San andreas has fully working mirrors

>san andreas has fully working mirrors
this game is 12 years old. why are devs not capable of doing this anymore??

Other urls found in this thread:

how can mirrors be real if our eyes arent real?

Not fully working. The mirror is lower res and lower drawdistance.

You have to render the entire game twice for mirrors to work well. San Andreas only ever has mirrors in small rooms that don't require much to process twice.

because mirrors in those games are often just literal other rooms with a clone of the character walking around in it

so what? it works doesn't it?

why could you fire the bazooka and throw grenades and shit inside the mirrors in that game

It's not like it's a thing since Duke Nukem 3D.


because san andreas has shit graphics (it was on PS2 too remember) therefore implementing mirrors doesn't take much resources

that's exactly the point, my slow to understand friend.
old games had this shit, lots of the newer games don't

hitman (2016) has fully working mirrors without downscaling.

Just like mirrors in real life...

GTA IV and GTA V had working mirrors too

What makes you think the devs aren't capable, you dumb shit? Didn't you ever consider they might not include working mirrors for different reasons?

But it decent graphics at the time retard


Consoles is why.


Just one reason. Laziness.

I guess but at the same time it's a massive powerhog for so little gain


you're the retard
the graphics were objectively shitty from a hardware processing standpoint

>no capital letters
You're not Jaden


All it really shows is OP's complete lack of understanding of what it takes to develop a AAA game.

>game that has mirror was timed exclusive to console
P.T. had a working mirror and also Uncharted 4. Those were only on ps4.

because it takes up development time to get mirrors working.

my brain catches on fire every time one of you fucking idiots who claim to love videogames don't know basic shit about rendering.

why didn't GTA III and Vice City have mirrors?

Hey would you quit posting scary shit? This is not the thread for that you dumbass. It's like 3 am.

but p.t. has a working mirror


Mass Effect 2 and 3 both have working mirrors. It's only in the bathroom in your captain's cabin, and it's slightly lower res I think, but it's there. Arkham City also has it I think.

>fully working mirrors
>1 mirror
>inside a house
>inside a very small room

Now show working mirrors out in the open world with 20 cars and 50 civilians on the streets plus 100s of buildings

Parasite eve 2 a game from 1998 has reflections on panes of glass and even the shiny floor

>half-life 2

Wait, what? What kind of shitty game doesn't have working mirrors in 2016?

people expecting fully working mirrors and reflections in big ass open areas with tons of shit like Watch Dogs and GTA and then they compared it to shit like a single mirror in a small room in a small house in GTA SA. or a bathroom in insert X game

Yeah, our exclusive masterpiece Undertale has working mirrors in fact.

Because most people in the business now do not care about making a good game, they care about making a good product. Small details that make a standard effort into a piece of art are something they fail to grasp.

I believe this to be why most of liberals, because they think liberalism appeals to their laziness and greed. Instead they're just lazy and greedy so they've twisted liberalism to fit their views.

>Being so paranoid with politics you need to cram it in any argument

You're just like one of those triggered sjws


>You're just like one of those triggered sjws
>n-no, y-you are!!
Literally you right now. If you don't want to get called a SJW, don't cram your retarded ideological crusade angle into every single post.


A couple of years ago, most games switched from traditional forward rendering to deferred rendering. The advantage of deferred rendering is you can have a much larger number of lights in the scene, making it look realistic. A downside is implementing stuff like mirrors is way harder than it is under forward rendering. Methods of doing it might include implementing using raytracing or falling back to forward rendering both of which are very performance intensive. Ultimately it's just not worth it. It's nothing to do with devs 'laziness', it's just that technology has changed and it's much harder than it used to be, but in exchange, games have been allowed to have much better lighting models and look more realistic as a consequence.


Wow, she is a lot uglier than what I thought, I wasn't expecting a super model but damn

Why 80% of the Cons attendees are overweight? That happens in Europe too


More than 65% of the population is overweight on average in western countries, cons skew slightly fatter than average due to sedentary hobby, go figure

And everything else is pre-rendered backgrounds

banished those fags to the mirror dimension

Damn, this question has come up so many times and this just might be the first time someone ever came up with a straight answer. Thanks, user. I appreciate your efforts.

Rendering games twice wil explode modern consoles.

GtaV on pc can do full res reflections but it wil eat some fps.

There's a very detailed explanation here from an actual game developer which I'm basically just paraphrasing

It's not a coincidence almost all modern games don't have mirrors though, and it's not developers just throwing their hands up and saying 'if only I wasn't so incompetent maybe I could get this implemented'. Deferred rendering has launched games into a new era of visual fidelity, but transparency and reflections are its achilles heel among others

More about it here:


Think about this

What if WE are the mirror dimension?

notice how they only work in the small ass houses of the game?

why do so much extra rendering for such a pointless feature. unless you're some math coding wiz who can bundle together a new way to render a secondary game world more efficiently they should just be left alone.

Generally they are normally just a texture displaying the view of another camera reversed.

The fags dimension?

the mall in vice city has the complete floor working as a mirror

Because rendering a million polygons twice is not the same as rendering 15 polygons twice?