did you get my game yet Sup Forums? It actually has side-content this time!
Tales of Berseria
Waiting for PC.
going to on PC, qt3.14
>Grade Shop details:
>Shop Rank/ equipment proficiency
>Artes Count/Magic Wind Crystal
>Magic Ice Crystal/Magic Ignis Crystal Magic Steel/Silver Crystal
>Cuisine(Recipes)/Lumi Search(Search Ship thing)
>Neko Spin(those soul things that shows up in field)/Tales Coin
>Consumption Item/ Special Item
>Visual Items/Herb Growth
>Item Possession Expansion/Arte acquisition Rate of 2 times
>Always Wandering/Level up bonus
>Chara Changer/Half Experience
>Double Experience/Triple Experience
>Double Gald/Build Drop
>Strengthening Charge Half Price/Double Grade
Chara changer might mean skins from Xillia 2 are back or Narikiri dolls
Sorry bro waiting for the english release, but did you buy mine?
Rose was a mistake.
Dragons can not be purified even by Maotelus. Eizen sealed his fate by absorbing a dragon for Zaveid.
please leave
So do they cuddle or hug in the game or something?
Artorius did nothing wrong
>One of Zestiria's theme was about Dragons
>Berseria ends up having more Dragons
So garbage
At least he had like centuries of living before getting dragoned.
I want this meme to die
That's not what actually happening in that scene but I'll wait for you guys get it in English so I can shitpost about Zestiria even more.
That's kinda sad, so even Apple Dragon can't save the guy?
Every thread starts with this. Spoil me. What happened?
Is there really no PS3 English release coming over?
when the hell does Magilou join the party?
She asks him to take a bath with her, and also gives him apples. Still Eleanor gets farther with the shota since he sleeps inside her.
Correct, PS3 is practically dead over here
PS3 is more or less dead in the west now. PS3 has been out for almost 3 years
fucking bummer
PS4* has been out for almost 3 years
Oh does Eleanor actually armatize with him?
You know you can be useful and explain the scene instead of shitposting.
But you're a useless fuck that rather bitch than add actual discussion.
Character changer isn't anything fancy.
I don't think there's a reason to spoil. Basically Baba had a hard on for Rose's VA so Rose was the spotlight stealer of Berseria. She was praised left and right, was always right in a situation, etc. It was the reason why Zestiria had a bad reputation along with some other things. Meanwhile, Berseria so far looks amazing
I haven't played it still but I've even heard that Alisha's story was mostly about Rose than Alisha.
Would you fuck your aunt?
Not explaining it makes you worse than Baba.
I know most people here normally don't care much about the plot in these games, but I really liked the story in this game.
And they just killed another dragon without Laphicet tying to purify it.
Same. I feel bad for Velvet. She had a hard life.
Same, it was definitely one of the better ones we've seen in a while
I laughed than it become a skeleton instantly after beating it.
Didn't he make Alisha's VA apologize for his fuck up? It seems Zestiria was a huge power trip for him.
It's already out? How is it?
Yeah, I think it was at one of the tales fan festivals or something. I think Alisha's VA (Or it could have been Rose's I'm not sure) came on stage and apologized while Baba was either backstage or not there at all.
It's out in Japan. Western release should be aroud March 2017. General consensus says it's good, vastly superior over Zesteria
Better than Zesty. Everyone is related to Velvet.
I told you Velvet would make Tales great again. Self inserts and harem MCs please stay go.
Overall its pretty damn good.
Solid combat
No fucked up camera
good equipment/skill management and customization
decent length
judging by the streamer Ive been watching a decent amount of post game content
great characters
decent plot
good number of ingame costumes
60fps on PS4 and inevitably PC
can proper;y do multiplayer without restriction
dated visuals
reused assets(though not as bad as Xillia 2)
No proper ship control
bland towns
bland dungeons(they're a little better)
this one was better
This MA was so lazy even compared to the Xillia ones
Best girl.
