So the Titanfall 2 open alpha started today on consoles. Anyone playing? Nobody's talking about it.
Titanfall thread I guess
So the Titanfall 2 open alpha started today on consoles. Anyone playing? Nobody's talking about it
First one was dope I wish more people still played it
oh really? lemme download that shit nigga
it's on ps4 right?
it sucks
I'll play it tomorrow, but... I haven't heard anything good about it.
will pc get in on this?
They bitched we tore the games code apart last time, and that we also knew how shit it was compared to the console plebs meager offerings, so in short no.
Cuz everyone is waiting for Battlefield 3: Part IV: WW1 Edition.
It's a lot of fun jetpacking around and using the grappling hook. Lot of momentum. Titans are fun to use, too. Problem is levels cap off at 10 and there's not enough variety in the available weapons and game modes to keep you entertained for more than a few hours.
Also the standard assault is objectively the best weapon and there's a reason fucking everyone uses it.
xbots are cry because they ruined the game, less run n gun FAST action and more cawadooty bullshit
PS4 version seems to be infested with campers but people seem to like the game there
This is what I got from the jist of it
Never played Titanfall. I really like it. A decen't change in pace from my usual Siege and TLoU multiplayer
Full game yes, beta at a later date.
nobody wants that shitty fucking game besides cod babes
No wonder Overwatch has 15 million players in counting it's the only decent fucking shooter on the market that isn't ded
All I remember about Titanfall was "THEY'RE NOT MECHS, THEY'RE TITANS!". Those devs were a piece of work.
It's pretty fun. The grappling hook and mobility are great aside from some issues here and there. The mechs are really cool and it's fun to fight them both on foot and in your own mech. The rest is pretty standard multiplayer shooter stuff but it's fun enough that I might get it when it comes out.
The No Man's Sky of shooters
It has multiplayer though,
what a quality post
But, user NMS has multiplayer...Sean said so
its a solid game all around, I wish the test was on PC to so I was stuck with a ps4 controller. Movement when using the grappling hook is ridiculously fun when you get the hang out of it.
7/10 after about an hour and half
It's pretty great user. Granted, movement has apparently been toned down from the last game but you can still pull off crazy maneuvers with the grappling hook, they should've made it standard for every class though.
It is bruh, knock yourself out.
So quantity you could not disagree
What're you fucks listening to while playing?
I keep coming back to
Having a hell of a time.
And slowly getting better at controlling my movements.
I don't have time to play right now.
Speaking of Titanfall though, is this game getting a proper story mode or is it still that half-hearted co-op match shit?
Made me chuckle.
I would play if it was on PC.
FPS with a controller always has and always will control like absolute shit.
Its getting a full on singleplayer this time around, whether or not it'll be good though no one knows. You get to shoot robots in it at least
It's getting a campaign, and it looks really solid surprisingly, I'm expecting lots of feels
Im not normally the ones for shooters like this but goddamn that looks fun
>it just plays the same minute of song three times
What the fuck user, go find the full version
Cool. I mean it's not like the main draw is the single player, but having something decent on the side to mess around with is great.
So are the Titan entry animations really all 3rd person now? What about executions?
I know this sounds autistic but that's honestly a mark against the game for me.
>jump out of my titan
>grapple to get momentum into a window
>fly through smashing the sniper camping there in the face
>auto pistol his friend behind him
>grapple out the other window onto a titan
>grenade in the battery hole
>jump off as it explodes back into Ion's waiting hands
>forgot to save it
Fucking hell. Coolest I've ever felt playing a game and no evidence of it
speaking of giant robots in space
Fan-fucking-tastic. Grappling hooks just make things better. And that's the one thing I didn't really like about human vs. Titan. is that you just ducked and shot anti-titan weapons instead of being a fly buzzing around their head they can't hit which it looks like the grappling hook makes much more viable.
if you got psquad it autosaves gameplay it might be in your archive
>2600 points
>closest team mate has 900
>worst team mate has 20
>enemy team are all around 1000
I wish the people knew how to play Bounty Hunter got put on my team.
I hope the OG mech is in 2 I really like its design
That is exactly what it feels like. Even when you get the battery out and start putting grenades in you don't do catastrophic damage or anything but you annoy the shit out of the pilot. Its gotten to be where I don't get super aggressive with a titan unless I have someone riding piggy back keeping those assholes off of me.
This is the first FPS I've played on a console in a long time its a god damn nightmare. I don't think people know the minimap exists
Is there no execution on titan v titan anymore?
The minute that thing went into death mode, you should've just meleed.
>always get people who don't know they have to go bank their money
I know that feel and it hurts. I never end a game with less than 2000 but I have only won 2-3 games out of like 20.
Apparently not. All the new ones are evolutions of the old models. This is years after the first one, so they've just been outpaced.
There is, but I was so close to death, and hadn't yet managed to confirm that the one behind it had also already died.
Opted to set up the Thermite field instead, as you saw.
Straight up attack on Titan. Looks fun as hell
Is it slower or faster than the first?
I'm downloading it as I type this.
The momentum generated by the grapple and the fact you can use it as a long range melee is just so fucking good.
They toned down movement? In what way?
Both. Without grappling hook: Slower, with grappling hook: Faster
I enjoyed it. Went back to to the first an hour or two after only because i wanted to play attrition for that instant mech chaos bullshit. Kinda wish the grapple hook was standard for all classes though...
The backdrop of this map is ballin' outta control.
I never played the first one. Can someone explain to me the lore reason that I'm a robot driving a bigger robot?
Hmm well that's interesting at least.
I foresee that better players are going to using grapple because speed it pretty big in shooters.
