So now that the dust has settled, was final fantasy 8 a good or bad game?

So now that the dust has settled, was final fantasy 8 a good or bad game?

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It was a very enjoyable game that had problems because of a very short development cycle. Most of what you hear of it are memes from people that have not played it in a decade and the only point of criticism that they seem to be able to produce is either "lol drawing lmao" and "lol orphanage lmao".

Great music.
Chill as fuck locations.
Great art design.
Also, Squall is one of the best characters in the entire series.

junction system is legit also, it allows so much flexibility you can play the game however you want.

I like how the game is almost impossible without using junctions at all cause your base stat growth is so awful you will get overtaken by the level scaling really hard if you grind too much.

Or you can play the game using only drawn magic and get a steady incline in power like a typical jrpg as you go along.

Or you can grind cards at the start of the game and break everything and also make lionheart on disc 1 and just trivialize the game, shits so fun

It's still my favorite of the series. Though it was my first FF. Beaten several since. I loved the junction system. That card game too.

I have always wondered if the game omitting any form of tutorial on crafting was intentional. You get an insane number of explanations on very trivial things and yet not a single word is explained about the one thing in the game that reduces drawing to the bare minimum.

I'll also add that Man with the Machine Gun is an overrated as fuck track and that the best one is 'movin.

I love and hate how I sent 20 hours playing the card game before even doing the first mission with Seifer. Then I just item thing everything and blew through the game only stopped to collect magic at the heaven and hell islands and GG. Love the game. Not in my top 3 though. Those honors go to 7, 9, and 6.

triple triad is literally the greatest mini game ever created

>mfw random rule spreads

Half and half. It had some good parts and it had some bad ones too. The music is arguably the best in the entire franchise but the gameplay sucked and was retardedly easy to break. Not to mention all the characters were annoying and stupid as fuck. It's definitely my least favorite of the PS1 era.

Worst game

Best soundtrack

nothing is worse than FF2, but at least FF2 spawned the saga series I guess

2 is nowhere near as bad as 8

Rinoa is the worst FF girl ever made.

I don't know dude, FF2 is almost unplayable for an FF game, its legit one of the worst rpgs ever, period.

FF8 is just kind of a black sheep, way more polarizing than FF2 is, cause almost everyone is unified on 2 being shit

You're retarded.

Upper mid tier. I like it more than 7 and less than 9 as far as ps1 games go. It's better than 10 and worse than 12 as far as ps2 goes.


speaking of triple triad a few months ago I had a class where the prof wanted us to make up a board game based off the novel we were reading.

there were plenty of creative ones, but there was this one fucking group who just ripped off triple triad. same rules and special rulesets and everything.

Wasn't mad but I was just sitting there with this kinda look on my face

Yeah so? If you're a cool characters with a GOAT theme you get to genocide some rats without anyone caring too much.

Magus did some dirty shit but I let him in my party without thinking twice.

>hating on rattes


When not comparing FF8 to any other game it was a objectivly good game.

Beatrix a non party member gets more development than Freya "forgotten after my 5 minutes of fame" Crescent.

I liked Freya but she's practically a non character.

IX is better

'any other Final Fantasy game


well memed my friend, tips fedora

>mfw trying to win the Laguna card but Ellone has them pro strats

I'd be more upset a college professor was wasting my time and money.

>worst story
>worst pacing
>worst twist
>worst romance
>cardgame is overrated by contrarians who hate ff7 because it is popular and want to go against the grain and say ff8 is the best and the card game was the least hated universally and left them with something they can talk about because it was just the right amount of popularity for them
>junction system was shit because you have to spend hours drawing spells
>you lost stats for using magic
>RNG limit break system, mash Triangle to force a limit break
>retardedly long summons, knights of the round does not have shit on this game
>retarded equipment/money system
FF8 was the second worse in the series, FF2 being the worst of the worst

What's so special about IX anyway? I mean it's not a bad game but it doesn't excel in any area either, even when compared to other FFs at the time. Unlike Chrono Trigger, the gameplay did not make up for the lack of depth in the story and characters, as it did nothing new and nothing exceptional.

ff9 is only popular among furries and redmagefags

>lack of depth in the story and characters
Did we play the same game? FF9 is the only well-written one in the entire series.

