That clever misdirection of opening with Snake having the stealth camouflage and being best brosephs with Otacon

>that clever misdirection of opening with Snake having the stealth camouflage and being best brosephs with Otacon
>but then at the end

Kojima was a brilliant game writer once.

obligatory friendly reminder that this is an 18+ site

Other urls found in this thread:

oh is this one of those situations where I'm supposed to know real game discussion is for the /vg/ hivemind and Sup Forums is just for shitposting and people who don't know what memes are

fuck outta here

MGS2 thread

Maybe I lost people

The opening implies the Otacon ending is canon

This scene confirms the Meryl ending is canon and breaks the fuck out of the fourth wall to do so (you get the bandana for saving Meryl, it gives you infinite ammo)

I mean stealth camouflage exists in-universe on a broad scale and Snake and Otacon had always met, so the initial impression lent was never by any means a confirmation anyway

shit man. we need more Kojimas in video games

>put in something about 18+ site
>get literally zero replies

well that's fucking eye opening. doubt it involves literal birth years, either. I wonder how statistics are going to depict the rate of autism in the coming years. I bet it's gonna give our economy a huge case of penis envy

Nothing you said makes sense with the other things you said

Explain yourself

Obviously, Snake went through Shadow Moses twice, so he could get both items.

>>but then at the end

more like:
>but then this happened

go fuck yourself dad

>time parallax wormholes were in MGS all along






>implying (but only implying) that Raiden made MGS2 bad

Raiden is the best written character in all of MGS. Quote it.

I guess that was the biggest case of clever misdirection and a pretty wonderful troll on people who use the internet as a shrine to praise video games that aren't out yet. Poetic justice

The bandana shit is way more pomo though, I like it better

>Raiden is the best written character in all of MGS

MGS2 is unironically the best video game ever made. It's a true masterpiece. The other MGS games are amazing as well but anyone who thinks MGS2 isn't the best in the series is either underage or a complete pleb

Not the guy you responded but why do you think Raiden is badly written?

Or someone who actually cares about good gameplay.

Was replacing Snake with Raiden the boldest move a game developer has ever done?

>animeme reaction

don't enable his autistic attention whoring dude

Define "good gameplay."


How many years has it been?

You've lost weight, right Jack?

>those naked cartwheels
>game starts corrupting in front of you

MGS2's ending was either sheer brilliance or coincidental mayhem perceived as genius.

Naw Boss I gained it, need muscles

brb milking warfare like an oil scheme

>Or someone who actually cares about good gameplay.

or cares for a good story that doesn't have it's head up its own ass

He was unbearable to deal with. It's hard to get into anything if the main character is basically a whiny bitch. He's like Shnji Ikari but without any good supporting characters

>It's hard to get into anything if the main character is basically a whiny bitch.
But that has nothing to do whether the writing is good or bad.

>brb milking warfare like an oil scheme



Both because the final cutscenes were censored and a lot of things started to stop making sense because of it.

what all came with the Legacy collection, anyway?

fucking sick viraling Kojima is a GENIUS

2 has little hints that the characters are fully aware that they're in a game. That moment for example. Really weird.

>But that has nothing to do whether the writing is good or bad.

he was written as a bad character

>raiden has never seen real combat
>just VR stuff
>even in VR it was pretty average combat stuff
>suddenly is thrown into the rescue of the president in a place with a immortal bloodsucker, a girl that no bullets can touch, a explosive fanatic fat guy, the ex-president with robo arms and technomuscle and a russian cowboy
>surprised he is scared
Shit, it's realistic.

Yes he was but his character was thoroughly though-out and well written.

>Watching SBH's video on MGS2
>Claims Sup Forums is an enclosed community which thrives upon it's own convenient truths
>Well he's not wrong
>Suddenly Anita on screen
>Oh no, he's actually gonna do it?
>It's just a video by Sup Forums countering Anita's original video
Is he trying to imply Anita's perspective isn't just another closed community comprised of selective falsified truths?

Raiden has seen tons of combat since he was a child. But he was brainwashed and had his memories manipulated.

it's called breaking the fourth wall and it's not all that novel in storytelling

it originates from play acting and times where actors would deliberately break character to interact with the audience. probably coined as a term for people who fucking sucked shit at acting but then became a narrative device because writers are smart

lots of games do it, Earthbound is really notable for it. and it does so with remarkable subtlety, like you don't even realize how weird it is that it references real life so much because it does such a good job of making you think it's a silly video game. BEATLES REFERENCES

What did Snake and Hal hope to achieve on the tanker?

>The US is responding to threats from metal gears by building an anti metal gear

Like woooow, big scandal, huh? Its not like the US wasn't being perfectly logical or anything.

even before that. He was annoying from the start.

