Star Citizen: Squadron 42 on consoles

I just watched through the presentation of the game on GC and it really looks like fun game.
Are there any plans ofr console version?

Seriously, it looks great and fun but it is also literally only game I'd consider buying gaming PC for, so that investment probably won't happen.

Also Star Citizen thread

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off furfag

Looks like it's coming along nicely.

Looking forward to a beta version next year hopefully.

Is this that Call of Duty in space game?

>Looking forward to a beta version next year hopefully.

Try four years, idiot

Yeah, no.

Yeah, more or less.

>being actually hopeful that SC will go into beta by next year

You really are a dope.

They can't anymore, not after hyping it as PC exclusive for the PCMR money. They could definitely port it, but I doubt they will even if it flops horribly (which I guess is technically impossible at this point in funding).

Keep saying it.

It just makes you more wrong every time.

Yeah, sure. They can barely get their pre-pre-pre alpha working now, and you're hopeful that they'll be in beta by next year?

el oh fucking el

So how much are you in for, familia?

>PC exclusive for the PCMR money

But aren't PCMR guys those people who spew how everybody should be able to play all games regardless of the platform they own?

>Literally just logged in before posting
>Game runs fine. Stable, no crashes.
>I've been playing for months and only had it crash once, ever.

>they can """"""""""""""""""""""barely""""""""""""""""""""" get the PRE-PRE-ALPHA working

t. Autist (You)

>literal lies

t.shill that does it for free (You)

>buys a 13k espresso machine with backer funds
>lel our des need 13k coffee to stay happy and productive



LOL, amazing reply.

Show me on the doll where Chris hurt you. :^)

Go ahead and stream your flawless experience, user. I'll wait.

So why does the studio need sliding doors and ipod furniture to develop a game?

Yeah, okay. Let me just go out of my way to set up a public stream to prove a point to some hutt burt fatass.

Holy shit you're delusional. And you're calling me that? Fuck, I don't need this much irony today bro. I already had my multivitamins. Stop. XD

>i can't back up my bullshit

You should of been prepared, shill.

All the more reason not to believe your bullshit and Scam Citizen

>Everyone should be prepared to stream for me just to prove me wrong
>If they don't, I'm right

Been drinking again, user? You really shouldn't hit the bottle so hard.

If you just want (You)'s, all you had to do was ask.

There's a stream in the OP. It's an hour long.

>hurr you're drunk

Says the one who backed Star Citizen

You still haven't answered how much you're in for.

top kek

>I'm not drunk, you're a shill!

Here, have another (You)

How about we make it a game? Every time you get another reply, you take a victory shot.

ITT: Sunk cost fallacy

Goddammit OP, why'd you have to post that video

Yeah, it really looks great and if it was already announced for consoles, I'd gladly backed the game.

You're in luck, because Squadron 42 is being developed for the PS4. No ETA though? Maybe 2020.

What? Are you serious? Any source?

Don't worry about that goy, buy the EXPLORER MEGA PACK FOR ONLY $895

Totally not P2W

>make a donation to the crowdfunding project
>get a bunch of really shit shit ships it would take you like a week to earn in the final game

Derek "not so" Smart on suicide watch

>119 million
>we need more donations, we're totally not pissing away money and spending it on ourselves


If the demos actually become a part of the game, then yeah, but until it's the same old song and dance from cig. Plenty of demos but not enough in the game, not yet anyway, if ever.

>we're totally not pissing away money and spending it on ourselves

yeah I mean OBVIOUSLY they totally actually spent that money on making the thing they showed at gamescom yesterday, ha ha riiiiiiiiiiight

>If the demos actually become a part of the game

Name things they have shown more then a year ago but not put in the game other then the fps module which was scrapped to focus on actually building the MMO that they're supposed to be making

Where do you think Chris will take his next vacation while his people spend their time in perpetual crunch mode and work their ass off with a shittastic engine?

It's in 2.6 though.

The game works right now, what are you smoking.

Runs like absolute shit for me. Though I'm still using a 280X so that might be the reason behind it.

As long as you cant buy any ships at release, which is what they promised, then it isnt P2W. Youre literally donating for ships that are subpar to thr stock models you buy ingame.

I'm pretty sure whatever illfonic worked on was mostly thrown away and this is taking the idea of star marine and actually doing it but not fucking it up

Iv got a 760 and it runs like shit for me too, about 30fps with drops

But the game does work on better cards.

i7 870
gtx 680 4gb
16 gb ram
considering it's not optimized yet I think it runs really good. PTU is not as smooth as Arena Commander but still okay

Why does the flying and dogfighting feel so bad in this game? Someone explain to me what they are doing wrong.

You will be able to buy in game money for real money so yes, you can buy ships for real money in the final game :)

they use actual physics not some arcade shit

This should be a new rule
If it exists there's a furry and ponyfied version of it.

760 here too, also doesn't run great, though the modules seem to fine, hoping to just stick with the arenas til I upgrade rig for full release.

I legitimately think its the best dogfighting of any space game, even with all the issues.

Its infinitely better than games like ED or EvE.

Sometimes it's better to sacrifice realism for gameplay. The dogfighting in SC looks and plays like shit.

They never said that.

haha, okay buddy.

>If you wish to purchase more UEC before that time, you can do so in the Pledge Store. UEC is available for purchase in increments of 5,000, 10,000, and 20,000 UEC. Once purchased from the Pledge Store, the corresponding amount of Imperials will be added to your UEC Ledger.