Same case as MGS V.

Awesome game.
Horrible for the series.

How I feel about Rinoa is how I feel about Persona girls, I love them until I meet them and see their personalities come out.

>oh god please fuck me in the face garnet
>oh god yes we are going to get married and I can get all the sex from you and your spats fuck yes
much deep, very knightly

You mean bluemagefags, right?

That still isn't setting the bar very high.

Quinoa is best girl.

Blue mages have always been fucking awesome. Redmages suck dick in all games past the first one

FF9 had a blue mage but not a red one,

Everyone seems to forget that VIII got 10's across the board from almost every gaming publication upon release. It's not until the Internet sprung up that Newgrounds kiddies started bitching about it.

FF9 did everything right and I can't really think of any major flaws. It was a love letter to people who had been with the series for a while after games like 6-7-8 that weren't really as traditionally fantasy.

It went back to preset classes, it was the first I'm aware of that had you learn skills from gear which is a really cool idea. It had charm out the wazoo.

It's probably my favourite and definitely my favourite on the ps1.

its almost as if squaresoft invented paid advertisements

Ditto for VII. In fact ditto for FF in general, the only exception being XIII which deserves the hate.

Tactics Red Mages are awesome. They learn spellchaining and shit.

It had Red Mage NPCs.

It's a children's game, meant to appeal to children, like fairy tales with the goblins and quirky rogues.

I still think it's the best Final Fantasy game to date, and I've played all of them. I've played through it six or seven times.

>Retardedly long summons

Nothing compares to Sepheroths summon in FF7, jesus christ, I didn't even hate him for the damage, I hated him for wasting 2 minutes of my life traveling through the solar system just to do so.

Good talk man. I really feel like we both brought our opinions to the table and a great discussion was the result.

Just imagine it in the remake

>Planet after planet destroyed
>Camera zooms in on the fireball
>It's actually just Lightning
>Blinded by Light starts playing over One Winged Angel
>Lightning crashes into Cloud and replaces him as the main character for the rest of the game

probably will happen given how much the nips love worst girl

Maybe when he dives into the mako stream you can choose to get her back instead.

Fuck you


>who is Cecil


>Who is Celes

He turned into a bishie. It washes away any crimes committed when you weren't pretty.

Since I played FF7, this is the part that I always think when someone said "FF7 Remake".
I think it's gonna be like this:

people unironically play these games

So you didn't play it. Thanks for confirming.

>mfw didn't play XI
>mfw didn't beat XII
>mfw played XIII for an hour
>mfw didn't play XIV

Was it worth ruining FF for yourself, user?

don't forget she was also Steiner's bitch so he wouldn't anybody do anything to her even if they could

>junction system was shit because you have to spend hours drawing spells

Or you can just refine spells from items instead? I don't even like the game but I know this.

He was pretty before. He took off his hat.

He was just more edgy and darker before shouldn't that make him hotter?

You aren't missing out on anything with those games.

>He was just more edgy and darker before shouldn't that make him hotter?

If I were a teen girl then yes.


bad game with a good ost

ff8 is a pretty good game that, if you believe the squall is dead shit, is elevated to being a groundbreaking game.

its combat was like ff7s but like, shittier, but not massively so. i remember having to 'draw' or some shit like 999999 times, it was trite.

its story is pretty forgettable, and the characters are kind of generic but, again, if you believe the squall is dead shit that makes perfect sense, as its all just 'fake' people in squalls mind, so of course they aren't realistic, and are supposed to be strangely one dimensional.

music is good though and the concept art and like, the title design is pretty sweet though.

its like, a decent game all around but i guess these days with so many rpgs and so many good ones, i couldnt really say to someone why they should play ff8, or anything it does better or more interesting than anything else. i would probably just say something like, if you can relate to squall, play the game as an experience for the story, if you can't relate to squall then don't bother because you'll hate it.

Cecil was never evil though, right when you start he's already like "this is wrong but I'm Japanese so I must follow my emperor"

In fact I don't think you ever get to control a genuinely evil character in FF. Unless you count Edea.

