Are there actually, unironically, legitimately, people who thought and currently think this game is fun?
Defend yourselves.
Are there actually, unironically, legitimately, people who thought and currently think this game is fun?
Defend yourselves.
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why? fuck off.
It was fun on launch when the game was new
Every MMO is fun at launch, user.
The world yet to be discovered, the fresh feeling of freedom... until all the flaws begin to show halfway till level cap.
>tries to make leveling less themepark than themepark MMOs
>becomes more themepark than those themepark MMOs
LITERALLY a fucking virtual amusement park
Then Trahearne happened.
Fuck that
Sylvari happened
God I was so disappointed. I loved the art style, I loved the quality of life elements, how polished it was
But the combat got boring as soon as you got all your skills in 3 hrs
And the plot was abysmal
And the voice acting atrocious
And the char had the worst designed hub
And fuck the fucking Asura
And plant Mary Sue's
And jeodjsjdkdjshsh
have some nostalgia
It looked so pretty
Really fucking made it hit home when you saw the post searing hellscape it became
And then you found the broken flute
>played GW1 for 5 years
>GOAT game, loved everything about it
>hyped as fuck for GW2
>bought it on release day
>skills tied to weapons, gimping build possibilities
>elites that barely make an impact on a gorillion second cooldown
>damage sponge bosses
>villages you "save" get overrun in minutes
>underwater combat is shit if you're not a grenade engineer
>TREMENDOUS gold inflation because of gems
It's been almost 4 years and it still hurts, famicoms.
At least he's dead now
because its not like wowlike mmo's
and i like it because its not like wowlike mmo's
its nice not having to devote every waking moment of my life on a game
So what you're saying is, it's a casual MMO.
By definition, yeah.
Guildwars 1 was very similar in pacing and content. Singular missions that can be done in an hour or so and have little intermissions between them.
The MMO genre is dying because of the time sink aspect isn't appealing to as many people anymore.
it's been advertised as one, yes
Oh, and I forgot, the writing.
The henchmen in GW1 were better written than most of GW2. The only thing I remember is that they added some "diverse" group of literally whos and made the quests revolve around them, then added some lesbian couple.
Made you think that the writing team is composed of amateur tumblristas.
Still better than WoW, but the invisible walls tear my autism a new one. I consider it more as 3D diablo though.
Sup faggots
I played 2, it was fun with a group of friends for a pretty casual MMO that even the baddies in our group could play.
But after we all came back for the xpack things just sorta... fell apart and nobody really had any fun after the first month.
Talking about the expac, they sure fucking failed to deliver the goods.
No more new legendaries because fuck you that's why.
The new "Raids" take forever tom come out
PvP is generic "cookie-cutter flavor of the month build".
I'm still mad I paid for this shit.
3000 hours here.
Like most things, if you aren't an anti-social autist, it's pretty fun. =)
What exactly is so fun about GW2? And don't tell me, RPing.
I bought HoT during the 50% sale and while there sure isn't as much content for the price as in the base game it was some much needed additional content. But now I'm pretty much done with that and Bloodstone Fen as well so it's back to doing dailies until more content is released.
Hearts of Thorns is 50 USD
50 USD for a fucking MMO expansion pack, for an MMO that's not WoW
Who's dumb stupid fucking idea was this?
Yes,it's great.Can't find any other MMORPG with the same combat and depth while being not P2W or sub-based.
>inb4 muh autoattack and all skills thoughtlessly spam
If you think that, you've never seen any high tier PvP and only played at release and did open world content.
The only reason I'm still playing is because of the combat and how it shines in sPvP;wvw and raids too but not as much.
General Talon during claw island was when I walked away. I have never seen a more retarded thing in fiction than that.
RPing :3
Jumping puzzles are fun the first time you complete them.
Then the game has nothing else to offer.
>Can't find any other MMORPG with the same combat and depth while being not P2W or sub-based.
As in every other MMO, playing with other people.
Why not just play Mario or something instead.
Don't forget, if you're a new player and you buy HoT, you get the base game for free ;^)))
Way to fuck over the old players desu Arenanet. It seems they're trying to employ the leaky bucket theory.
Man, Tyria masteries are such a bitch to get, I hope I'm 170 by the time the next expantion roles around.
>We will never actually get a sequel to Guild Wars 1
>A group of talentless trannies, tumblrites and hamplanets stole the game, removed anything fun about it and turned the world into their own fan fiction mash up of diversity and mary sue villains
I will never stop being bitter about this game. If I ever met Angel McCoy in person, I would have to restrain myself from throttling her.
Pretty much this.
I quit 2 years ago but most days I'd log in and get instantly invited to a dungeon run group. That would take a couple hours and then we'd hit up pvp or wvw while doing word bosses and events in between.
I liked the way abilities comboed with each other
>Guild Wars 2
>getting another expansion
NCSoft is going to drop support soon
They're already working on a new expansion.