It's going to make me cry when people make Jojo jokes over Eizen's repeated punching
It was Rose's VA, but the rest of this is correct.
why the fuck does eleanor have lost fon drive. are there even fonons in berseria
Honestly my first thoughts went to Master Asia and Domon
Don't sweat the small stuff user, it was obviously just a throwback.
it irks me because it's not even reusing assets,it's lacking creativity
Same reason Rokurou has Jade Luminescence and Laphicet had Indignation.
Its just the one MA of the 4 she has, its not like sharing MA's is new, shit how many characters do you think have used Burning Phoenix or Indignation?
F-four MAs? holy shit
9999 def gimmick mob
3 solo and one dual she likely shares with Magilou(sp?)
Thats how many the Graces cast all had
Velvet is for _____
pretty sure some had five too
yeah but i wasn't expecting a post-graces tales game to have that many
Right. Thanks for clearing that up. It really is kinda fucked up that it seems Rose fucked a lot of things up for Zestiria
Just a throwback like anything not Aselia-Zestiria.
This constant paralysis is hilarious holy shit!
Having her smile protected.
While the death threats were going a bit far, him forcing the fucking VA to apologize for him was a whole new level of retardation.
Velvet is seriously the best tales protag since Yuri.
obasan fetish
All they needed was a protag who wasn't a well-intentioned young man with a strong sense of justice
No because it doesn't come out in NA until 2017
fuck off with your threads until then
for now?
literally kill yourself
anybody catch how leta was able to damage the giganto?
Fuck Sup Forums you made me think this game was out but its not.
hell fucking yes
but it is! in japan
Some of us are already playing it, your triple nigger.
Is there a bonus area for playing blackjack or some other type of gambling game, like the one Vesperia and Abyss had?
>dude I literally learned moonrune so I could play shitty weebgames!!!!
Laughing at you in real life right now
This boss right now is bullshit with paralysing
also paying even more just for importing games.
I still haven't started Xillia 2. on my like...3rd playthrough of Symphonia. idk man Tales is starting to get stale hard. I'd rather they just re-release Vesperia
sucky sucky
I'm not too sure but I think it may be from some kind of counter move Rokurou has.
Even this
>I j-just CAN'T WAIT to play muh yearly Tales installment! The story is s-so deep and amazing! It's definitely different every year!
no one has ever said this,shitposter. now go and stay go
Is Leta on twitch doing the post game now, or are they finished the main plot
post game, He finished the EX dungeon and is finishing up the other sidequests
not them but is that really that bad lol
so what they learned how to read a language to enjoy a hobby. so?
I get ripping on barney fags and bronies but dude, weebs just want to play vidya. don't hate just ask their impressions of the game good fucking lord you come off as more autistic than they do
Does Tales have autistic Sonic tier fans? I played Symphonia and Zestiria and the first was good and combat in the latter was still fun.
Hey shitpost-kun, if you're going to shitpost at least be informed that Tales is the one JRPG series no one will ever tell you to play for the story
An importer would be the last fucking person I would ask for an impression. I would rather look for a reviewer than an importer.
yep pretty much. Symphonia and Vesperia have ok stories I guess, but that's probably pushing it.
>Import reviewers don't exist
More like a lot of in-series faction shitters. There's Zestiriafags that are PC only and brush off criticism as "Alishafags", the one Legendanon that we leave alone, Vesperiafags that claim theirs isnthe pinnacle. The list goes on and I can't be damned to look for the picture. I wonder what will be put for Berseria. Probably anti-Baba fags claiming removing Baba saved the series or something. Honestly kind of true though.
That's even worse.
>OK story
Please tell me you're joking. Vesperia has one of, if not the worst story in the entire series, which is impressive when the series standard for plots is "mediocre"
Abyss is the only one with a worthwhile story,maybe symphonia too because it has the best sense of scale. Vesperia's felt too disjointed
Yeah, looking back it looks like it was Roku's counter.
twitch tv/leta_jp/v/84559856?t=0s
at 06:03:18ish