What rts you wish you were lanning tonight Sup Forums?
>threadly reminder that battleforge is dead
What rts you wish you were lanning tonight Sup Forums?
>threadly reminder that battleforge is dead
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looks pretty cool. Do you get to control large armies?
What was the name of that game where you could spawn gigantic armies of skeletons and the heroes were OP.
Kohan 2?
game is battleforge, it's literally dead (can't play it anymore due to Denuvo's grand dad)
Where can I download Empire Earth?
I want to try it but I just can't find a working source.
Heroes of Annihilated Empires?
GOG has a copy for sale, fair warning it doesn't work with Windows 8 and up.... I tried everything to get it to work on my 8.1
>it doesn't work with Windows 8 and up
Well I think thats it then, thanks anyway.
bump for dead genre
Clash of Clans
>What rts you wish you were lanning tonight
Supreme Commander Forged Alliance with a fuck tonne of mods
Red Alert 2 with MooMan's Rules mod
Medieval 2 Total War: Call of Warhammer Beginning of the End Times mod
Any expansion really
Inform this thread about Meridian Squad 22
Still playing broodwar.
Though lately feel like a chore. Lost the fun factor. Hopefully come back soon.
Trying to get up the desire to play anything so I can continue in Original War.
Also just downloaded Warzone 2100 to try and also want to try Total Annihilation. Is there a source port for Total Annihilation or something similar? There was someone in another thread posting massive screenshots from it.
Is Axis and Allies good? I remember getting it at a book fair when I was a kid but I was a consolefag and didn't know how to play RTS. Just recently found it again in a drawer and kind of want to play it.
>shit mechanics
>shit rip off tier
>shit plot
>one man's hail mary to revive RTS
respect/10 but it's a failure
been playing dark reign recently.
the 1.17 fan made patch has the full game no CD cracked if anyone wants to nostalgia
also threadly reminder that C&C tiberian sun is a free download now too
That's all we get? RTS efforts made by One Man?
I mean, what's there to look forward to?
wow its real
gl guysss
you're playing original war with the patches right? some guy patched it so it's HD and runs at 1920x1080 and all that.
also I fucking love TA, bought it when I was literally 8 years old, but no real source ports.
Spring is the closest thing but it's more of a remake in a different engine
and SupCom (and SupCom:FA) are basically remakes of TA.
havent played planetary anal.
warcraft 4 in 2020 (sadly no i am not kidding)
sudden strike 4 (kek)
playing through old games you never got to play through (dominion storm over gift 3 HYPE)
things like clash royale (technically yes it's an RTS)
you could play homeworld deserts of KEKrak if you want, but it kinda blows.
grey goo also kinda blows.
you should play universe at war if you never got to.
wargame is still good if you dont mind military shit.
dawn of war 3? hahaha
>You're playing original war with the patches right?
I was going to install them but apparently the Steam version comes with it so yeah.
And I know Supcom is basically the spiritual successor and I have played it a bit but I heard there were things it was missing compared to TA. PA is apparently pretty bad.
>clash royale
So, seeing as the only popular RTS is a mobile game, we're basically the Japanese Gaming Industry now?
we a dead fanbase mate,
industry never tech'd up, got supply blocked, and got rushed by ASSFAGGOTS
bfme2 :( . someone needs to create a third one
>threadly reminder that battleforge is dead
isnt there a private server project?
there's a reason i listed it after suicide
>supply block
spotted the gookclick blizzdrone.
maybe you should play a game with no unit limit. like. age of empires or something.
>I mean, what's there to look forward to?
Cossacks 3
I wonder if GSC will make a new Stalker game or will just become an RTS company again. Maybe they can actually revive the genre.
maybe Spellforce 3, Cossacks 3, Battle Realms 2, DoW3, Sudden Strike 4
more for sure, no idea if they are going to be good some of them look kinda meh
>Battle Realms 2
Looked it up, it's chaos on Steam Greenlight for some reason
>Spellforce 3
They managed to make dragons boring, how the hell they're going to make an interesting sequel
Since I can upset Warhammer 40K fans just by mentioning jumping Terminators, I wouldn't hold my breath.
>Cossacks 3
>Sudden Strike 4
Settings based on real warfare never was interesting to me, sorry.