They said in the quarter report they have started working on the next expansion.
yeah, many of the silver/gold adventure achievements are annoying as fuck.
I wish SAB was permanent. Why the fuck do they make so much timed limited content?
>Heart of Thorns was literally a nothing expansion
>No one actually enjoyed it
>Massive, difficult to navigate maps with a nice dose of mastery grinding just to make it annoying as possible
>Elite specializations are still insanely OP compared to base classes
>Balance is still a mess across the board
I can't wait to see what else they're going to shit out.
Its fun. I enjoy it.
it was okay
I kind of enjoyed the repetitive nature at times. It was relaxing.
They spent a lot of time on gliding, which we get forever. I'm hopeful about the next expantion having more content / maps.
New elite specializations that make the old ones redundant
You know it.
50 US dollars and everyone will get Heart of Thorns for free. It will happen, mark my words.
I can already see it happening.
>50 US dollars and everyone will get Heart of Thorns for free. It will happen, mark my words.
Maps and raids were the best part.
Elite specializations making the vanilla ones obsolete is fucking bullshit move from anet when they promised sidegrade not straight up upgrade in every sense.
Balance is the best since release imo,every single class has a spot in all content and is classified as meta.
They already said that's going to happen.
Once the new xpac drops, $50 and new players will get base game + hearts of thorns + new xpac.
Old players will still pay the full $50 just for the xpac.
With the next expansions? If they want to draw new players to the game,then yes.It's great deal for new players,but paying $50 while being an old player purchasing the expansion alone is a scam no matter what bonuses like 1 extra character slot they give.
And there's enough shit eaters in their fanbase that they will be able to just keep doing this over and over again. The nightmare is real.
Yeah, sure. Is it GW1? No, and I'm eternally disappointed in it for that. But I still had a good time with it.
>currently think
Haven't played it in months so I have no "current" opinion of the game.
I binge on it a few times a year still. Love the art style and animations. Shit just gets boring in the end game. Just grind for mats to craft armor and skins. Pvp is okay but with limited build options, there's only 1 or 2 meta builds that everyone plays. Game lacks build diversity and it only got worse with the latest skill system change. Best part for me was new character leveling. Games pretty good at making leveling up fun and interesting.
RIP Tybalt ;_;
Yeah true enough. GW2's fanbase is disgustingly rabid for some reason.
The fanbase was quite vocal that it was against it,but accepted it since a B2P MMORPG without new blood is dead.
I don't know why everyone flips out over this, WoW does the same thing and older players have the benefit that they got to play all the while. And when the new expantion comes out the playerbase can all play together.
Playing as a human made the Tybalt relationship so much better, knowing that once they'd have been enemies.
But if you play a charr character you are a literal race traitor
Yeah, I'd argue it's the best game out right now. At least in the online market.
PvP is incredibly complex, the game has an extremely high skill ceiling.
Everyone plays with balanced stats, gear is simply cosmetic, so combat is skill > stats. Unlike every single other MMO on the market.
eSports scene is funded, but small because "muh MMO bandwagon" meme.
PvE is constantly being updated, raids are actually legitimately challenging.
Animations are top tier, TECHNOLOGY is impressive, networking is absolutely light years ahead of the rest of the genre.
On the downside, the subreddit is pure cancer and the loud minority are unbearable fuckwits.
That is true for every game though, I suppose.
>god awful balance (DH reigning supreme rn and elite specs basically just being pure upgrades)
>ridiculous end-game grind, moreso than other MMORPGs
>absolutely HORRIBLE story, quests and characters
>leveling system entirely being dynamic events makes it feel hollow
I genuinely can't understand why people enjoy it, other than the fact that it's no sub.
summed up how i felt. gw2 will be the most disappointing game i ever got excited for. i don't even get excited for vidya anymore. gw2 ruined it.
>Everyone plays with balanced stats, gear is simply cosmetic, so combat is skill > stats. Unlike every single other MMO on the market.
WRONG. Specializations/professions>skill.
Not a Dragon Hunter at the moment? Enjoy getting fucked up. Then soon DH will get nerfed to the ground and another spec will become top tier again. There is no such thing as balance, it's an endless cycle of OP and UP.
WvW was fun for a while
Jesus balance kiddies are an abhorrent breed.
DH is legitimately hard to play at high skill levels because it is very easy to counterplay static traps.
A skilled player can literally auto attack a pleb tier DH player.
This is the cavernous gap in skill we see from the Reddit forum community and the competitive community.
>PvP is incredibly complex, the game has an extremely high skill ceiling. Everyone plays with balanced stats, gear is simply cosmetic, so combat is skill > stats.
You haven't been playing PvP at all, have you?
He's an absolute bottom feeder casual.
This is what we call an Arenadrone folks.
