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There was a song which I heard quite often on MP maps but I have no idea what the name of it was
i hope MD will be as goat as the original and HR
Good taste OP.
Came here to post that.
Have this instead
I'm a little deaf but I always liked this
Return to New York has great music.
>Thread is not just every post spamming 'NYC Streets'
Do I have to do everything around here?!
>play deus ex
>wow that was way ahead of its time, amazing game
>play deus ex hr
>no way this'll be even close to deus ex
>it is
HR is one of the few modern games in recent memory to actually feel like it had love put into it. Everything in that game oozes personality and respect to its roots. Mankind Divided will hopefully be the GOAT.
God dammit why do the Deus Ex games have such great soundtrack?
The obvious choice
pleb, but
I gotta go with the title theme. I tried playing the game off and on over a year or so and just couldn't get into it. What kept me coming back was the title theme passing into my head every couple months.
>be jaded adult
>memories of playing Deus Ex for the first time flooding in
Judging by the reviews MD is virtually a HR with more devices to play with and more complex level structure plus a giant hub that feels like something from an RPG
My augmented nigga
>there will literally NEVER be games as good as Deus Ex, System Shock 2, and Thief 1 and 2 again
where did it all go SO WRONG Sup Forums?
don't know, damn shame that they fucked up MD so badly.
what's wrong with MD?
come ON you didn't even play it yet and you're already bitching, how about you play it first
Sup Forums just shits on every big new game. I blame TORtanic for attracting this crowd of autists.
Outside of poor performance on Nvidia systems on PC, it seems to just be Human Revolution 2.0 but with only one gigantic hub instead of multiple smaller hubs and more gadgets to play with. I'm okay with that.
it's getting sixes and sevens, I don't need to play it to know what to expect. It has a terrible story, unmemorable characters, abrupt ending (probably baiting for a sequel or DLC) and it doesn't do anything fresh or inspiring.
It probably isn't a bad game but an okay one but it could have been so much more.
>playing GMDX tonight
>escape MJ12 bunker with a fully upgraded combat strength augment
>any grab-able object is now a superweapon
>go to kill Manderley
>Janice Reed is talking shit
>bonk her out with a stun baton
>toss her body into Manderley's office while he and Simons chat
>interrupt conversation
>Manderley immediately starts shooting me
>pick up Janice's body and throw it right at his fucking face
>she violently explodes into gibs
>he dies instantly
This is amazing.
The best
It got 6s and 7s from only three sites, from literally who sites at that. And the only real consistent complaint between reviews is that the story ends abruptly, probably because they're intending to make one more prequel game to connect to the events of Deus Ex 1 and are leaving some threads dangling.
Everywhere else are giving it 8s and 9s.
Alpha Protocol got 6s and 7s.
So was that long-awaited Deus Ex mod worth playing in the end? Rebirth, no? What was it called?
No, play GMDX instead
Revision is merely okay but not brilliant. Worth a playthrough once but not much more than that. GMDX is much better.
this is awkward as fuck, melvin brother of the joker level awkward
>Everywhere else are giving it 8s and 9s.
those are the paid reviews. They say the same things as the reviews that gave 6 and 7 but were paid to give higher overall score.
>caring about reviews unless its getting panned from everyone
Bet you think Bioshock Infinite is the citizen kane of gaming as well
or maybe you're just a faggot
You can never win with reviews on Sup Forums.
Good reviews are paid reviews and anything below 8/10 is absolute shit. I'm just going to go watch some gameplay.
>try playing Deus Ex on my new PC
>play the tutorial for a refresher
>get to the water part
>fps explodes whenever I look at the water
Anyone know why this is? I'm not terribly tech savvy.
So every game is shit because if it's a 7 or less, it's shit and if it's more than a 7 it's paid?
What is it like being a very depressed individual who can't find happiness with anything?
Literally every game ever gets 6s and 7s from someone. What's your point.
If I had to guess, it's because Deus Ex doesn't like modern systems using their old renderer. I'd try Kentie's DX 9 or 10 renderers and see if that helps.
Idk man, but when i tried to play it a while back, everything was in super speed. It's like someone pushed the fast forward button on the game.
It's hard to go through doors when you move at sanic speeds.
I'm just saying that not to expect anything too great. It has the same score as Invisible War (lol)
Mankind Divided has a higher metacritic score than Invisible War as of right now, the fuck you on about?
>think it's time for another playthrough of deus ex
>start it up
>the music has MASSIVE popping issues
>absolutely nothing i do fixes it
o-ok, i guess i'll play something else then
Try Kentie's Deus Exe and set the latency to 60 in the configuration menu. That fixed it for me.
