Miiverse thread.
Miiverse thread
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the GOAT
i really like this one
Little Tom will be an uncle one day.
truly causes one to ponder...
really makes u think
what a dumbass
really gets the synapses firing...
I'm triggered, this might be just on of you fuckers playing tricks but still.
truthfully spurs one to consider...
i truthfully barely understand this one
He's right
Certainly leads to analysis...
>that time of the month
>veiwers description advised
dunnno why but this is fucking hilarious
Every time
Wtf I hate that Samus guy now
truly results in ones running mind
>viewers description advised
he wants your input you retard.
isn't xbox about to get a miiverse rip off?
I am ready for fresh memes
What kind of grown man cries on twitter about children being mean to him?
I'll dump a few.
1/24 (might be less if people post them first)
Ryu hits hard but not as hard as my dad
Andrew Dobson is anything but a grown man.
Why are Nintendo fans autistic?
That makes no sense, uncle Tom is a term for a submissive niggers, not racists ya fukken moran.
Keep posting
marten loofer kang
I would imagine nintendo would moderate this pretty heavily. is that not the case?
All the classics
First time seeing this one. Post more
Nintendo is weird with this, I once posted on the Miiverse scenario in Smash "NOA A SHIT SHIT!" and nothing happened, but then I posted "TREEHOUSE IS RUN BY KEKS" and it got removed.
>Blocking people from Miiverse
I can only assume that Dobson's mindstate is deteriorating by the seconds.
You should see his twitter man
just depressing, it looks as if he's going to anhero and very soon I don't have anything against him but I sure love hearing about his antics
Saru, the hero we needed, but never deserved.
>haha I just got dizzy I'm fine
I fucking hate this little Adventure-Time-ripoff attention whore. God bless Saru.
the hero we need
>he draws himself like an AT character
christ die
seriously though, why hasn't anyone drawn that one splatoon girl giving birth? i have needs
Use the proper 三点リーダー -> …
And add な at the end. It just feels somehow incomplete without it.
Jesus Christ.
You dont need that.
Miiverse is truly a gem.
no mario
it's not even generic AT, its more like the tumblr cesspit that somehow managed to gain sentience after being exposed to too much AT and steven universe. it all makes me physically cringe
there are kids like this growing up thinking SU is art. the future of cartoons is essentially a zombie situation now
It really isn't, ever since the first threads popped up Sup Forums has been making fake "funny" shit there. You can't be sure what's genuine and what isn't anymore which just makes it lame
no mario
And it's only getting worse.
>less than a minute ago
>1 minute ago
>2 minutes ago
you're all fucking faggots
AT doesn't own a trademark on shitty art
This makes me want to kill myself.
Did he make black people slaves
>wah modern art is bad
You are a hundred years too late my man
>tfw everytime i eat lucky charms i have to be reminded of this
how funny you bring up this box, as THIS box is what i think of every time i ponder the rapidly approaching death of cartoons as art. this box really gets the shit out of me
i really love lucky charms too, its so hard to live this way
no mario
SU is good though
>a bloo bloo tumblr calarts I wish cartoons were like the 90s again
I work at a grocery store where we have a sale if you buy 4 boxes of cereal. I have to see this spaghetti-limbed Irish motherfucker multiple times a day.
>tfw Tony the Tiger has been the exact same for almost 20 years now
He's still GREAT you faggots
Anyone got that one where a Sup Forumsermin got BTFO by a literal child?
The "go be a stink" one.
>implying im not talking about the severe degradation experienced when art culture regurgitates itself in such a way that merely optimizes, not progresses, the art it represents as a whole, resulting in vapid content that represents nothing and bears no historical, cultural or artistic value and only goes so far as to parrot poisonous social ideologies and not even teach anyone an important value or lesson
go jack off to rebecca sugar's cp hoarde
if you're that affected by something as minute as lucky fucking charms, you honestly should kill yourself.
no mario
I like this.
you are terrific, sir
>SU is good
a tumblr cookie cutout autism factory and two negros designed by a rich white girl based on what she thinks of darkies abuse a little boy who has no choice but to become a little girl due to alien lineage, lots of anime ref. also
>not finding a problem in school prestige and affluence allowing people who otherwise wouldn't receive the time of day positions in the field
k i guess. your corporate life, your corporate choice
>there will never be a cartoon as badass as Batman TAS ever again
fuck these cuck cartoons
no mario
kill me mario
You can spew buzzwords all you want it doesn't change the fact it's a good cartoon.
no mario
yes i do
Miiverse really is special. Even with people trying to be funny by imitating screencaps you can tell there are still actual children and actual autists. It's also funny whenever you see drawings that shouldn't be allowed but the moderators never find. You see some weird shit in the communities for any game that has stickers you can add to drawings.
>3D World having a dust cloud stamp
>So many Miiverse posts making characters fart
Did Sup Forums the musical ever finish doing a parody of every little shop of horrors song?
I sometimes ponder if Dobson is more autistic than Chris-chan
I've seen a post with Bearded terrorist Toad about to push the button and explode himself with this caption, "Sorry Mario, but the 72 virgins are in another castle!"
Anyone have this one?
now I have to see it
No one will ever be more autistic than Chris-chan.
Dobson's problem is that he's stubborn and doesn't realize his own faults and thinks everyone's out to troll him for no reason. Instead of stepping back and trying to improve himself, he plugs his ears and goes "LALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU" any time someone tries to offer him constructive criticism, then blocks them. Also, it's true that his opinions are legitimately terrible for the most part, and tends to piss people off because of how smug he acts about them, especially given that most of his comics are some poorly constructed strawman argument or essentially propaganda for whatever dumb agenda he feels like pushing.
Chris-chan is just... Chris-chan. There's no way to even begin tackling what went wrong with him in a single thread.
no mario
Now I'm interdasted. Anybody have it?
certainly something to consider...
no mario
The kind that draws inflation porn at McDonalds right after school.