Is Shovel Knight a good game?
Is Shovel Knight a good game?
I liked it
I also liked it
I also liked it alot
As did I.
>indie shit
I thought Plague Knight was better
This one preferred it
It's firmly in my "liked it" category.
It's aight.
I loved it. Jake Kaufman does a kickass job with music and the gameplay's a pretty solid Megaman/Duck Tales NES mashup. The story is simple but felt moving at times those fucking dream sequences famalama
That last boss fight felt really vindicating. I think it's well worth the money. If you're still not sure, listen to the music first.
Yeah it's really good
One of the games in recent memory that I actually had fun with
If Strike The Earth! doesn't get you amped up to go on a motherfucking adventure then there's no hope for you
Extremely, although Plague Knight is better
Yes it's good
its basically melee megaman so yea it is
Quick, name
>Favorite song
>Favorite level
>Favorite boss fight
>Favorite character
Not bad.
yes. so is the DLC so far.
>Specter Knight's level theme
>Mole Knight's level
>Plague Knight fight
>Black Knight character
Did you catch her, Sup Forums?
Of course, I don't even know what happens if you don't
pretty great
the game didn't overstay its welcome, it was pretty good for how long it was
>Tinker Knight's level
>Propeller Knight
>Plague Knight
>That pic
I enjoyed it
At this rate, we'll be getting King Knight's campaign in 2018. But I can't really complain since it's all free.
I heard that PS4 has a coop mode, is this true?
I had SK in my old 3DS (never finished though) but if this version has multiplayer then is a must have to me (PS4 has cross-buy which make it even better)
Only the WiiU version has co-op. And you need the Shovel Knight amiibo to do it.
wii u has a co-op mode if you use the amiibo. not online though. idk if the other consoles have it.
I like it better like that. Gives it a good time for me to forget some of the stage layouts.
Also after playing Plague Knight let them take their time.
>Propeller Knight's level
>Specter Knight fight
>Plague Knight
Well, fuck me. I will never buy a Wii U SK amiibo looks decent though
>Only online
That's even worse, why they can't add a coop for every version plus both local and online mode?
>Shovel Knight Co-Op doesn't let you play with Shield Knight as a partner
I was a little disappointed when I saw the box but I bought it knowing what I was getting at least
Who was the nintendo exclusive boss? I know sony got kratos and xbone got battletoads
Alsonwhere the decent shield knight lewds at? Should I go for the ps4 version or stick to a portable version?
Nintendo didn't get any exclusive boss.
The 3DS version looks gorgeous, in my opinion.
Also whoops.
I want me some sweet Ninja Gaiden Specter Knight
And the fucking battle mode holy shit do I want that
Oh well thats kinda lame.
Shield Knight is really cute. Also i've had the 3ds digital version since release. Only passed it once. How is plague knight? And Figured it wouldn't hurt to ask about the console ports.
Damn this looks fun.
His wall running looks so doofy, it's like they just rotated his sprite
Is the multiplayer mode coming to pc?
Im waiting for Gender Swap mode. Are we playing Shield Knight or just a rule 63 Shovel Knight like all the other bosses?
I wish I could have fought the battletoads.
Because nintendo paid yacht club to have those features. To be fair it is the best version. Nintendo Seal of Quality. :^)
I cant wait to see the towns in both Specter and King Knights campaigns.
Really good game, but Plague of Shadows was better.
>The Defender
>The Ascent
>Plague Knight as Plague Knight
>Plague Knight, no contest
I want to fight Kratos myself but I don't want to buy the game again.
How do you play as Plague Knight?
Beat the game to unlock starting a new game as Plague Knight, or unlock it right out of the gate with a code
beat the game first user
without cheatcodes, even buttmode
>playing the game on anything other than buttmode
>game doesn't recognize buttmode as the one and only true way to play it
what a load of butt
Playing as plaguey is more fun after beating shovel knight imo
It was pretty okay.
cute boy_
When are we getting Specter campaign?