Nope. Invisible war has 84 on the Xbox version and MD has 84 on the PC version.
Yeah, that was the first thing I did. Changed nothing sadly
So does MD really only have one city hub?
>probably because they're intending to make one more prequel game to connect to the events of Deus Ex 1 and are leaving some threads dangling.
I decided to spoil myself on the ending:
Literally no progress is made toward the events of Deus Ex 1.
Yes, enjoy your streamline of a streamlined game
>inb4 b-b-b-b-but it's big and detailed.... ;_;
Yes, but apparently the size of all the other hubs put together.
Meh, I can accept it being big and detailed. It just seems not so great because Deus Ex to me, always had that scope of running around the world chasing conspiracies. A more personal story doesn't work too well.
The best bits of music are the ones used in the turning points of the game
Paul telling you not to trust UNATCO
Morpheus telling you your origins
Gotta be either this
Can't wait to play the new one on my PS4
If it's indeed detailed then I think it's for the best. I didn't really like how small and condensed post-Detroid hubs felt.
Why modern video game developer don't care about soundtrack anymore?
Because why pay for a guy to compose kickass music who may or may not have people actually play the music when you can just hire some literal who for a fraction of the cost to make ambient noise that no one will even remember?
I am the more advanced model, Denton. It's time for You to retire.
I just got Deus Ex Game of the Year Edition, other than modifying the ini for widescreen, what do I need to know to maximize in order to run it at peak performance on a modern machine?
Also, any general tips? I play all my games on max difficulty, I need some information about how to git gud. All I know is to not waste points in swimming.
Pick the GEP gun when starting the game, but stick with the prod, you're police after all.
Get GMDX. I played it on hard and it was, well hard. It gives you a very limited amount of biocells and medkits, can't even imagine it on realistic.
Also don't worry too much about killing people, the game doesn't really reward you for being non-lethal.
It makes a difference where you prod people with the prod. I believe the torso area was the most effective
Don't do a melee run first. Everyone recommends it but it's dull.
Get the higher def textures but NOT Revision.
Play how you like beyond that. The 2 fun things to try are nonlethal (mostly) and keeping Paul around. A lot of people miss that second one on first play.
Also don't ask or look up anything else. Go play it blind. All the way through.
I would recommend GMDX for a second playthrough but first time with vanilla
Going to replaying it for the first time, which mod should i try?
Why though? GMDX just rebalances everything and makes the AI not completely retarded. There's no real reason to play completely vanilla anymore. The common argument seems to be that the stamina thing is bad but I never really struggled with it so meh.
Is there a place to buy the soundtrack to the first game? I looked but didn't have that much success. I bought the soundtrack to HR, and loved it, but the first one has a special place in my heart.
Do not turn subtitles on if you can help it, others understand why. *Cough*
Choose the gep gun first.
Play how you want, it's not absolutely necessary to go absolute stealth or killing.
If prodding, prod the lower back for better results.
People say swimming is absolute garbage, but it's definitely useful.
Quick save a lot, you will die and there's no auto save iirc.
You may find liberty island dull and boring, at least stick with the game a few levels afterwards, it opens up more as you unlock more augs.
Is there a mod that completely changes all the sound effects in the game?
I can't play the game because the sound effects are literally painful to me. Even just the basic footstep sound is like fingernails on a chalkboard to me.
I guess just to experience what it's like vanilla
only correct answer
HR was good, most likely because it seemed to be one of the few games that still took advantage of the hub system.
"Open world" has become such a fucking drain on society. It's almost become a label for "look at these great systems in a completely empty world!"
Whereas the hubs allow you to travel in a fairly large area that is well thought out to both open up the surface level world to you (on the streets, npc's, shops, and easy side-quests, stealth rarely needed), and hide the hidden level world to you (hidden terminals, weapons, unmarked quests, somewhat harder side-quests, stealth may be necessary).
Prague it sounds like is the only hub in MD, but if they flesh it out twice as much (or just as fleshed out but twice as large as Detroit or Hengsha), I think they can pull it off.
GEP gun definitely seems like the best choice. Bet it's more valuable too.
I'll look into it, but I don't want to deviate too far from vanilla. I want to get the real fuckin' experience.
Yeah, fuck Revision. I was looking at it and it was a total replacer. I don't mind higher res, but not changing the models and shit.
Subtitles are going off.
I think the GOTY version from GOG comes with the soundtrack
I'll look into it- thank you!
Blast, doesn't say it has it on their page
huh the version i pirated was gog and came with the soundtrack, my mistake mang
Fun fact: the music for Area 51 bunker was done by an uncredited artist, not Alexander Brandon.
Is this what they call second-hand embarrassment?
Hello agent
incredible! Thank you!