Does 47 enjoy the killing?

Does 47 enjoy the killing?

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He doesn't feel emotionsk

It's just business, nothing personnel.

>It's just business, nothing personal.

I hate this saying.

It's personal to the man/woman he's killing; even if it's just business on his end.

He enjoys killing as much as you enjoy eating, drinking, pissing, shitting and fucking.

It's in his DNA. It's his nature.


where do you think you are fag? if you have contact to females you dont belong here

What a stupid thing to say

Whether you fuck or not, it's in your nature to fuck. Whatever, substitute that with masturbating. The point is the same.

eating drinking and fucking people enjoy very much

Not at all. He's a clone that was literally built with assassination in his nature and genes. He was designed to kill and he knowingly follows his nature because he can't change what he is.

Quite a lot I'd say

He punches his time sheet then punches through his target's head with a bullet from his silenced ballers. Unparalleled proficiency does not a sycophant make.

He doesn't feel any "emotions". They are all contracts in his eyes. But he likes expensive clothing and expensive food.
He also likes gardening - making life instead of taking life which is a nice touch in the second game

I think he's kind of indifferent about it. The killing just is.

Is 47 a vegetarian? I've never seen him eat meat.

>muh genes
That's Hollywood hocus pocus Jew-talk.

A lot of these 'muh DNA' behaviors are just formed as a result of very early childhood experiences. Shit is hard if not impossible to change, but it's NOT IN YOUR FUCKING DNA.

what does any of that have to do with him being a sycophant

Apparently, the novels spend a ridiculous amount of time detailing his meals.

I can't help but feel the second game was the only one that tried to do any character development with 47.

Yes. He wouldn't be a hitman if he didn't enjoy killing people won't he?


Absolution tried. Absolution failed.

Are the books any good or are they as terrible as I assume the films are?

I mean you classing eating, shitting and fucking etc as the same level of enjoyment is stupid

user that's built into the saying.
Guy saying "it's business" fucking knows that it's still "personal" for the other guy. He knows it's fucking useless as an apology, that it makes no difference and is ultimately a selfish act. Everyone fucking knows that. Point is to let the audience/victim know that the guy is feeling a twinge of guilt about it, to give the interaction a bit more depth & emotion, to humanize the killer.
I haven't read them, he has.

> not watching him grovel for his life

go on


>shooting him is a shitty button prompt
>not just letting the player aim the gun himself

I hate modern game design so fucking much.


I wasn't classing them in the same level of enjoyment, I was stating that they are all part of our nature as human beings. The same way assassinating is in 47's.

You could always get up from the chair and do it yourself if you wish, or not sit on the chair at all and do it some other way when he enters the room. Some of those button prompts are there for more special kills if you so wish like smothering Silvio Caruso during his therapy session. Though I will agree that simply shooting him is kind of boring considering all the previous special kills we've had in earlier levels.

But it's not something you do to earn your bread and 5000 dollar suits.

It's about as emotional as putting together a chair.

There is pride in a job well done, but nothing beyond that if you're a professional at your craft.

But my point is that it's in 47's nature to kill. If he were just a middle manager, he would still go around killing because he has the desire to do so because it's in his nature. He just gets paid for it to kill two birds with one stone.

Have you ever seen 47 smile? I don't think he feels enjoyment while killing but fulfillment when the assassination is successful. Like he's solving a crossword puzzle. In Hitman 2 we see him distance himself from being a contract killer while being a harmless gardener for his friend (a priest). But he never truly discarded his old life as he had hidden his equipment, so it was probably the dangers that the job holds for him that made it necessary to "take a break".

It's an apology, not an actual statement.

Almost every contract he does nets him hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars.

After like five he could smartly invest it (and he's intelligent) and then garden and eat gold-sprinkled caviar until the end of his life.

But every time he comes back to the assassination market to take another high profile job. Even if he doesn't enjoy the act itself, he enjoys the assassination in it's whole. With planning, social maneuvering, stalking, taking his target down, escaping. Since he keeps succeeding at it, he starts coming up with challenges and ratings, working hard to ensure that these famous, powerful and dangerous people die in a way that could be considered accident by virtually everyone.

I assume it's like hunting. You don't quite enjoy making the animal suffer, but you do enjoy training your marksmanship, tracking the game, landing a good shot and then cooking a nice meal out of the game. Then you challenge yourself like hunting with just double-barrel shotgun instead of a seven shot automatic, or taking up long range rifle hunting etc.