He plays on normal or easy mode

>he plays on normal or easy mode

Other urls found in this thread:


Nice post barneyfag

>he plays video games

Hey Barneyfag, are you actually one guy, or have you inspired a squad of Barneyfags?

>b-but you have to unlock hard mode!
Use cheats faggot

This image is cute. Who are there ladies?

Best girl on the right

Bert and erny

Normal is generally the most balanced and fun mode in games. Sometimes there's games that have actual good hard modes, but that's not usually the case.

It's probably an IRC of them posting to make it seem like Barneyfag is omniscient.

>the hardest difficulty is normal and there is nothing higher than that
is wonderful 101 the only game that did this?

>He plays games on bullet sponge difficulty

I want Rarity to step on my dick and bully me.



I watched this movie a few weeks ago.
what the fuck was up with his laugh

>Not playing on the default game mode
>Not playing the game it was meant to be played

From the anime この投稿に返信またはyurの母は彼女の睡眠今夜中に死亡します

Here's a clip


That's not ladylike in the slightest

>too easy
>it's fairly difficult

>Put game on hard
>The only difference is that you take more damage and deal less damage
what's the fucking point


If you have to use cheats, you might as well play on easy :^)

she'd know how to do it in a ladylike manner.

He was hamming it up so Tommy wouldn't bust his balls. It didn't work though.


>game forces you to play through on normal or "hard" before letting you get to the actual good modes
Why do devs do this. It's ok for actual genuinely challenging extra hard bonus modes like you see in DMC, but just to get to a standard harder mode (often the very first one that's even vaguely "hard") is utter bullshit.

>Bonus points: the unlock difficulty is the one where the game is actually fun and most people never touched it so the game is genuinely more hated years later
Looking at you god of war.

Nice google translate skills faglord but due to your silly misspelling your mother will die within the weekend if you don't give everyone in this thread (you)s

>tfw the humanized lesbian horse porn has slowed to a trickle, and the only ones still making smut are the disgusting furries

>beat game on hardest difficulty
>a difficulty appears above it
>"if you die, you start from the beginning"

I kind of know that feel. People can say what you want about the show but humanized MLP porn is bretty good,

Die you degenerate Barneyfag

Get killed

Took you a while.

How's your night going, Barneygod?

Be honest, humanized mlp is fucking boner-inducing

I know what you are trying to do with this thread.


Acting. He's not a bad actor, but it was just cringey to watch. Thankfully Pesci saved the scene with that improv.

And the last horse crosses the finish line

Get it?

Because you were slow to get here


Normal mode is how the game was meant to be played. I always play on normal.
Except in dumbass localizations where the hard mode is the true normal mode.

>Barneyfag has conditioned Anons how to identify mlp images

I'm scared.

>image search
>it's made by Dan Kim
Huh, sad it's not porn, but I do like his work.

>being degenerate Barneyfags
fucking die

He's done that to me for months now. It's pretty easy to tell for the most part.

>Only the Japanese version only has a hard mode.
Why did Metroid Fusion do this.

town bicycle and worst girl

Me on the left

How else would you make it harder, user?

>not original


I wanna bully that bunny.

Hey, barneyfag. Why were you on a vore forum?

There is still the equestria girls artist. Lesbians are shit anyways.

I cheated In the moves I needed left in Xenoverse

>Barneyfag is on almost every board I browse
Is this man even human?

Not him but enemy placement and AI changes are nice

>lesbians are shit anyway>s

Have you checked out pointjoe?

No, autists are not human.

>Has the time to reverse search every cartoon image
Maybe you re both autistic

Why is yuyuko a watermelon

Notice me senpai

No fuckin way.

He's autistic.
He uses RSS to see all OP images on all boards, though he probably makes most of these threads himself.

He even goes to /mlp/ and harasses the users there "for spamming barney shit on Sup Forums"


Which master did you disgrace?

What the FUCK are you guys talking about?

Get killed

No that's a cosplaying goblin

newfag please go

It's called aryion. I know this because it's also an image site and I go there to jack off.

Barneyfag is a rouge AI created by the Patriots. He was a failed experiment at trying to censor the web, as all he wants to do is censor "barney"

Containment board, now.

You seem to have gotten lost on your way to Reddit friend.



>went to /mlp/
>opened catalog

Christ this hurts my eyes! How can they look at all these colors all day?

new movie coming out this year will spawn a flood of porn, just wait a few months

Autists like bright colours even if they have no substance behind them.
Why do you think Barney videos rack up millions of views on YouTube?

>Autists like bright colours
speaking from experience then?

I didn't want your opinion, shithead. I was just curious how they manage it.

Well it is a show about technicolor cartoon horses.
I venture there for the 4CC since they're pretty fun to talk with during that event.

>tfw a certain atheist roo has started releasing videos from the brony convention one of his fans invited to.
>tfw it's been quite inciteful into what goes through the mind of bronies desu
Not going to get into the series, but, dare I say, I have just a sliver more respect for them now.

Who hates /mlp/ more? /4ccg/ or Barneyfag?

Good to know you don't browse any worthwhile boards

No, seriously

It's pretty much a pony version of /vg/, circlejerking over dead generals with 200 bumps and 30 posters.

I only go there on saturdays because it's the only day there's show discussion

i once saw him respond to a 2 month old post on /d/

>barneyfag doesn't get triggered by actual images of barney

Why tho?

When's the new movie pirateable again?

Well, it's just shocking how many they have.

I bitch about Sup Forums shitposters and all the underage on Sup Forums frequently, but Barneyfag is actually deranged and has serious mental issues.

when it actually comes out in like 2-3 months

why doesn't barneyfag spam /mlp/ with gore or some shit instead of ruining other, more important boards

/4ccg/ for sure.

Not because they're open about it, but because they usually have legit reasons they have no problem going into detail about.

Barneyfag just hates them because it's a meme. It's not genuine hatred. It's autism with a voice.

Answer my question, barneyfag.

This coming from the autist that loves splatoon. ^:)

He spams /mlp/ with images of Barney when the mods piss him off or make fun of him.

those laughing whores are cute

You have no right to talk

I used to, but not anymore.