Doesn't help his cunt of a GF was dragged along because the last thing I need on a mission is a nagging girlfriend

How was he written as a bad character? I really liked Raiden's character.

First off MGS2 has some of the weakest boss battles in the series(better than V's and some of 4's though)

Secondly Sneaking in MGS2 is broken, mostly when you don't have radar, you either know every enemies positions from memory or move at a snails pace with constant FPV and AP sensor, that is if you don't just tranq everyone which is always OP.

Continuing from above is the problem of vision, In MGS1 the camera was usually top down but for MGS2 the camera became all kinds of cinematic angles that don't help, Again in MGS1 enemy vision is short too match your top down view but enemies in MGS2 especially higher difficulties have way better vision than yours.

Lastly some segments just aren't fun like when your disguised looking for ames or the part where you have to swim through the flooded parts.

I know, but he doesn't remember any of that, or atleast blocks it all.
For all he cares, MGS2's operation is his first real action, hell, he even complains to his girlfriend about how shocked he is of killing another soldier if you call her when you break someone's neck.

Literally every major MG game from Metal Gear 1 to Peace Walker
and VR missions

>The opening implies the Otacon ending is canon

No it doesn't. In the Otacon ending he wanted to become a psychologist and Snake would have died of FOXDIE in the next few hours or something, if we take what Ocelot said for true. Otacon makes it out alive in the Meryl ending.

>this is an 18+ site

Then you would be aware of the intense dislike many have for MGS2 and how it's recent resurgence is based purely on the fact that it accurately predicted the way the internet was going.

They were gathering intel. Taking those pictures was the only objective. But Snake and Otacon have a bias against anything named Metal Gear. They knew all the leaked technical specs said it was non-nuclear so there was no reason to like, destroy it. But like I was getting at--better safe than sorry

>t that it accurately predicted the way the internet was going.

Kojima got lucky

Yeah because it's okay to let countries terrorize the world with weapons of ass destruction. OH WAIT!


>all these fucking kids pouring in

I want "V" to leave.


Yfw Kojima reveals that the whole time Snake was being mind controlled by outside forces using controllers and everybody happened to be aware of it except for you as the player

>they dislike MGS2

>want to play this game again
>remember the swimming part

fuck me

>Secondly Sneaking in MGS2 is broken, mostly when you don't have radar, you either know every enemies positions from memory or move at a snails pace with constant FPV and AP sensor, that is if you don't just tranq everyone which is always OP.

Disagree. The vr missions eventually ditch the radar and sensors, and if you're good you just learn how to deal with the limited camera. Paying attention to sound and leaning around corners play a huge role. I would say MGS2 has some of the best gameplay.

Reminder that there was a second writer until after MGS3. That's why 1-3 were so good.

The swimming part takes about 150 seconds. Are you being serious?


Yeah man. There's a whole image set of hardcore sex and stuff.

its a really dreadful 150 seconds tho

>swimming part
>not really easy

git gud

He was written to be very shallow and whines about almost everything. Throughout the whole game Snake and Raiden are juxtaposed, Raiden being the inferior character in terms of personality, skills and experience

No, it's not dreadful. It's cool, atmospheric, and has better swimming controls than MGS3.

my problem with trying to be sneaky in MGS2 is checking an area, see no one is there, but the moment I start moving I get spotted.

After a while I gave up and went full Rambo.

Substance VR missions > MGS2 main game

The main game is also good. Not just the vr missions.

MGS3 and MGS1 have better main games (or "campaigns" if you want to call them that), but MGS2 is still good.

Seeing like you don't have posted a link o other image, I believe this is bait or you don't want to give source, right?
But please, source.


Which part did you not understand?

>Kojima was a brilliant game writer once.


" I don't think Kojima's a writer. The fact that he would even be considered one shows how low the standards are in the game industry. Nothing in MGS2 is above a fanfic level. He wouldn't last a morning in a network TV writers' room"

-Agness Kaku, MGS2 english translator

I found it in google images from typing something like "pokemon serena alola".

>yfw it's implied that Solid Snake/Big Boss are whoever you want them to be. Because they are legends, inventions of the imagination of some people and blurred memories. They don't really exist or if they were to be real they are nowhere close to what the games show you.

>Ads destruction.

Go on...

I thought there was something wrong about Raiden's character?

Agness "Exactly, Plastic Explosives 'R Us" Kaku.

>>raiden has never seen real combat
dude what

>I thought there was something wrong about Raiden's character?
Only the fact that the player is meant to feel that Raiden is a fucking pussy ass bitch and agonize over the fact that Snake isn't the main character

I don't know if when's the last time you played the game, but Raiden stops being a "pussy" by the time he meets Stillman, and wow, you are the textbook example of Kojimbling. How do you sleep at night?


brought to you by Hot Pockets

What the fuck is a Kojimbling?