But one thing I have to pick out is the TECHNOLOGY comment. GW2 has none of that fucking shit, apart from feet aligning to ground (which every modern MMO and game has)
>PvE is constantly being updated
>add content
>remove it a couple weeks later
fucking wow
It's agreed upon by nearly everybody that the class balance in GW2 is an absolute joke. It's a shame your fanboyism blinds you to this fact, but I'm sure GW2 is the most perfectest most balanced MMO there is.
Ya, was good shit. Glad I played that scene out my first play through with whispers human. That whole ending scene on that island... most feels I've ever feeled in vidya. He lives on in stuffed backpack form on my toon now
Wow, you won't stop posting will you.
I see at least 3 posts from an obviously amber rank player crying about PvP balance.
Fuck off to some shit MOBA, you infantile shit poster.
lol at all you noobs not realizing that Guild Wars 2 PVP is in fact an intricate game of poker
Your team is essentially your card hand, and you need to know when to fold, hold or raise. 3 reapers and 2 scrappers is known as a straight flush, and most likely a win etc. If you're dealt a bad hand, you just fold and wait for the next match.
It's by far the most complex PVP we've ever seen in the genre, with the e-sports tournaments being akin to professional games of poker played at the highest stakes.
>Reddit crying about balance
Ever wonder why literally no pro player posts to Reddit ever?
The site is fucking deluded beyond belief.
You're the only retard here defending GW2's PVP, mate. No matter how much you wail and scream, it's not going to change the fact that it's an unbalanced piece of shit.
This is what everybody means when they say the fanbase GW2 is disgustingly rabid. You are a fucking exemplar.
[Factions music intensifies]
>"""professional""" Guild Wars 2 player
No combination of words has ever been more hilarious.
>tfw no gw
I thought it would get better once the dev's learned how make balanced group fights with decent AI in pve, especially for dungeons.
It never did, and they never learned, even after the 3 year content drought and half-baked expac, which still isn't finished.
Art guys are all right, but really only the parasites remain in that company. And they have no idea what to do 4 years later.
Anyone worth a damn saw the writing on the wall and left before it even launched.
I've been playing in every season of the PvP league this year and the balance has been hilariously inconsistent for each one.
Season 1 was especially bad because of the sustain meta. is so bad at balance they had to remove a huge chunk of the amulets in PvP. Season 2 was me going around freezing people into submission as a Deathly Chill Reaper.
Season 4 has the least amount of amulets (including removing all of the tanking ones) and now Dragonhunter is on top because most of the healing traits in Valor need little healing power investment to be useful and Shield of Courage is essentially invulnerability for seven seconds and can remove up to 6 conditions without any further investment. Then you just use Renewed Focus and you can do it again.
What's truly cancerous in this game is faggot shit eaters who just say 'THE WHINERS ARE WRONG!' and you never actually provide an adequate explanation as to why balance is fine. I'm glad you're posting on here instead of the GW2 forum because I can tell you how much of a fucking faggot you are.
have some ectos, bro
>people are mad that one build is better than all the other build
Uh, like every game ever?
this and the fact they (devs) think everyone playing their game is homosex.
Even those games that do this are more balanced than GW2. In GW2, it's a surefact if class is X, then you will win/lose. In WoW, OP classes are just more efficient and do more for less, rather than being surefires.
>Arenadrone so fucking destroyed he can't even respond this post
I've never touched pvp so I'm just glad the issue doesn't effect me.
What rank are you?
worst mmorpg ever
what kind of """"""""""""f2p""""""""""" game doesn't let you use the auction house for any item?
i want to play it again but all the high level vanilla areas are dead as fuck. the only thing i really enjoyed was WvWvW but my world was small as fuck and our tactic was to avoid the other players and grind for xp. also anet putting the living world behind a paywall really kills any interest. there is basically nothing to do at end game except grind shit for legendaries.
It has more of the engaging pvp out there. But it's mostly a dodge fest.
TESO does WvWvW better than GW2 ever did.
I remember all the "but more content will come out eventually!" expac apologists.
I'm pretty sure they haven't learned their lesson and will buy GW2's next expansion, provided ANet doesn't go under before that.
This after they advertised the expac as "base game not included" and put GW2 on sale for 10 bucks.
Because that way people will come back whenever the periodic content is available. It worked for me as I reinstalled the game for SAB... Too bad I uninstalled again soon after.
They won't stop until any class can use any weapon via elite specialization, so that every class can be basically the same.
I didn't say it had the best one. But what I meant was it has one of the more engaging ones.
nope, ESO cyrodiil is a joke compared to WvW
Have they even released a new Elder Dragon?
What have they been doing since the zombie dragon?
GW2 WvW is literally the most unique multipalyer experience in any game ever.
>Haters will never experience 60+ people on TS and working together against the same number of opponents.
Rank 2510 here boys
He's back. Plot might actually go somewhere this time.
The leveling and exploring is fun as fuck, but then you hit the endgame and you realize there's literally nothing to do other than grind for cosmetics.