That's not what most people want tho

>If you wish to purchase more UEC before that time
That doesn't mean they'll continue selling currency after the game launch.
Learn to read

They've also said that once released, you will be able to buy ingame cash with real cash, up to a monthly limit, to stop people just buying everything ingame. But it will still give some advantage

Yes, they will and they have said so. There will be a limit to how much you can buy every day but you will still be able to buy credits for money.

source because the link you provided is shit


He literally says you will be able to buy game credits to buy better ships. That's exactly what he says.

No he's not serious. If he is, he's pretty stupid

>We'll cap purchase of in-game credits to avoid someone unbalancing the game / economy.
Not P2W

haha, keep telling your self that fanboy.

>Shit, he proved im a moron, better fake laugh and end with epic meme comeback!

they said AT GAMESCOM that a lot of people were getting crashes, even their press demo setups outside the stage

>works for me :^)
good for you, but that doesn't mean the game is immaculate

>they said AT GAMESCOM that a lot of people were getting crashes, even their press demo setups outside the stage

>If I keep repeating my myself it will be true

>Seriously, it looks great and fun

It's an amazing game with lots of Technology and never before done things. It's great but at the same time, not complete and likely won't be for another 3 years. Hell, it might just remain in eternal beta like Day Z.

The skeleton that is there though, superb. Just accounting the space flight, the ship designs, the ship interiors, weapons, systems etc. makes it the BEST space game to this date of human history.

Don't know how they'd port the control scheme desu, it would be like trying to get arma to work on a controller, and I doubt they'd port it for the few people AWARE or willing to use a usb kb/mouse on ps4


If you've played the arena commander offline thing and still don't like it, try setting it to lead pips in the options menu, where you have a "shoot here" thing floating in front of the targeted enemy rather then a thing dragging behind your crosshair. It's way easier to actually hit the enemy with that since the other option involves trying to move a thing over the actual ship you're targeting but because it's so far away you can't really tell where its center mass is.

because thats nothing compared to a hundred million dollars

To be honest, this looks pretty good.
Hope the people who funded the project will be satisfied when the game comes out.

Where is it shown that it has these things? I'd heard they were going barebones as fuck, barely paying their employees to make the money go as far as possible.

their presentation

why would they need to do that when there's fucking rich oil arabs buying 10k ships and shit?

>only reason to buy a gaming PC
What, 144fps with 144hz monitor with everything on ultra isn't enough? Or 1440p? Ya don't know what you're missing lad.
When I recently upgraded and got a 144hz monitor I was blown away, the difference is even bigger than between 30 and 60

>you can't see more than 60fps
Shit meme

But maybe OP doesn't want to spend the 2k you need for a 144hz monitor and adequate hardware, I mean, he IS a console gamer and probably only owns a ps4 to boot.

>What, 144fps with 144hz monitor with everything on ultra isn't enough? Or 1440p? Ya don't know what you're missing lad.
Cant miss something you never had. I made the mistake of moving from 30fps consoles to 60fps PC once, im not doing it again.

Going to stick with 1080p/60FPS forever.

Stop eating so much, Chris.

Meh, I suppose. 2k isn't that much though even for a student or minimum wage wageslave. PC is for enthusiasts and console for those who don't really care about vidya.

you mean idort is for enthusiasts and everything else for redditors

and yes, to someone who made a concious choice of only owning a ps4, 2k will seem a lot, consider that most of these people moved from a 360 and are baffled at the mere idea of even getting a secondary ps3 right now, 2k is car money for them

>Are there any plans ofr console version?
No the devs stated early in development that the current consoles are not powerful enough to handle the game.

Might change depending how the Neo/Scorpio are but I wouldn't hold my breath for a console port.

its not even about power, its about the control scheme, its 100% build for kb+mouse and you cant substitute that with a controller

I doubt it OP, a console version implies optimsation which I don't think they've actually considered yet on PC let alone shitty consoles

>gut the lightning system
>gut the levels crysis 1 style
>make texture and LOD ff15 tier

there's your optimization, but they wont bother because of

Besides shitting on SC, what else is derek up to these days? Is he still making battlecruiser games?

Does the game run like shit for anyone else? Left it on the default Medium settings. I have a 390X. Arena Commander is okay but the space station bits are noticeably laggy.

Could it be my CPU bottlenecking? I have an OC'd 2500K.

the Mini PU runs like shit for everyone do to the netcode even people with the new 1080's. In 3.0 they are going to include new netcode.

So I heard the studio's VP of marketing, who's also Chris' wife, is a tickle porn actress?

Why is the audience clapping and cheering at fucking everything?

>People seriously believing Star Citizen won't be Pay to win

Are you people fucking serious? I would love to trust the dev team, but is there a single game that has implemented Fee to pay mechanics and haven't gone full fucking jew on it? From Dead Space 3 too Overwatch. Fee to play always turns into a disaster for gamers.

Its run like shit for everyone, there's a lot of optimization that still needs done before release and this

Overwatch's microtransactions are just loot boxes you earn quite often though.

Dead Space 3 was full fucking jew though. Pay to Win microtransactions in a fucking single player game come on?

this looks fucking great Tbh

would be nicer if the areas were a bit more populated but oh well

>Pay to win

If you just play the game for skins and icons.

i dont get these threads

are people mad that other people spend money to support something they want?

>hope into an Aurora that was sitting on the launch pad, because I'm tired of my SPACE PLANE
>fly out, decide to try the bed.
>power down the ship, get out of the seat, go to the bed and activate it
>game decided I wanted to use the door, so now I'm out in space
>get back in
>try to get into the pilot's seat
>I phase through the bottom of the ship

Yeah, this is an alpha alright.

>entry card for microsoft word

Even my 100 years old gtx 580 is more powerful

This is the most positive sc thread I have seen in here holy shit. Are you all starting to get the idea its coming together or is DS and goons asleep?

Clipping is a problem with certain ships I think the Aurura is going to get a rework later this year though.