longer than the "here's how to swing your hammer" part


you do the same my man

If you regret it why do you continue playing it? This is a pretty fucking simple concept, go play something else that you don't regret buying.

Maybe I'll look into bypassing that GFWL bullshit and give it a go then.

Everything. I'm wasting my life.

>last played 2014
I think he did


look at the picture. that's the last time I played it.

>2 hours in dark souls
couldn't figure out how to beat the taurus demon?


I spent more time perfecting it with mods than actually playing the game. Got probably halfway through Undead Burg then realized I wasn't having fun, seems like a waste with how much time I spent modding and tweaking it.

Payday 2.

Never, ever, fucking buy a game under the premise of "all my friends are playing it!".
Especially if your friends are normies with shit taste.

game kept crashing, couldn't be bothered to continue after the 8th time
plus, what little I played was fucking boring

brink bois WW@

>didn't make it to the first boss or really "wow" exploration moment
>I duinno I just wasn't having fun
You know how shows have a 3 episode rule? Games should have a 3 level rule, you fags give up right before they start getting good.

I bought it years ago and I never even installed it. Same as ARMA and DayZ.

I guess that's a regret.

try Dirty Bomb

>bought a bunch of cheap sim games for $1.99 on BundleStars
>none of them even work
>can't remove them from my library

i've heard good and bad about dirty bomb

shill it to me user

>The missile launch mission for security
That was next to impossible

>another buyers remorse thread
>the same old fucking games keep getting reposted even though Sup Forums globally acknowledges them as complete failures
>but l-let me r-r-repost it, someone will talk to be this time!

>game doesn't bother getting good until hours in

this is supposed to be a defense of Dark Souls?

highly skill based speedy fps with a similar movement system to brink

the two starter characters are arguably the best in the game

it's free on steam just give it a shot

>undead burg
>hours in
it takes 30 minutes TOPS to get to taurus demon, I have no idea how you spent hours and didn't at least make it there.

you can hide them

well if its free i dont have anything to lose compared to brink

thanks user

>stealth does nothing, enemies hit me from miles away regardless of cover
>apparently the steam version is broken and requires an unofficial patch
>download patch
>no saves except for beginning of level, now other shit is broken too
>go to forums, people have been complaining about these bugs with the mods since 2015
Well fuck.

Yes you can fag

>Total War

Fucking kill yourself

Because the game kept on crashing. Again, couldn't be bothered to find a fix and continue when I just didn't find the game interesting enough.

far cry 1 never had proper stealth

Just bought chronicles of Mystara for some local co-op since we couldn't get the fightcade/MAME one to support more than 2 players. Any experience with this one? Haven't gotten a chance to test controllers, but apparently it's wonky?

dsfix takes 5 seconds to install, you literally extract it into the folder with darksouls.exe and it fixed 99% of the problems with the PC port

>"Buyers" remorse

6 years later and I still regret that $50

I doubt anyone else even knows what this shit is

This is just a bad taste thread holy shit

key bundles are my remorse.

I did install dsfix. Look, stop getting defensive because some people didn't like your overrated game.

nigga how old are you?

itails is that you?

> Numen: Contest of Heroes

My brother in remorse. I pre-ordered the game and everything.

>didn't read the instructions for dsfix
>left antialiasing on causing the game to crash
>complains about it being broken
you didn't get far enough to judge the quality of the game, we all know it's a shit port but the game itself starts getting really fucking good after you stop dying like a scrub to everything


Awww shit

Whatever you say, faggot

The thing is, this is so widespread I can't even fathom what games you actually enjoy.

I'm willing to believe you're real.

You're just finicky as hell about what games you do and don't like, and a game that could be shit to the rest of the general public you'll eat up while a classic you'll want your money back on.

With Steam refunds it's getting harder to believe this shit is legit to begin with. If you really regretted that much you wouldn't care to show how little you spent on it, you'll refund and move on.

>after you stop dying like a scrub to everything

Why do you assume this? The game was crashing, you fucking retard.

I also assumed you left AA on, I'm just going to assume you die because everyone dies their first time

Last time jews and friends hyping stuff ever got me.

Off the top of my head the only regret I can think of is the Star Wars pack. The one with all the Dark Forces stuff. Not because of the games, I fucking love the games, but because the Steam versions don't even fucking work.

A friend bought this for me. I feel bad. There was no NA players even at launch though. Easily the deadest game I've ever played. It wasn't originally on steam. It used the Trackmania launcher.

that game was fucking awesome, terrorist hunt was god tier.

>Killing Floor
But that's my favorite shooter. What don't you like about it? Lack of PvP? Very few games get gunplay right in the same way the first killing floor did.

You fucks know NOTHING of remorse.

Sword of the Stars 1 was fantastic. I played it a fuck ton and enjoyed it. Which is why I pre-ordered the sequel.

The sequel is still unplayable to this day. Its not just that its a horrible game, you literally cannot play it in any real capacity due to how broken everything is.

There is no greater remorse.

Who could forget HiRez's first betrayal.

Look at his times. He's barely touched even half of that shit.

You're just a Sup Forums gamer. Not actually interested in playing games, just interested in talking about them.

>le REAL gamer

not him but
I take the time to put at least an hour or two of gameplay into a game before I up and say it's complete shit.

>78 hours
Sounds like you got salty at other people killing you in the end :^)

Absolutely boring

nah nigga that game is top tier

you retards dont seem to know the difference between disliking a game and regretting buying a game

you can hate a game youve put many hours in
you can not have buyers remorse for a game you put many hours in

>I really hate this meme.

Not that guy but it really is all kinds of retarded to say you hate a game after you played it so much.
There is a lot in between 5 minutes and 48 hours, if you play anything for more than 10-20 hours and then after that you say you hate it, it really does sound silly as shit.

Jesus dude let it go
Not everyone gets into ds, its okay, stop sperging

You absolutely can regret buying something or hate it after having played it extensively.

Say I put 2,000 hours into TF2, I can still regret buying all those hats.

Take Skyrim for example, the first 30 or so hours are magical, everything seems deep as shit and the quests are awesome and holy fuck dragon shouts that's amazing and then you start to realize how shallow everything is and stop liking the game so much.
You may even regret your purchase, even though other people might say you got your "money's worth" but that's a very subjective concept.

>Mirror's Edge

Feels good not being a retard who only buys good games. The only shit game in my library (Bioshock Infinite) was a gift from an user on Christmas. What a bro.

Fair enough, I can see how that could work with the games you mentioned.
Not really sure it applies to Bioshock Infinite though.

I feel your pain, OP

>Feels good not being a retard who only buys good games only buy shit games?

t. 14 year old wigga

I get where you're coming from, but I don't think bioshock infinite applies to that logic, it's very clear to tell what the game is from the start, it doesn't really change

Darksiders I and II

I meant "Who buys shit games". It's 10 PM and I'm dehydrated, forgive me user. Though you could argue most of my favorite games are shit

You might wanna work on your sentence structure before implying anyone else is a retard, buddy.

What are your favorite games?

>It's 10 PM and I'm dehydrated

I know its late and way past your bed time but I'm sure you could sneak downstairs and get a drink without your parents waking up.

That's only two playthroughs, it has some of the most shallow mechanics but the shooting was still alright for two separate playthroughs months apart.

One with my old computer and one on my new rig to appreciate graphics differences because I must admit it's a pretty good looking game

If I could have refunded it I most certainly would have, but instead I decided to play it again. I still regret buying it in the first place, that doesn't necessarily mean I don't like the game.