
Well, that's how the Jews did it.

Other urls found in this thread:


This is why you should ignore hype.

It's Watchdogs all over again. Hope for the inevitable sequel to improve at least.

welcome to the real world user

even better

>the people you just robbed still suck your cock and come to your defence whenever someone tries to expose you

stockholm syndrome at its best

Why the fuck did he even do an interview without shoes on?

It just looked gross as fuck.

"Wow here's a great idea, lets just show my ugly ass feet off to get the point across that this is somehow a great game"

Apparently the interview was in his house.

But come on man, put some socks on at least.

Fucking disgusting faggot. I hope he gets in a car accident and burns to death.

>ugly ass feet
his feet actually look pretty great
yours on the other hand... yuck

Calm down Mr.Razorblade, that's real edgy

Fuck off foot faggot.

Ew, no. He looks like a hobbit that doesn't know how to trim his toenails properly.

>like a hobbit
>taller than 99.99% of Sup Forums

>toenails untrimmed
footfags pls go

>toenails untrimmed
only a footfag would notice such things
fucking disgusting
i was actually looking at the shape and tone of it 2bh
not overly veiny, not grossly misshapen, not too hairy it's pretty nice

>get bullied by steam friends everytime I launch NMS

guys stop

>only a footfag would notice such things
Anyone with eyes can notice those nails.

>i was actually looking at the shape and tone of it 2bh
not overly veiny, not grossly misshapen, not too hairy it's pretty nice
A true footfag. Please go

Post more of his cute feet


>No Mans Sky made close to 200 million in profit
Source? And don't tell me "it sold X amount of copies times $60". I'm assuming their marketing budget was something around 50 million, courtesy of Sony of course but I wouldn't be surprised if the actual profit was more than ten million

You don't sell your IP to the gamer, user. You sell it to the investors. Once they buy it, its popularity is practically guaranteed by their hand.

How else do you think all these subpar non-games are getting so much talk nowadays? the millennial trust fund babies are now able to use their parents' money for networking purposes and get their garbage published with no effort.

That's not stockholm syndrome. Not even close. It's more like a sunk cost fallacy.


i want to touch his feet

That's a cute foot desu

I'd suck his toes not even memeing

I fucking hate feet and I noticed that shit from the thumbnail.

I legitimately can't walk around my own hoise, alone, without socks. I sleep in socks. I fuck in socks. I've lost girlfriends because I will not fuck them if they are not wearing socks.

I try very hard to not even think about feet. When people bring up the word foot in conversation, I cringe. I clicked this thread solely to shitpost about disgusting fucking feet again. Typing this out makes my visibly fucking angry. I fucking hate feet.

So please fucking kill yourself.

Go in offline mode, you pussy bitch.

I think you might have a problem user

Was that image necessary?

2bh i think foot-phobia is even dumber than foot fetishism. they're just feet, they're fine.

No. It takes lies and bullshits and FUCKING MORONS WHO KEEP BUYING THIS SHIT.
Fucking seriously, people. You're literally buying games that don't even exist yet.