Means you've been Kojima'd, don't worry, it's perfectly normal.

That does seem familiar. It's been a few years.
I might just replay the series since I've never played 4 and finally got hold of a PS3.

>Means you've been Kojima'd
Where exactly?

In the smart hole.

>and VR missions

Did it really? I find it hard to believe, unless it was an US only thing.

>Snake Tales
>not better than both

he means he's outsmarting you because you're an illiterate dumbfuck, stop posting

>thinking I could make a Metal Gear thread on Sup Forums without it becoming an autism circus

Boss, I...

C'mon user, you did your best. This was MY attempt of a MGS2 thread, and it died even sooner.

>tfw wondering why we are still here
just stop

MGO2 was the best multiplayer Ive ever played
MGS2 is where it should have ended
MGS3 is a 10/10 game either way

I bought MGS4 on release day and still have fond memories of the single player

>Black background. Audio-only TV newscast. Visual of the Statue of Liberty stranded on Ellis Island, carried there by Arsenal Gear from its perch on Liberty Island. The statue is in front of the Immigration Museum. The voiceover fades in and out erratically.

>Karen: "This is Karen Hokujo, reporting live from Ellis Island. What you see behind me in front of the Immigration Museum is one of the many bizarre side effects of last night's incident. The Statue of Liberty made the long trip from France to Liberty Island in 1886 as a birthday present if you will on the centennial of our independence. She was apparently moved last night to here on Ellis Island."

>Karen: "Unfortunately, she will have to go elsewhere if immigration processing is what she wants; Ellis Island closed its doors in 1954."

>A shot of Lady Liberty. The statue should look slightly tilted.

>Karen: "Will Lady Liberty finally get her Green Card? Back to you, Brian."

"Karen Hokujo." That's great.

Out of nowhere but, this makes me think of Ken Masters from SF and how everyone's all "lol dude he's Japanese stop calling him American." He was born in America though. That makes him full blooded American, by birth. Kid gets shipped off overseas to Japan as a disciplinary action, so he obviously didn't start out there.

I know being a critic is fun--trust me, I know--but holy fuck, people are just contrarian social retardants (read: retards) and can go fuck themselves most of the time. If we have a purge, my vote is the hipster is the first to go.

Just in case you are curious, the US version of the game kept a chunk of that outro.

(channel sux, don't bother)

>people will praise Kojima's anime-ripoff schlock and not acknowledge the true genius of Amy Hennig

always nice to know that misogynists still dominates this industry.

In what way? It's pretty obvious Raiden was not meant to be a likable character at all which was the original point.

It didn't certainly help in detracting from the experience.

And in any case, I liked Raiden, is there something wrong with me? A truly unlikable character would be Fortune, but even then it could only be the delivery.

>of the game

You're a liar, son. Please, people. Use your eyes and ears. I'm sure you got it, too. Just stop playing their game.

>not meant to be a likeable character

Raiden was put in because focus groups at Konami included teenage girls who thought Snake was gross and old. You can look this up. They figured the best alternative would be a bishounen (Raiden's JP VA has a deep-as-balls voice, true to the trope).

So... He was absolutely made to be likeable. But for girls. Why Konami ever thought they needed to target them with Metal Gear is beyond me. We all now know that company is retarded, anyway. And if that was a priority then they shouldn't have killed Silent Hill.

What you're...ALMOST right about is that the misdirection of making people think Snake was the MC from trailers, then swapping him out with Raiden, WAS supposed to make people upset. Probably because it pissed Kojima (or somebody) the fuck off, too.

That said, Snake is an archetype who stands for abstract ideologies and an endless yet futile quest for deeper meanings. Raiden actually has like...a background. Personality traits. He's a way better written character. In that sense, I totally like him more.

Nah, even Snake realizes I didn't have much in terms of choices this time. It's all forgiven. Besides, I saved Sunny and Rose, and gave a fuckton of character development to Raiden. We must not turn off the game console.

>Snake is an archetype who stands for abstract ideologies and an endless yet futile quest for deeper meanings

I'm pretty sure he and Otacon are on the same grounds that nuclear weapons were a mistake, and devoted their entire life to putting and end to them. That's also why Philantropy was born, I think.

Does Substance emulate well? I want to replay it, but I don't want to dig out my 360 to play the HD collection or buy just MGS2 on PS3, since I already own MGS3.

I also never got to try that skating mini-game.

>He's a way better written character.
Exactly. And now we've come full circle, back 60 posts in this thread.

>Does Substance emulate well?
A few slowdowns here and there in cutscenes, some buggy lighting and a few missing effects. No huge issues

deadpool is pretty notorious for breaking the 4th wall

>I totally like him more

yea totes, hes so hawt :3