>Realizing most vidya games wouldn't exist without this man's sacrifice
Realizing most vidya games wouldn't exist without this man's sacrifice
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God bless him
This evil monster commited atrocities
And you idiots sit there meming and loling like degenerate children about it.
Grow up and aquire decency
>commited atrocities
like what?
Killing a mass number of innocent people
>Forced the British intelligence agencies to develop computer code that lead to the first computers ever made
>Yfw hitler did nothing wrong wasn't just a meme
>kills people in a war
Hmm, I'm onto you.
i didnt know the jidf posted outside of pol
All modern culture including vidya is the result of this man's struggle. He is too underrated.
I've yet to see proof
hurrr durrr people i dont even know died and it will never affect my llife ,please care like me and be whats considered decent by me and other normies
>starts war against his own innocent citizens of his own country, which wasn't even his country to begin with
yeah total war against its people. they all hated him
He tricked them
jews didn't naturalise and stayed in their own communities
if they had done so, they couldn't have been persecuted
hitler naturalised into a true german
all he did was attempt to unite the german people by driving out the false germans
WW2 is a story about the dangers of immigration and how immigrants from the middle east will never naturalise, not over hundreds of years
>"innocent" """citizens"""
Read Mein Kampf, he even states that he was a liberal Democrat and thought Jews were Germans like everyone else, but after a lot of skulking learned that they were trying to turn Germans against each other with bolshevism, and were behind a lot of other shit because of despotism
Hitler killed a mass number of innocent people? Are you referring to all those Jews and other people that died in concentration camps from starvation and typhus outbreaks because of the Allies bombing all of the German supply lines used for food and medicine?
>Meanwhile jews have integrated into western societies but reserve rights to stay in collective groups for a sense of primal confort being surrounded by your own
Argument is invalid, next.
Hitler loved Arabs and Muslims. His hate was only for Jews, racist.
>integrated into the western world
>have their own, non-western values, traditions and religion
really makes you think
well arabs and muslims stayed in their own countries back in the day
Look at all these Hitler haters
Name one thing wrong with respecting your heritage? So long as no one is hurt, what is the harm in allowing the freedom of expression? If you really cared for western values you'd care for the freedom to express yourself the way that you'd like. Only authoritarian socialists would say that you have to act a certain way in a certain demographic group.
Tricked them much like Satan tricks you to be a degenerate
Western values are democracy and morality derived from the Jewish Tanakh. Hitler admired Islam precisely because it was anti-Western, and wished Martel had LOST at Poitiers.
I challenge you to post a better natsoc related picture than this
you wont be able to
Tricked them into becoming a supreme power?
Yeah that sure worked out in the end
STILL waiting on that one reason, one reason that isn't "oh the jews, the conspiracy theories". The original argument was that the Syrian refugees could not be westernized, and that had to do with the fact that jews have indeed been westernized. You name me one problem with keeping hold of traditions that aren't western and aren't malicious to others.
The teams were stacked desu
still waiting for 1 argument why we should take them instead of creating safe zone which is 10-12 times cheaper.
Also muslims in general poorly integrate. the fact that the jews did doesnt mean every single group on earth will too
The best comment I've heard on the Nazis I heard yesterday when a friend said that in order to break the back of an evil empire the world needed a lesser evil empire to go in and make the sacrifice
OP here, just a reminder this was supposed to be a vidya thread, but ok, shit happens
The argument is very complex, it's often fought on moral grounds and you cannot deny that it would be immoral to let them fester in a war torn country, not in the 21st country. There was a book called Post Modernism, i forget the author, he explains a lot about how todays western countries are mostly liberal and care more for feelings than they do fact, empathy has become objectivity. Honestly I cannot say for sure whether taking them in was the right decision or not, I'm sure 100's of years from now they'll be discussing it in class rooms with greater insight than we could have today.
But to address your second point, only in recent years has muslim regretion occurred, todays muslims are less integrated than their parents, this is often the subject of heated debate, we don't have an answer to why, can we just blame all muslims or is that just to intellectually lazy, to make a blanket statement that covers all muslims under the same stroke of the brush. It's easy to do that but where we can find the more fullfilling answers is to look at the politics of the nation and of the globe in general, that route is much moire stimulating and telling of the truth.
Without Hitler, the majority of us probably wouldn't have been born
He's just as much as responsible for us as our fathers are
thanks Hitler
As long as people take the despicable Word of The Quran as the Holy Truth, some percentage of Muslims will be easily radicalised.
