PC gaming is not a meme

>PC gaming is not a meme

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stills don't show fps
go home console kid

the pipe on the ground has a shadow

checkmate consoles

>console peasants cant tell the difference


>it has to be as close to reality as possible or else it's shit



>its a multiplat
>xbox one version looks better because of better shadows and crushed blacks


You don't believe that? Well then that's cool. It was my mistake to make such an assumption so quickly.


>You don't believe that? Well then that's cool. It was my mistake to make such an assumption so quickly.
No I don't. I do believe that having nicer looking games at increased framerates is always an improvement. The framerate is especially important.

Fantastic graphics are nice but unnecessary.

what do these threads try to prove? that a specialized chip that costed 700$ with another $300 cpu has better graphics than a small box that costs $300 all together? does this concept really elude people?


>tfw I'm going to have to consider buying a PS4 over building a new PC because I can't build another 5 year PC without 1000+ dollars
This summer is pretty much the tipping point graphics wise for my current PC. It stutters a shit ton on DOOM.

3/10 made me reply with an image.

>needing $1000+ for a PC
Haswell chips are cheap. FX chips are even cheaper if you're a destitutefag. The 480 is also relatively cheap, but you could go cheaper if you go older.

I want to play games on at the very least high, and if I can scrounge of the money I'm going for Max at 1080.
I'm not about to build another computer that can play shit on low when my current can play most games Pre-May 2016 on high.

Yes until you point it out.
Then they just say they can't afford it.
Every single thread ends with consolefags admitting that PC is better but claiming that they are pricey and difficult to understand.

>for Max at 1080.
GTX 1070 and you'll never buy another graphics card until you move to a higher resolution.

Do you have a fairly recent AMD card?

you seriously need to lower your graphics standards.
low will always look like the console version, it's actually hard to get them to look worse using standard options

once you accept last gen graphics you can really start to see gains in FPS for cheaper prices, super high settings are really expensive right now

that is exactly it. people buy consoles still out of simplicity and its cheaper upfront. why do you beg to differ and think different when the reality is console sales are strong and games sell better on them? 90% of pc """gamers""" play on their moms laptop, csgo or lol on low settings.

This is my current build.
At the very least I need to get an 8GB GPU in this thing, but I think it would also need a better PSU since my current is 620W.
I think my anal retentiveness gets in the way of that. For some reason, I feel like a shitter when I have to lower my settings to medium.
You're right, though. DOOM on low only stutters occasionally and doesn't look worse than consoles. I haven't played it since the recent patches, so it might run better now.
Aren't the 8GB R9s doing really well right now?

I get 144 fps in DOOM4 on low


>current is 620W.
620W is plenty. You could throw in a GTX Titan and have no power issues.
Manufacterers have recommended ratings so that people with 225W FX9590's don't have problems.

Not for 1080p you don't. Not even for 1440p do you need 8GB.
>I think it would also need a better PSU since my current is 620W.
Also wrong. Power consumption is going down. Compare a 400 series card to a 900 or 1000.

The difference that console plebs fail to realize is that console hardware remains exactly the same for about 10 years. Sure, the PS4 and the Xbox One appear to run games on par with some PCs today. In three years from now, PC hardware will far exceed the features and the processing power of the PS4 and the Xbox One. In six years from now, PCs will have advanced by two generations of CPUs. In nine years from now, Sony and Microsoft might finally debut the PS5 and Xbox One2, and PCs will have already set the new benchmark to which consoles will only hope to endeavor.

So enjoy your cute little console now. In a mere three years time, your silly toy box will be obsolete as compared to the newest PCs. In six years from now, none but the shitposters will dare mention consoles and PCs in the same post or risk being ridiculed into obscurity. In nine years from now, console fags will be saying "hurr durr, the PS5 will kick your PC ass when it comes out next year". And we PC gamers will lol.

Hey man, consolefag here.
I've never played on PC so I'am totally retard about it. The difference between 60FPS to 144 is gigantic? Cause 30 to 60, what I'am used to see is drastic.


It's not as dramatic as 30-60, but once you go 75+, you'll never want to go back.

>you get better graphics if you spend more money
whoa I never thought of that

>16:9 ratio screen

I fucked up and posted the wrong build.
Okay, so maybe I really only need to upgrade the GPU, and I should probably get a new HDD, since mine is currently on 5 years. Maybe I'll get an SSD too.

So, 80 to 60 is very perceptible?

15 is to 30 what 30 is to 60
30 is to 60 what 60 is to 144

I'm 100% serious

>it has to be as jaggy and blurry as possible or else it's shit


Not "very perceptible" at first, but it's things like being able to see grenades moving quickly across the screen, and a feeling of smoothness.

Yes? That's the standard operating resolution of the PS4, what about it?

SSD is probably the single best upgrade you can do for any computer.

I'm the guy who posted the speccy and this guy is spot on
144 is incredible compared to 60, dat smoothness

>15 is to 30 what 30 is to 60

I don't see this way, user. I think 30 is shit, when it drops to 20 or 15 it's the same shit.

Got it, thank you for the answer, user. And thanks for not being an asshole!


Everyone knows that PC is better, is a much more powerful/expensive machine after all, but consoles are so much more simple so people will always buy them. What I hate the most are fanboys of either parts, and usually the musturd race crowd are much more anoying

I watched my friend's new build boot a couple days ago and I nearly came.
It was like 10 fucking seconds.

wanna know a secret?

in this webm the 30fps marker is actually going 15fps and the 60 is going 30.
you can tell the difference

>I-its a videogame, it's not suppose to look good
>fucking autists, go into ur basement and play ur dii-ab-luu

came to see comments like this

>It was like 10 fucking seconds.
That's pretty slow for an SSD. Mine boots in ~6.