What was the point of this guy? I barely remember him
Backer-funded miniboss if I remember right.
Why are they the only ones to make a GOOD fun fast paced 2D platformer?
You tend to hate him once you know the backstory behind this character
I'm playing for the first time now.
I'm on the entrance to the tower and I thought Propellor Knight was frustrating. I can't even make it to the first checkpoint. How in the ass are you meant to get past that screen with the Gryphon blocking an entrance, the top right is covered by spikes, there's a hole in the ground the Gryphon's attack knocks you into, and there's cauldrons pouring lava everywhere?
okay no i couldn't get too far into that before i started having this feeling of uncomfortable uncertain dread
There's just something unnerving about someone who basically makes a profession of paying artists to draw his OC. It just gets weirder the more you think about it.
Holy autism.
>The integrity of the character design WILL remain intact
I want to draw disgusting lewds out of spite
As autismal as it is, he did get his character into a successful game
phase locket through everything or kill the Gryphon with fireballs
Christ almighty.
So did that inflation fetishist dragon furry who got his very own super-secret shameful bossfight in Undertale.
I don't recall the exact screen user, but you have projectile subweapons. One that travel in straight lines, one that bounce, and heck, one that makes you entirely invincible
Use them
He's a rich german who uses daddys money for shilling his character
Yeah but that boss is so impossibly hidden that nobody would ever know about it if they didn't look it up, not to mention it's literally named "So Sorry"
>they made spectre knight crouch so that he'd fit in shovel's hitbox
dagnabbit i wanted to play as a big guy
One of those rare actual 10/10's
>for shilling his character
Thing is though, who owns the rights to the character? It's Shovel Knight devs right? So what's the point?
Plague Knight is cute CUTE!
Christ the whole thing is just this guys childhood dream. "Girls are icky" "natural charisma". The fact that he's what any 14 year old boy would jack off to become him. It's sad
So. Who was the better backer boss?
Pro tip: It's Hat Knight
Hat Knight is the only one that I remember
Well obviously.
>Favorite song
The Defender
>Favorite level
The lost city
>Favorite boss fight
Either Black Knight III, or Plague Knight vs. Plague Knight
>Favorite character
Shield, Mona, I can't decide!
What's the version of Shovel Knight to get for an idort? I understand that a few of them have exclusive content.
The Graveyard level
Shovel Knight himself
Plague Knight
>retro-styled game
>requires modern hardware
It's not bad, but i didn't like it.
It gets points for having food and campfires that fucking do stuff.
It's funny, the soundtrack was deliberately styled so that it could be played from an NES cartridge. Kaufman had a download for that format up somewhere.
>>Favorite song
This is the best song:
You simply need to accept it.
I actually dug into this further, and found this out:
>One of the best bits in the piece involves Shovel Knight's excellent soundtrack. It's completely authentic to the era ... but only if Shovel Knight were created for the Japanese version of the NES, the Famicom. Some late NES-era cartridges used a chip that offered 3 additional sound channels, allowing games to have richer soundtracks. The western NES "lacked the necessary cartridge connections" for the sound chip, says D'Angelo, "so it's an unfamiliar sound to most western gamers."
Kaufman's bandcamp says more too:
>The NES compiled version of this soundtrack (a single file under a megabyte, which contains the machine-language code for the music, and can be played back directly on real NES / Famicom hardware, using special hobbyist flash cartridges -- or listened to in dozens of free NSF players available on every imaginable computer OS or phone -- can be found here:
The only NSF player it has been currently tested in (as of release day, 6/26/2014) are VirtuaNSF and NotSoFatso, both freely available, with lots of cool features for study and examination. More players will be tested, and a hardware recording is planned soon!
Absolutely. Plague Knight was even better.
>health is replaced with "will"
Black Knight's character development was better and more goddamn subtle than any thinly-veiled Dark Link clone had any right to be
It's even in his theme song for christ's sake