What video games are you addicted to Sup Forums??.
Video game addicts thread
pc games.
I'm not addicted
I'll play a game to completion and then move onto the next game
Ones that I don't really like.
They just keep getting pumped out year after year, I'm really lucky.
That is just being a hardcore gamer user.
You mean like those stupid first person shooters?.
Right now: no man's sky. But usually anything that has goals. I played blops3 and GTA online every day until NMS came out.
What about Over watch user??.
Never touched it.
Why is that user??.
I play with my joystick.
Wait what??? is this faggot serious?? kek.
Fuck off, tumblrfag.
> Tumblrfag uses a picture from Tumblr.
Try again faggot.
How do you know it's from tumblr? I didn't even get it from there.
> Trying this hard.
Man and i thought summer was over apparently not do us a favor and leave summerfag.
39 hours into NMS
The end is not in sight
I haven't had very major hours in any game for years. Dark Souls was probably most recent, but that was years ago. KOTOR was many more years ago, along with Jet Set Radio, Ninja Gaiden Black, LoZ: Windwaker, Smash Melee, and Paper Mario: TTYD.
If it wasn't obvious I didn't have a PS2 in its popular time.
>I-I'll just call him a summerfag
>T-That'll show him
Pathetic. Just show me how it's from fucking tumblr, you normalfag meme apologist.
> normalfag meme apologist.
LOL i am no normalfag what so ever i am not into that trendy bull shit you seem to forget that Pepe originally was our meme user also Tumblr is in the file name witch kinda gives it away.
Diablo 3. I wish i could stop
about to pull the trigger yet again like some abused housewife
How long you play that for?.
>was getting really into quake
>internet starts shitting itself every 10sec
>have to play bots
been farming yokai watch weapons and working on my relic weapon for every one of my classes since 6 am this morning.
I don't know what I'm doing with my life
Battlefield 4. Hopelessly addicted.
3-7 hrs a day depending if i work or not
I keep making houses, fixing them, getting tired of them and remaking them. I'm not even good at building.
i've played over 500 hours of ow and i just think about playing ow all day at work.
the thing is of all my battlenet friends, i've probably played the game the least. the one 14 year old girl who made friends with me has played over 1000 hours. if i hadn't heard her voice over chat i would have 100% believed she was a fat neckbeard
Nothing, I hardly play games like I used to
Do you eat or go to the bathroom user??.
I fucking hate video games
I'm addicted to FF14 too, just did weeping city
Something screwed up with my college payment and now I only have one class this semester which is a blessing and a curse.
At least I'll probably have depression meds by next month though
I go to the bathroom once per day
I've eaten breakfast only today
I haven't gone to the gym in 3 weeks
I've been losing weight
Chemo is a bitch
>At least I'll probably have depression meds by next month though
I hope you're alright
Don't got to a psychiatrist if you know what the problem is. GP's are a lot cheaper and will get you the same stuff.
Then why the fuck are you on this board fucking summerfag??.
why are you? fucking kill yoruself FUCKING SUMERFAG I'LL EAT YOUR ASS
We are on here because we like video games duh man it stinks like summer in here.
Man i honestly do feel sorry for you user hope you get better soon.
Probably not, but that's the reason I'm getting meds in the first place.
Psychiatrist was free from my college so no worries.
>tumblr is in the filename
Did you bother to actually read what the filename said, you fucking meat-head?
>Pepe was originally our meme
Well, it's not anymore. At this point, posting Pepe (especially smug Pepe) is like unironically posting rage comics.
To add to >LOL i am no normalfag
Then why do you type like a fucking delinquent?
> Then why do you type like a fucking delinquent?.
Ever heard of trolling faggot?? its a pretty common thing to happen here.
I think you need to go back to /r9k/ because that is where you belong also rage comics another thing that belong to us but were then stolen from 9fags.
>I was only PRETEEEEEEENDING to type like a retard
You're a retard.
>go back to /r9k/ because that is where you belong
Why do I belong there? Is it because I don't like forced memes?
>also rage comics another thing that belong to us but were then stolen from 9fags
So what? Are you saying that you still post rage comics here despite that happening?
>merely pretending
skyrim and modding skyrim
>300 days played on my warrior
to be fair though alot of that was because i would never log off an afk all day and night in org during wrath and cata.
for some reason i needed to be logged into wow, even if i wasnt playing it
Yeah and you're mom is a fat ugly whore who likes sucking over 9000 black dicks everyday kek.
The only games I've been able to sit down and actually beat in the past 5 years have been the Demons/Dark Souls series and Bloodborne.
I think I'm getting old.
youre addicted to frogposting
kill yourself frogfucker
You have good taste user i use to play that a few years ago was really fun.
Red Orchestra 2
the kills are too satisfying, the community too good
Anyone who gets mad about Pepe being posted here is an obvious newfag literally why is it whenever a Sup Forums meme goes mainstream these days fucking newfags scream their heads off back in my day most memes that were mainstream were from here and we loved them even though they went mainstream we loved them because they were ours.
i didnt ask for a poem frogfucker
kill yourself
Spotted the newfag.
Try beating Super Columbine Massacre RPG for PC i can never get passed going inside the school user if i am caught i always have to go back outside and start over.
guilty gear revelator, only play potemkin
Isn't always interesting to think you're putting in time and yet, somewhere out there, there is someone who totally surpasses you like it's nothing. Same could be said of skill too.
If you're being serious, stay strong, user.
I could be sick of every fucking game out there but I always come back to Counter Strike.
12 fucking years, games come and go, but the CS itch never goes away
it especially hurts because I'm garbo at it
kill me
I find myself playing mostly PC shooters nowadays because that's the only genre I make time for and am good at. I'd like to get back into RTS someday.
Man look at all the ass hurt underage newfags in here its the endless summer kek.
Silent Hill
Same here user
Super Smash Bros Melee and project M and sm4sh
I've been binging on MGV. For a stealth focused game the third person shooting is way too fun, and the gun customization to awesome to pass up.
I've just been going through and completing all mission checklists. Haven't gotten into the previous ones since I was younger so I dodged the heartache.
What a classic.
more addicted to coming to Sup Forums than any actual games sadly
metal gear solid 1
Well at least its not Sup Forums user LOL.
That game is pretty fun.
I became addicted to MMOs and eventually, my drive for playing other games, disappeared.
Not even interested to play anything different??.
Smite. I can not stop playing this game no matter how angry it gets me. Over 1300 hours and play over 6 hours a day.
I've been interested on playing other games, tried to get into many single player/multiplayer games, eventually I start experiencing withdrawal effects. Shit is driving me insane at times. I've bought many games because spending too much time in that casual MMO is killing me, and I hardly touch said games. Am already seeking help to get over these withdrawal issues.
> Am already seeking help to get over these withdrawal issues.
Hope you succeed in getting help user stay strong.
> What a horrible night to be on Sup Forums.
Tell me about it kek.
Clicker games and ASSFAGOTS