>The difference that console plebs fail to realize is that console hardware remains exactly the same for about 10 years
that's the ENTIRE reason some people buy consoles you autist, if you got a PS3 in 2006 you would still be able to play GTAV in 2013 meanwhhile a PC from 2006 wouldn't even open GTAV's main menu

I remember most PS3/Xbox360 era multiplatform games going like this
>Xbox game looks a bit better
>PS3 gets a small DLC
Am I the only one?

high refresh rates aren't noticeable in a lot of games, but in CS it makes a huge difference.

I overclocked my shitty 60Hz monitor to 78Hz, and it was very different.
Even just the animations in windows and the cursor movement on your screen is a lot smoother. Going back to 60hz just feels kinda jerky.

I don't remember it clearly, but I just know it was fast enough to make me want one.

get on my level

>tfw don't even have the expansion pak

>high refresh rates aren't noticeable
>I literally have no frame of reference for anything above 78fps but there's NO NOTICEABLE DIFFERENCE


too bad webms are capped at 60fps, telling people what 144 looks like is like telling someone to imagine the 4th dimension

Why do people like PC gaming? Is it a new meme?

How about you post a proper comparison, faggolini?

>in a lot of games
I usually post on Sup Forums, and they're always shitting on Sup Forums for being retarded kids, but you're taking it to another level or stupidity.

>that's the ENTIRE reason some people buy consoles you autist
Clearly not since we're doing 4 year console gens now.


You see, PAL, us MASTER RACE Personal Computing overlords (as compared to your peasantry) witness resolutions far above your comprehension. On top of this, our epic gaming battlestations have the capability... Nay... The PRIVILEGE of handling framerates such as 60, 90, 120, 144, and for the elder-god tier power-users, 288. Your feeble platform (if anyone could even call it one) is so antiquated and obsolete already, that you have to look forward to purchasing a brand new expansion device that will only marginally increase your performance. With that said, the only things you have to look forward in the future are console re-releases that only have slightly better processing. Meanwhile, I'll be enjoying my superclocked GTX graphic cards in SLI with maximum overclocking, while staying cool with only the best of water-transfer cooling (which you'll also never experience in your lifetime.)

*sigh* It's so sad to see that parts of the world are still so behind, but I guess people like you have to suffer so that the masters of the world can thrive, no? Maybe some day, everyone will reach enlightenment the means I, and many other PCMR fellows, have, but for now you will only suffer due to your ignorance, stupidity, and plebian tendencies. I pity your pathetic life.

that makes no sense since you actually see stuff in a "high refresh rate" normally

But you're fucking wrong because it makes a difference in literally every game that isn't animated at a capped framerate

60 is acceptable, it's playable but 90 fps and above is where it really get smooth

I'm 100% shure people with regular Xbones and PS4s will still be playing future games for at least 3 or 4 more years

Do you only play shooters and MOBAs?
It makes almost zero difference in Kerbal Space Program.

so you agree with me then

Hello Autismus Maximus, I thought you were over at reddit.


And how would you show someone 144fps on their 60hz monitor?

If you make relevant and correct points, I will have an argument with you.
If you simply point out the semantics of my sentances, and act like an elitist douchebag, I can't be bothered.

don't animus naturally have a really low framerate since the general practice is "more detail less frames"? these 60fps edits never look right

You overclock it to 75Hz+ and tell them that the difference to 144 is more extreme.

>too bad webms are capped at 60fps
No they're not, it's a video format and you can specify the frame rate they play at. It's just pointless for people with a 60Hz monitor.


No one is falling for the image, right? It's been photoshopped, those are 3 same images. Console kids admitting their loss, again.


monitors aren't sold in 90Hz configurations.

sure it depends on what type of games you play, but all *most* games will see an immediate benefit, especially multiplayer games

more like "less frames, less expensive and time consuming"

60fps anime faggots are the most retarded bunch of people.

>more detail
only ghibli and other handpicked stuff, usually it's all rushed

Are you blind? The PC version has proper shadows.

120/144hz monitors can display 90fps ya dingus, same as your 60z monitor displays your 24fps animes.

The general practice is "holy fuck artists are expensive", so they'll only pay for ~12fps except maybe some important actions scenes.

All the obvious perks aside, being able to get honest game reviews is a seriously underrated perk.

Companies that publish on Steam can no longer bribe their way out of shitty games. I guess it's good that EA stopped publishing on Steam =^)

>120/144Hz can display 90fps
120 can with triple buffering.
144 cannot because there is no integer divisor of 144 that results in 90.

i suppose with refresh rates that fast you could just ignore vsync altogether and display whatever framerate you want though.

>144 cannot because there is no integer divisor of 144 that results in 90.
Just set the refresh rate to 90Hz?

Why is CDPR so terrible at optimizing?

I do generally turn vsync off unless the game is an old one generating a few thousand fps and cap it to 144

If you want to get that anal about it then buy a Korean monitor and overclock it to exactly 90hz

either you don't understand vsync or you didn't read the last sentence of my post.

left is games that all look like they play the same

right has a huge variety of artstyles and gameplay

I'll take the right thanks.

Enjoy going blind. 60fps is actually bad for your eyes. It overloads it with too much information.

alright, thanks, confirms why the 60 fps edits look so wrong


at least you wont have trouble finding the Baron's wife without all of that foliage around

So, how come I can set my 60Hz monitor to 48Hz?
You just add add a custom refresh rate through your graphics driver, and you can drive whatever refresh rate you want (less than the native rate).

I literally cannot believe W3 can look that fucking awful unless you manually fucked every texture in the game.