60fps is too "gamey"

>60fps is too "gamey"
>boss fights are too "gamey"

are there any other things that are too "gamey"?

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who the fuck are you quoting, moron


I don't personally consider 60fps or boss fights to be "gamey", which is largely overused. Stuff that feels out of place for the type of game might fall under it, though. Like if you had some gritty, realistic FPS and then there's rotating health packs everywhere. A lot of tropes feel pretty videogamey too, like 'an ancient evil awakens'.

Health pickups
Cheatcodes and goofy modes (Big head, low gravity)
Cool unlockables when you finish the game
Optional boss fights/sections with an incredible difficulty spike

she's literally baiting and you guys took it


>Cheatcodes and goofy modes (Big head, low gravity) are all things of the past



I think things like silly cheatcodes and cool unlockables should be in every game, even if it seems pretty cliche. Is there even a recent game with good cheat codes? I remember old GTA games having awesome riot mode ones, and being disappointed when the most GTA V had was explosive punch.

That meat seems pretty gamey, do you serve chicken?

Games aren't about gameplay, it's about ART and I don't see why you fucking philistines can't get that through your thick skulls. Gamers are dead.

I've always found duck to be too gamey. But maybe I've just never had it served well.

>complain western games dont have boss fights
>western game puts in boss fights
>bitch about it so much MD avoids them all together


Isn't that lamb?


this bossfight is absolute shit, how exactly was this possible without the electrical resistance or a bunch of healing items? Literally couldn't progress through that point because it seemed impossible.
Fuck man, I'm not even bad at vidya, at least not in FPS that's for sure

You mean there were pros and cons to your build in an RPG game? Damn nigga that's rough

To me, "gamey" involves lots and lots of numbers, grinding, meters to fill, arbitrary objectives, skinner boxes, shit like that. Imagine the worst p2w mobile game that doesn't even hide its psychological manipulation, that's being gamey. A lot of open world games are also very gamey.

Gamey in this definition has nothing to do with the amount of gameplay or what (most) good video games entail.

Look, I wouldn't mind a challenge, but making it near impossible because you didn't take a certain perk which seemed absolutely USELESS is just not nice. Why the fuck would I need the resistance?

>60 FPS
get with the times grandpa
144 FPS is the standard today

You could avoid the electricity user...

Guess they shouldn't have been so video gamey then

I don't remember how many times I've tried, but it was a lot. It was always either the electricity stunning me or the chick beating me shit in in 2 hits.
Fuck, now I have to go replay it

that's way too gamey

First post, best post.


"Gamey" means whatever the person using it wants it to mean.

Which means that it means nothing at all. If someone uses the term, ignore them. Their opinion is baseless.


It is and Lamb is amazing. I'm just saying I find duck to be gamey.

I never knew it had electricity damage, and I didn't have the EMP ress and just kept using mines, then waiting for her to run into it, shoot her, dodge the attacks, rinse and repeat.

If you like your meat plain that might be the problem, whenever I make duck it's heavily seasoned and marinated so it was never gamey.


>earning money in a simulator game for completing mundane tasks
Too gamey. It's a sim. Don't trivialize it with needless feel good points.

>It's a person who doesn't like playing video games critiques video games episode

boss fights are definitely too gamey but 60fps is great

you're way too gay

only way to do it without that perk is to spam her with grenades when she initially attacks you. or the stun gun works as well. just spam something that keeps her dazed so she can't run away. yes it's a poorly designed boss fight. the boss fights were outsourced to a different studio by squarenix.


In The last play I did of HR to get ready for the new one she got stuck on a server and just ran in place not doing anything while I emptied my combat rifle into her. I felt bad for cheesing it, but I'll take what I can get

>it's about ART
that's a funny way to say cinema

boss fights are good when they make you employ the new skills you learned in that level or chapter of the game and culminate in sort of a final 'test'

boss fights are shit when they introduce a new mechanic right there and then and the only reason it's hard is because you're not used to the mechanic

>wait until shes coming after you
>when she gets into range hit her with the stungun
>take out your combat rifle and unload the magazine into her face
>retreat before the stun wears off so you dont get hit by her typhoon

Damn you must hate games like Monster Hunter or Shadow of the Colossus

Haven't had a lot of duck, but back in 2009 some family members who hunt a lot sent me some jarred deer meat. Very very gamey, but still delicious.

what's wrong with being gamey
no one criticizes movies for being too filmy

i cant stand it when games get too gamey. i like to play games the way i watch movies: i just press play when the action stops which is all the time because i scratched up the disc because im so stupid and lazy and slobby. i can't even be bothered to hold a disc correctly so I SCRAPE IT ALONG THE GROUND WITH MY HEEL. USING MY THUMB AND INDEX FINGER IS TOO FRUSTRATING PLEASE CATER TO MY LAZINESS

uncharted 4 is my favorite game

They absolutely do. Stuff like quips in superhero movies, stuff like that. They're just over used cliches, though some stuff can be reused reliably (like gaming boss fights).

>have a narrator
>you can skip combat sequences
>narrator comments on it

You can actually use that as a tool for narrative tho

60 tick

It's a term used by people who hate video games to condemn features that make video games more like games and not like movies.

games are gamey

name 5 games that are gamey (without using google)

levels design for "pure gameplay" are too videogamey
where's the cinema???????????????

the problem is that the game encourages stealth and if you pick the right augs you literally don't need any weapons to deal with the normal enemies. then you get to a boss fight and you're fucked because you didn't create a tank character. only good boss fight was the last one because you could beat her with stealth or raw power.

that girl at 4:18 remarking that she prefers 30fps really upsets me.

