I'm still laughing.
I'm still laughing
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I'm not.
Borderlands 3 is fucked now.
overwatch isn't much better
Now I'm laughing.
F2P when?
Who said I like overwatch? You can enjoy the blunderborn fiasco without being a blizz shill
BL2 had many issues but was at least fun to play.
There's no chance for BL3 to have any kind of budget for decent Dev time.
Why do you think so? Is Gearbox really that hurt by Stillborn?
Thanks user, I wasn't before, but now I am.
>BL2 had many issues but was at least fun to play.
It was the damage spongiest grindfest I have ever had the misfortune to play
>spongiest grindfest
I too can't hit any headshots ever and spec my class poorly
sure but that's what it was directly competing with
overwatch is just utter dogshit imho
They have said many times it's the biggest project they have ever done.
Lots more time in all the design, etc.
Which I don't understand seeing as it's ugly as all fuck with lots of meme shit.
It's a huge sink financially.
But many people bought it, right?
Never really bothered looking up battleborn. What made it so bad?
you're a fucking idiot dude. even the devs admitted the scaling was completely retarded in BL2
Bad design, bad gameplay,released after overwatch had the audience, and shitty marketing campaign. Dead on fucking arrival.
>But many people bought it, right?
I honestly hope that Gearbox drops out of the Industry and T2 gets a competent dev to make a new game in the series.
Congratulations, you sound like my little brother, who's a legitimate autist that can't grasp the fact that BL2's scaling is fucked beyond repair.
borderlands was already fucked though
>I'm shit at easy games
All you had to say really.
Game probably ruined the career of Anthony "The Cuck" Burch and that scumfuck Randy Pitchford.
Sounds like a sweet deal to me.
I probably would've played it if it was free. The mulitplayer was kind of fun.
The campaign was awful and the dialogue wasn't funny. Every boss is the exact same thing where you shoot it for 15 seconds before it launches into a super long invulnerability phase where it spawns waves of dudes. And fuck whoever thought it was okay to charge $40 for the game while making you pay for extra inventory slots, item crates, campaign missions, character skins, and new characters.
Who says the game can't still be easy and have shit enemy balance?
they literally put gender neutral bathrooms in the game to show how progressive they are
Her voice gave me cancer
The Tiny Tina DLC was even worse with that shit, man. I ended up dropping it completely, despite liking most aspects of it.
Gearbox made it.
>Battleborn was heavily inspired by anime
Is this when we all realize the meme that anime is and the "badass" bullshit it inspires?
The kind with the symbol that's half man, half woman (i.e. the boner one)?
I bet they were referring to Naruto or some shit.
This proves Sup Forums only hates the game cause of GamerGate shit
Borderlands fucking sucks but I'd molest Tiny Tina tbqh family
I'm 100% sure they were talking about shit like Bleach or Naruto when they were talking about that.
sneak preview of BL3 final boss
back in my day those just used to be called "unisex bathrooms"
if you fill your game with SJW shit don't be surprised when no one but SJWs plays your shit game, then you realize just how few of you there are. go die in a fire
The casino riverboat thing is one of the most baffling obvious lies I have ever read
Fuck off goober, you get triggered so easily
>It was the damage spongiest grindfest I have ever had the misfortune to play
This. And the game was almost never fun, because it was either frustratingly difficult if you had shit weapons, or way too fucking easy if you had amazing weapons.
Inb4 someone says "well yeah, you can't do a loot based game and avoid that gameplay design." Completely wrong, Destiny for example is much more fun to play regardless of your gun rarity and DPS.
I'm fear for my life in Gearbox goes under. I will be binge drinking for 24 hours straight in celebration.
Even the worst anime ain't as bad design wise as battleborn.
And we're talking about a genre that made a show about a girl who gained super-strength from hello kitty gym shorts, and a super-soldier cockroach man.
why didn't they just dig a hole straight throught o the center
its a fucking moba
I would argue Destiny is worse but at least you got 5 other people helping you shoot.
Christ. How embarrassing.
Gearbox's writing didn't help. Annoying voice acting on top of Gearbox's writing REALLY didn't help.
It's on the list because Kotaku ran it and then got corrected by Randy.
Randy was the one that told the joke in the first place
Not as embarrassing as getting mad at a unisex bathroom :)
Battleborn is a hilarious flop but it sold fine for something Gearbox shat out in 1.5 years of dev. Steamspy indicates as such. Stop being an idiot shitposter.
>Generic, easy to shit on anime
I'm pretty sure there's a lot more Gainax shit than naruto or bleach, the fucking penguin does a WRRRRY as well
Found the Battleborn fan
Holy fuck this is accurate
Stay triggered, you mentally-ill freak.
Go to bed, Randy.
Yeah I know that it was an actual thing that Randy said, it's just really weird that he thought it'd be funny or clever
this forgot to add how they plagiarized the theme and art style for borderlands from an animated short. They had even contacted the guy originally to do work for him but then canceled. Also plagiarized work from a well known graphic designer for their borderlands 2 marketing.
I was just about to post that. It's uncanny.
Post some fucking cringe.
>triggered fag calling others triggered
I like it.
FFS, user, read the second sentence at least.
I'm not even that guy. This was my first post in this thread.
I played it. I'll tell you what.
Few maps, two per mode, only 3 modes. Two maps had a sort of MOBA-like tower thing that basically demolished the enemy team unless they minions hanging out with them. So it was a game that you played extremely defensively and that was boring. Any character with a stun was top tier instantly because only they could actually secure kills to make the game move on because every single character had so much damn health it was so fucking easy to just run away and get behind the tower to stay alive. Unbelievable how easy it was to get away (and the lanes were fucking tiny as well).