The only Muslims who can truly integrate are those who believe that a new prophet has come along who has "modernised" the word of Mohammed. Unsurprisingly, these Muslims (Ahmadis) are considered heretics by the majority and are persecuted in Islamic countries, and murdered in broad daylight by other Muslims in Britain.
Yeah I've often been perplexed by the Quran, it says that there have been previous words of god but they make the claim that they are the last, there will be no more religions after Islam. For a religion that has never had a revision, that has never had "new testaments", the Muslim religion can be so broad in it's western appearances. It can exist in most western countries as both guidelines and as a literal text to be taken seriously, the good and the bad.
You can say this about Christians who believe everything said in the old testament, the morals it teaches and everything between are almost on par with Islam with how we would define modern morality.
Point being that Muslims have integrated, but unlike other religious peoples, they lack a certain means to be flexible and accepting of others lifestyles. Not all of them but to be fair, a decent portion of western muslims are what you would call "problem muslims".
Again the argument is very complex, but I don't think it is impossible for them to integrate properly. Perhaps they need more time.
sure why not
My point is that, whilst Western Muslims who have never really read the Quran can integrate alright, I fear that all it would take is for them to read their own holy book and think:
>hey, my prophet, the most holy and perfect man to have ever existed, was a paedophile who spread Islam by the sword. Maybe jihad isn't so bad after all.
...and you have an extremist.
That is quite the dumbest thing I've ever read. do you say the same of Christians who don't read the beeble? how about of Atheists who simply look at the futility of life? come on, kid. your irrational fears of that MOOZLLUHMZ isn't going to get you anywhere in life lmfao.
>safe zone
Sounds like a ghetto
then you don't know much about people then
yes some people loved him but.. for others its you like me or die. Join me ..or die what choice do you have
Compare Jesus to Mohammed and stop being a dumbass.
Also, atheism does lead to nihilism. Luckily, most atheists don't think too hard about the implications of their (lack of) beliefs.
Wasn't the godfather of vidya Russian? Either way Hitlers Germany was responsible for all sorts of technological advancements, even after the war and the US got all the Nazi scientists.
Father of Video games was a german-american immigrant.
>the moment you realize everything you learned about history in high school was a lie
Spoiler: Hitler just wanted all races to do well for themselves and none of this multi-kulti bullshit.
the teachers probably didn't lie intentionally. they were tricked just like everyone else
>you cannot deny that it would be immoral to let them fester in a war torn country, not in the 21st country.
I can deny that.
It is not immoral to leave people in they state they have created and refused to fix.
The current year is of no relevance.
Oh no, they do lie. Teachers have to get a minimum of a MA to teach high school in US. They go through all the social science classes and political science classes we do. They're told to teach things in a certain way by the state, though.
Fuck off underage Redditor
go to sleep bagel
Find a better Hitler film
Pro tip: You can't
Just leaving this here.
Children should not be judged for the sins of their parents. The children and future children in those regions will be. Sure "they" caused it, but do the future generations deserve it?
This actually sounds funny
They future generations that continue to either ruin or abandon their ancestral home?
You're goddamn fucking right they do.
I don't know about tradition but inviting million uneducated possibly traumatized people over is asking for social problems for decades.
Should we also judge people for crimes they might commit before they do them? Jail all blacks and poor people because they are statistically more likely to commit crimes? We don't know what the future generations will do. If left to fester as that one user said, they will pro follow in their parents footsteps. We can change that.
>Jail all blacks and poor people because they are statistically more likely to commit crimes?
You're going to get a lot of people who unironically support this.
Of course not and it was not what I was suggesting at all.
But to help people who do not help themselves is wasted and undeserving effort.
THEY can change that, but they elect not to.
Change starts with oneself, but they start no change, only perpetuate.
Once you start doing it all for them when they haven't done it themselves, they become dependent.
Why do the blacks/white trash stay on and abuse welfare?
Because giving undeserving help to people makes them dependent.
That is not something any sane person should be a part of in all good conscience.
there must always be a lich king
the bad guys won
this is the bad timeline and you are in it
If there ever was a religion made by old cranky guys it is Islam. In the holy scripts that are "directly from God" it says to obey your elders and to carry on their traditions, without changing it. They are heavily incentiviced to not change by their religion and culture. That needs fixing before they can change, and it won't happen in Wartorn Arabistan.
I'd say a nuke would change things.
A dead end can be a perfectly valid fix.
Keep forgetting that Sup Forums and Sup Forums share the same underage user base. youtu.be
>and loling
well we're all little girls here faget
Look, everyone! A video game!