>mfw playing EDF 4.1 and loving how gamey it is and unafraid it is to be gamey compared to modern AAA dev shit which tries to be more cinematic, movie like and taking agency away from the player

quake 3
super mario bros
pac man
space invaders
jackie chan adventures for GBA

>tfw Intemediate

What can I do? I love those stupid maps. Still, I want to try and take on Advanced sooner or later.

intermediate looks more fun than advanced

holy shit that looks delicious


well, we're talking about complexity and difficulty in creation, fun aside

>an Uncharted 4 level

intermediate reminds me of source multiplayer maps with it's simplicity that can last for hours like 2fort, while advanced looks like a one-off shitty hallway like the nightclub in max payne 3

This can't actually be a thing that anyone said.

Can it?


i spose it also depends on the game

how do i learn design theory. are there books about it or some shit

urban areas that are obviously unfit for people to live in

Never actually played it huh?

When will you "hurr who are you quoting" retards just kill yourselves? Quotes have always been used for paraphrasing as much as for "word for word" quotes.

like detroit?

Smart move on Naughty Dog's part. Push things like diversity and narrative so they don't have to work as hard.

i've never played it but i remember U2 multi having nice maps

I legitimately want people like this to stop playing video games.

Either that or stick to visual novels or those modern adventure games that are basically more interactive visual novels.

Hell, I'm not even really opposed to games that have no combat. I think it's an interesting idea. That said, they want games to expand to broader audiences? They want compelling new, story-based and emotional experiences? Just expand on narrative-based games like those and create something fresh and original instead of shitting all over action games and ruining the experience for those who appreciate that sort of gameplay. I think we could all appreciate an effort like that. Just think of the possibilities.

Fun modes with goofy shit because everything needs to be muh cinematic experience and once you sit through that movie, you're not allowed to have fun.

I could have taken Mafia 2 being inferior to the first one in every way if it had a free ride extreme mode like the first one. Doing those challenging and unlocking cool cars was fucking 10/10


*throws up in mouth

because you like corridor shooting fag games.

>are there any other things that are too "gamey"?

misconceptions from normal fags who cant fathom complex shit working?

even the DEHR version wasn't much better

but what I meant was places like the towns in Resident Evil or Ninja Gaiden with no amenities and locked doors and puzzle gates between areas

I can get what he's trying to say, there's several layers to designing a program for consumer use, the problem is the "ideal" final product is not actually ideal for a lot of players.

>Robert Yang is an indie game developer
>succulent, cobra club, stick shift

Nice level design Robert, LOL

Good map design means jack shit when it's ad odds with terrible gameplay. Enjoy those linear "platforming" sections though.

i'll take it over someone remaking their apartment

he was also level designer for black mesa

Funny thing is you can already skip combat. Just cheat and make your character invulnerable. Give them the stats they need to murder everything in one hit.

your moms pussy

>Funny thing is you can already skip combat. Just cheat and make your character invulnerable. Give them the stats they need to murder everything in one hit.
Yeah, I get it. There's already so many ways you can do pretty much that. Just mod your game, hack it, or, if it's an RPG or something, just level up to the point where you're OP. Or if it's an action game, play on easy or something.

I just think it's discerning that there are so many people out there who seem to legitimately want to cut out gameplay in these video games that you are meant to PLAY. You have to wonder if these people even really enjoy video games.

It's 2016. Games requiring skill is too "gamey," sorry.

They clearly don't if they want to cut out the stuff that makes videogames videogames.

I think you could really make a good case that they really don't.

They want to want act like they do, at least. But do they really understand video games on a fundamental level? Fuck no, they don't.

Because I really feel like anyone who loved video games and had a good understanding of video game design should be all about "video gamey" shit like boss fights, combat, and so on. Obviously there should be some exceptions for people into something else, like say, visual novels or something.

So you admit youre an inventory jew

Achievements killed fun.

I think there is room for both. I don't want to take away their walking simulators.

They just piss me off when they start asking for game series I like to remove the gameplay or a fucking easy mode.

>Because I really feel like anyone who loved video games and had a good understanding of video game design should be all about "video gamey" shit like boss fights, combat, and so on

video games are not restricted to these though

just because you don't paint some modern art shit or baroque doesn't mean whatever you paint isn't art

you could call some shitty 2003 hour long camcorder video a movie and nobody could stop you either

>I think there is room for both. I don't want to take away their walking simulators.
Same. I don't give a flying fuck if someone enjoys walking simulators. It's just that the sorts of people who like those games seem to be the exact same sort of people who don't care for "video gamey" concepts and then major devs look at that audience, and feel like they need to supply their demand for "cinematic" experiences or walking sims that take themselves "seriously" or something.

>video games are not restricted to these though

Like I said, I don't want to take away their walking sims. Hell, on the contrary, I highly encourage people to try to make new sorts of games and challenge what a video game can be. I'd love to play a game that had a genuinely well-written, compelling narrative with complex, interesting characters.

I just want these sorts of people to stop ruining the sorts of video games I typically tend to play.

>i want change without people specifically changing the games i like

i really do not follow