Capture mode was just eh. It didn't really have any depth, easier to get kills though. Everyone is still a fucking damage sponge so fights take fucking forever, god help you if both teams have a good healer. Minions off to the side grant instant level ups when killed so it's totally easy to just get way the fuck ahead of everyone else and just steamroll people like that.
Third was like two waves that if pushed gave points. You could build sentries and shit, they helped cover your retreat, but weren't threatening alone. Probably the better mode.
Character designs are awful. Gearbox humor. Like maybe three characters looked good, I'd say Alani was neat. Attikus is literally what the fuck were they thinking.
Story mode was boring as hell. Four player co-op that kind of just went on and on and on. Should've probably just been abandoned to work on multiplayer.
Character balance was terrible. Like I said, hard stun meant you were god tier. Fucking Miko who was designed to be a healer could out damage and secure kills better than most other characters because he got a stun at level 4. No mana so just spam those abilities. Ambra was like the only non-stun character who was good for a while because she had so much lifesteal she could 1v1 anyone and if she ever got low on life she got a shield and a speed buff to just run the fuck away. Character limit.
Borderlands was already "Deep as a Puddle Wide as an Ocean Skyrim: the FPS" edition anyway.
I don't know why you'd want anything to do with it. Especially the second one, whose corpse Anthony Burch repeatedly raped with his "humor."
Great, so add JoJo onto the list of mainstream shit.
I just can see how this feminist masterpiece could have failed... just goes to show how misogynistic white man-babies are!!
Oh and the screen was fucking absurdly cluttered at all times. It was impossible to tell just what the fuck was going on because the UI was so cluttered and so many effects were happening at once. God help you if you played Montana who had his weapon cover up, I shit you not, like 30% of the fucking screen. All the fucking time.
they say they spent more time and money on this than all their games put together but i think that's just more of pichfords lies
Probably a lot of it on marketing. There was reddit post about a guy who got trading cards for like a pre-order or something at gamestop and they just gave him the whole thing. Like 7,000 packs because nobody wanted them.
It does seem a bit weird though. Borderlands seems like it was a lot more ambitious than Battleborn.
>25 characters and we've invested 4 times more in each char as we did to the borderlands chars
I wonder, what do their character design guidelines say. They dont seem to be same species like TF2 or OW humans, theres no "I want to hear his backstory" or "I want to write fanfic about these 2 chars"
Theres just feeling of nausea.
How did this benefit you in any way?
you think thats bad?
Just found this article, and this comment is amazing:
>It's worth noting that Overwatch has a serious burnout issue. Until comp is added in full, and (maybe) a campaign mode, OW will be dead within the next few years.
>Battleborn has a cult following, and Gearbox is working to make the game better all the time with weekly hotfixes, new characters, new gamemodes, and new maps. (And all of that is FREE) PC Battleborn is more or less dead, but Console Battleborn is alive and well. (Especially after the new matchmaking system.)
WHY didn't Humble Bundle save this game???
went on the steam forum to see if there is more stuff like this. this is the first post. loving the fresh oc memes
Goobers are pretty dumb and just attracted false flaggers and the actual nuthouse/LCDs that ruin any rebel group
I think you had to clear the layer first before you can go to the next
Some of the games player base seem to finally be catching on.
Borderlands was never that good anyway.
I mean, they're alright, but I won't miss them.
Now i'm just laughing harder
Borderlands was a series I wanted to love - over the top mad max with curayzeee sci Fi guns? Shit yeah - but both games were disappointingly boring and full grind fests. They really shitted it up making them arpgs and not open world action games with some levelling up. As it is the guns are all samey, the world is full and empty, and the music is barely present. And dont get me started on some of the more annoying characters.
It's just a dull, mindless click fest
Why is gearbox still letting their employees respond to criticism on forums? Do they really think throwing out posts like this will help them?
>i play battleborn
Ops post is sponsored by Activision TM and blizzard TM and we are here to make you buy our products and make threads to squander our competition
>500 are probably give-away accounts/bots
How cucked are the memelands devs going to be when they realize pandering to people who won't buy your game anyways, has 0 payoff?
Honestly the game itself is good and fun. It lives up to its MOBA elements much more than OW does. But its frankly just out-classed by OW in the appeal department, even if you took away their retarded decision to release anywhere near OW in the first place and Blizzard's significant heft over the casul playerbase.
The biggest issue with the game is just the characters themselves. The vast majority are quirky badasses with the typical long-winded 'haha look how self-aware we are' dialogue you got from Borderlands 2. None of the characters are attractive, none of the characters are immediately recognizable, none of the characters are interesting or take themselves seriously in any way. It's not like they have to be black and blue grim shit, but take a look at Blizzard's OW cinematics. Even though some of them are hammed up and predictable, the game's characters treat it with weight. There's an appeal to the backstory of OW that doesn't exist in Battleborn because Battleborn is nonsensical bullshit.
Mercy is a premier example of straightforward, good design with a character. Her design is recognizable to the point that a half ring halo is enough to associate with her. The sheer amount of fan art she gets is because she's so recognizable as a character. Compare that to Battleborn's cover page which is a mishmash of deviantart-tier uggos parading around like oh wow we're so diverse. That's how you kill a game.
post more battlebotch defense posts please
this is so accurate its unreal
>"flopped" is a relative term and not precise in any manner
Considering the low numbers despite the sales and an appearance in the Humble Bundle this soon, yes, the game did flop.
>flopped is a relative term
>now i cant find people to play with all because of one article
Oh god my eyes. Why.