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What's his name?

My name's yeff

Reminder that Jason fucked a 13 year old and has a kid older than you guys


>Jason called in "sick" again for the podcast this week

I bet he's doing drugs and beating his child regularly.

what video game is this?

god he is fucking repulsive


Apparently he admitted to it on Danswers. I really want to listen to it but I don't want to spend 5 bucks just for one podcast.

Twilight Princess


Don't hate on Based Jeff.

What what whaaaaat


video games

brett, i'm pretty sure

Am I the only one who fucking hates Dan Ryckert and hopes he dies horribly?
I miss Ryan so much

>I look like a younger, skinnier version of Jeff.

I couldn't be more happy.


I wonder what compels the moderators of Sup Forums to allow such off-topic threads such as this to continue without being dealt with in the proper manner?

The only guy not to fall for the FF7R meme.

Mods stopped giving a shit months ago.

Better than the constant spam of Overwatch, No Man's Sky, and Pokémon threads.

Dan is an asshat but also kinda fun sometimes. I honestly don't get all the hate for him. Patrick and Austin on the other hand... good riddance! Also, fuck Alex. He makes me cringe so fucking bad.

Ryan was the best. GB will never return to it's former glory.

Nor the shenmue begathon


I wish the move over the NYC was permanent.

He's more tolerable on the beastcast than the bombcast for some reason.

people who expect anything out of that remake are the same normalfags and bandwagoners who get hyped about shit like no man's sky desu

yeah he's no one's fool

Jeff is hard hitting and a realist when it comes to video games and the industry. He spends all his time thinking about just how SHITTY everything this is all the time. I really don't know how that man puts up with all these STUPID video games made for kids. Ugh

It must be thatd jaded cynicism from being OBLIGATED to play video games for his occupation ingrained in his very being.
Or maybe he's still just reeling from the death of his friend, the only person in Giant Bomb to have any passion for video games.

I wish I was half as soulless and contrite as Jeff is so I didn't fall for so many MEME games like the FF7 remake or whatever


uhh don't you have easy allies for your fill of fake excitement reactions?

oh yeah

I have to go to the other end of the extreme with the Male Allies.
because those are the only two sides that exist
no grey areas on Sup Forums allowed


>you can't save everyone
>believe me, I tried

what did he mean by this?


he said "Fucker".... he seems.... hardcore....

What did he mean by this?

he seems to be echoing somethingawful goon sentiment

you see it a lot these days on twitter with SJWs who are also goons or ex-goons.



>these days
>this is from almost a full decade ago
>he also openly likes Japanese games and even multiple anime

I see fat people everywhere

Makes me wanna get fatter

have you any idea of how old somethingawful is?

oh my god
this is the most epic post in this thread


oh shit
he has his fists up
is he gonna get violent?
will there be bloodshed because of non-subs watching this awesome premium content without paying?
God, this is such an intense gif.
I'm glad you posted it on Sup Forums. It made my day.

Thank you.

has jeff done a jar time lately?

My buddy made this video like, nine years ago. It's finally relevant again.