Except World in Conflict, but the developers signed their souls to The Division, now and forever.
W-what about Halo Wars 2?
I mean its something right... right?
>Kohan 2
There exists no such thing as Kohan 2.
I heard the original battle realms was.coming to steam, voted for it on greenlight then never heard anything ever again. Assumed it went into development/legal hell. Whatever happened to it?
> it went into development/legal hell
pretty much this
>What rts you wish you were lanning
Warlords Battlecry 2
Metal Fatigue
>no version compatible with modern OS
Fucking graphic glitches man
Rimtech and Milagro can suck a dick
Any details?
I know it works with XP, but never tested it with Win10 due to my laptop suffering a BSOD.
>warcraft 4 in 2020 (sadly no i am not kidding)
Hes full of it. Blizzard has said repeatedly WoW IS Warcraft 4.
>Grey Goo
What went wrong?
>we hired pajeets to save money and the product sucked. who knew?
>no advertisement
>no one bought it
>only heard of it from that awesome CGI ad at work comp since I wasn't allowed to install ad-blocker
>solid gameplay but horrible balance
>no one bought it
Ashes of the Singularity is literally the savior of RTS, but no one in these threads except me can even run it apparently since no one ever mentions it.
why make an rts that only runs on NASA computers and call it "savior of RTS"?
Warcraft 3 customs games or Rise of Nations
not exactly RTS but this thread reminded me that Disciples 2 never got a proper sequel and Disciples 3 is a piece of shit.
Where does it say they outsourced? From the sounds of things he simply never had the team to begin with.
>mass units and attack, the game
>call it RTS
I loved supCom and considered Planetary Annihilation passable. There is 0 strategy with Ashes
Was playing some StarCraft co op just now. Actually really like the concept. It's cool to see they are still supporting it honestly. StarCraft really became quite alright. Shame about the story and it's reputation.
It's current year, upgrade your PC. There's no excuse honestly. I can max it and retain well over 60fps at all times on a GTX 1060, 16gb RAM, and i7-970. Hardly NASA tier.
Army Men RTS
I have an r 270x GPU and an i5 CPU and I can run all the games I play almost flawlessly. Probably helps that I dont play any AAA games
o shit
> Problem 2 is that because the code base is so old there is a shortage of talented people who can follow it.
classic Pajeet excuses 101 in tech: "poor codebase to work with, better to make it from scratch", and "task is too complicated, better buy expensive tools so we don't re-invent the wheel"
>Finally there has been a shortfall in communiations between the people we hired to finish the task, the people we hired to manage it, and ourselves
see communications? that's not from a lack of meetings, that's from a lack of english
(I worked as a Sr. Software engineer for a tech company for 3 years now)
How long until it gets hit with cease and desist?
I was gonna say, judging from your post you probably have experience with this.
My limited experience with pajeet is them scamming my poor dumb parents into paying for a $250 MS support plan just so they could reinstall windows completely to fix a minor issue, all while I was asleep.
Kicker was the issue had nothing to do eith their laptop, it was just a shitty modem not broadcasting properly
a week before release.
>using Shitdows 8
>using Shitdows 10
You brought this upon yourselves. XP and 7 are the only Windows you should have.
see Ross's game dungeon:Darkspore video and join the movement user
(basically people are trying to organize a way to mass spam EA)
Heh. Dark Reign 2 but with plastic soldiers instead of JDA and Sprawlers.
Still fun.
~2 years
They wont finish making it earlier anyway
DX11 was such a big boost though user...
I skipped on 10 since 0 benefits for it... (DX12 is only good for SLI and crossfire, which aint gonna happen on my 650W + 4 hard drives)
>Can't beat Dark Crusade's Tau Stronghold
>Not even on Easy
This is LITERALLY impossible holy shit
>play supcom:fa
>sorian adaptive ai kicks my shit in every time
>no one to lan with
Because of the invis?
Oh boy, you will surely enjoy Soulstorms SoB fortress
Did you get at least most of the regions with special stuff like the extra resources and shit?
And not to mention at least some of the better Honor Guard units?
I'm going to revive the RTS community, I just am clueless on how to make a game, anyone has experience on the matter?