Unless the benefits of having no hook is just that great.
Vore fetish.
Almost everything about it is worse than the first. Biggest disappointment for me this gen because I was one of those weird people who loved the first.
>single-player makes you play as Militia
god fucking damn it, it's killzone all over again
explain yourself
Giant robots need pilots and who knows giant robots better than anyone else? Small robots.
But why not just make the small robot the big robot?
This is like building a ship that can carry a Scorpion battle tank.
Pretty much this, the gun play feels slightly better but everything else is just a straight downgrade
Everything just feels slower, running, wall running, titans, it all just feels like Respawn slowed it down to facilitate players that couldn't keep up in the first game.
Slower movement all around. From base pilot speed to wall running. And speaking of wall running, the maps barely have any good surfaces to run on. One is basically a big open field.
The titans got a huge nerf too. They no longer have shields and take forever to earn. So you hardly see them in a match and when they show up they get downed after a minute or so. Overall it feels like a completely different team made this one.
Specters were the advanced units that replace grunts. Motherfuckers jump two or three stories, and were entirely ruthless. Not real smart, though.
It's a logical conclusion that there are Specter pilots, now. Complete with AI.
Hell. Spyglass is still probably leading the IMC remnant, at this point, and he's a fucking AI.
So all the maps are like fracture? The game sounds like a disappointment so far
>Try to connect to the servers
>Just says there are no servers over and over
what the fuck
>On consoles
I'm super excited for this game. No beta on PC? If so, that sucks. I fucking loved Titanfall 1 on PC. I'm a fairly high-level Quake 3 player, and it brought back an Arena vibe when you're focused on hunting other pilots.
I could never play on consoles, though. I've played many thousands of hours of FPS games on mouse and keyboard, so I just can't use a joypad.
If they boosted movement speed a bit and made the TTK higher it would be perfect. As it is engagements are over much too quick and thers no room for crazy counter plays when you get jumped.
Yes, the field map is basically fracture 2.0. But even fracture had more intricate lanes to wall run. There are also out of bounds zones everywhere. Everything just feels super restrictive.
Spot on
>they literally recreated the drop sequence from All You Need Is Kill
Holy shit, this looks good.
I just got done playing for a few hours with some friends and holy shit was that fun. Maybe it's just because I haven't played any sort of generic FPS for like a decade, but I was having a blast once I got good. Grappling from enemy mech to mech and just fucking them up, ejecting out of my exploding mech and falling from like 1000 ft in the air and landing a kick kill on a guy, rushing points and just sliding around and fucking karateing my way through three enemies to take it. Shit, I might actually pick it up when it comes out.
>See enemy rodeo a friendly Titan and steal his battery.
>Hop on board the Titan, blocking the enemy from have another go at it.
>Gun him down while riding.
>Jump off and retrieve the battery.
>Plug it back into the friendly.
I felt like I'd done a genuinely good thing.
well, we know what the ending is going to be
Reddit hates it
he got fired for a reason
>tfw never played Titan Fall one
>haven't played any shooter since Halo 3
>grappling hooks and jet packs and having all this momentum and shit is all fresh to me
Feels real good man.
>make giant robot
>give it an AI
>still needs a pilot
>never played Titanfall 1
Too bad, it's miles better than this beta.
It's basically an entire different type of game now
As a big fan of titanfall 1 I can say the beta is 'ok' but they changed and removed a lot of good shit
Overall it is a step backwards
What kind of stuff was in one that they took out?
Even /tfg/ hates it, just take a look at the thread. Pretty much every TF1 veteran thinks this is overall a step backwards.
w-why are they not mechs, user
I watched some gameplay videos, saw that there's a power to turn invisible and immediately stopped caring anything more about the game since that's basically the absolute worst thing you could possibly put in a shitty CoDlike.
Well, Titan customization for one
Now titans are more compared to overwatch hero's or something
Overall it is much slower paced
Titans barely ever show up and they die in an instant
They removed attrition, the most popular mode, and it's replacement bounty hunter is worse in every way
The new style of gameplay that is most rewarding is camping to get killstreaks
Kill times are much lower
Overall it's become more cod-like whereas titanfall 1 was very unique
Good for them. I like it and intend to buy it. If they don't want to they don't have to. Considering they game flopped you can't blame them for changing shit up
>check out Titanfall reddit
But Crysis is fine, I'm sure.
faster movement speeds, titans that weren't complete shit, higher health so you could actually engage and counter enemies
Sucks that they made it more generic, but maybe I'm just getting old cause I thought shit was pretty faced paced while I was playing.
This one rewards campers not skilled players
In titanfall one you could be running around the entire match destroying enemies in and out of your titan
Here you do that and it's not gonna work out for you. The gameplay is just so much different
>TF1 was faster
>Higher TTK
>Higher momentun
>Match pacing was faster and smoother
>Titans were a fundamental part of the game, not a killstreak reward
>Deeper titan customization instead of the unique titan crap
>Each team had their own AI which made it feel like an actual war was going on
>You could hack turrets and robots to make them friendly
>have no friends that are interested in playing
>still raping enemy titans and pilots by myself
>come out of a 2v1 titan fight with half health thanks to 2 teammates
>they both have batteries
>run away from me
This makes my blood boil.
Game 1 comes out
Is quite unique and different, vocal minority dislikes it and wants it to be more like other games. Over time a fanbase grows around it, but it was never a big hit
Game 2 comes out
Is more generic, core fans dislike all the unnecessary changes
People who complained about it last time don't care and will stick with the game they wished it was more like the first time around
Seen it happen to countless series
we meant slow in comparison to the first game, user.