What tutorial would you want?
>Bring indicated items at shop
>Obtain weapon

this is an unfortunate screenshot

Wouldn't that theory make the story even worse? Since everything after the first disc is entirely superfluous due to never actually happening. Not to mention the ending being anticlimantic as fuck.

>Unless you count Edea

And even then she was only possessed. I suppose having Sephiroth in your party during the flashback is the closest FF will ever get.

He's the main character so it makes sense. Beatrix was also not evil but you came into her story later. I doubt killing all the poor mages was Cecil's first trip robbing and murdering as a Dark Knight.

Sephiroth in party wasn't evil at all. He was stoic super soldier comrade.

Model distortion has been fixed in PGXP, a new PS1 emulator.

My fave ff

>I doubt killing all the poor mages was Cecil's first trip robbing and murdering as a Dark Knight.

It probably is actually
It says the king started having a hardon for crystals not long ago before the game starts. Other villages surrendered, only the mages knew the power of crystals and refused to give it

This is the actual most evil party member in any FF since he becomes a high ranking official in one of the most brutal empires in the entire series for no real reason and your party just kinda lets him hang around because they used to be friends, and then he doesn't even become a good guy again by the end and instead fucks off

But since 90% of Sup Forums probably hasn't played more than a couple hours of FF2 they wouldn't know

Can't see a difference except when enabled, the right dude is cut in harf by a white line

Why not play the pc version?

Hm I played the game recently and I dont think its a bad game but definetely one of the less final fantasy feeling final fantasies. I think the main issues I had were with the stupid draw system, how the plot justpm takes a weird damn turn after disc 1, lack of aoe magic(double and triple fucking suck), and the confusing as hell weird ass ending. Oh and I hate how leveling up actually hurts you

Plus I still beleive Rinoa is Ultamecia(I dont give a damn what a interview said) though im not sure if i believe the Squall died theory.

Though this games soundtrack is top tier and Squall isnt as dislikable as people make him out to Rinoa on the other hand...she'd give Peach a run for her money in the damsel category

Well it's just kinda annoying to grind all those stats, weapon abilities, and spells, it's like 20 things you need to think about. Also some stats are just RNG, like agility will only raise if you happen to dodge an attack?


fucking disgusting

>Man with the Machine Gun

Well fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck you~

Though fuck I loved the asthetics of Ultamecias Castle, it really reminded me of RE1 Mansion.

I was so surprised when I actually sat down and played through 2 (gba version). The story was like... engaging. I had heard nothing but bad things about it all my life and it turns out it was a good game (gba version at least).

Not with the gba version. I didn't really do any grinding except the last dungeon and breezed through the game.

Why does this meme exist? Backtracking is its only sin and even then it can be enjoyed in virtue of the leveling system.

All you need to do is to not know how said leveling system works in detail. It's a gamer's test to know when knowledge of the mechanics spoils the fun and so many of ya blew it.

Also FF8 is the absolute summit of the FF8 franchise. People misunderstand it because it's a chill game about teens growing up while hanging out. Like Dawson's Creek without the degeneracy and shitty american culture, and with magic and absolutely unmatched background design.

Look at the characters legs for the biggest difference.

FF9 is shit, no one cares.

GBA and PSP versions are perfectly playable without any sort of grinding

Magic is pretty fucking useless outside of certain enemies, Minwu slinging around his dick and Cure/Berserk/Haste being essential, but you can cruise through with the equipment you find throughout the game easily enough

pretty sure eden was longer than supernova

that's why you stick with only one weapon and some useful spells
most people fuck themselves over by giving each character 16 spells instead of 3 or 4 good ones
it's like mastering every job in ffv as soon as you get them

agility does suck though

Find this one then.

That Comic makes me laugh everytime but Selphie is best girl and shes actually fucking useful unlike Rinoa.


Man that summon was retardly long and lackluster...hell at least KotR did solid 9999s and shit to make up for their animation


It's definitely the worst FF by far, but you have no idea how shitty some RPGs can be if you think 2 even approaches it.