ITT: "Rewards" in video games that weren't worth it
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ITT: "Rewards" in video games that weren't worth it
I'll start
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beating dishonored, mgs, ect without killing anyone
why the fuck even play? is it even playing if you just walk around?
Why did this game turn out the way it did?
It could have been prevented
>mgs no kill playthrough
>just walking around
nigga have you ever even played mgs
that always confused me why certain action games have 100% pacifist bonuses or acheivements.
Its boring as fuck and adds nothing to the game.
A perfect example is vectorman on the genesis
>game about shooting and using weapons
>gives rewards if you never harm enemies
all for a score bonus that gives less than if you were to actually play the game
Nice try Juan Ortiz, the reward in all mario games for 100% have always been the same shit so I'm not sure what you're complaining about. I found absolutely no problem when I got this because I wasn't expecting anything in the first place.
>"Congratulations, you played yourself"
any borderlands sidequest gun
sunshine as a whole is bad,
but the cherry on the shitcake is that theres no completion bonus to be mobile or superpowered or new game plus or anything
>you played through more awful missions than you had too, heres a jpg
Don't tell me:
>you liked hunting for blue coins using trial and error and no proper checklist
>you liked the pachinko level
>the yoshi boat level
>any mission sevens
>blooper fight 3 times
>multi-phase goop fight 5 times in the beginning
>red coins
>100 coins
>spraying random, unmarked walls and floors for shinesprites
>sirena beach
>bowser jr. balloons
>corona mountain
very fun game
>Spider Man 2 unlockables
>Activision logo
>Treyarch logo
Seriously, what the flying fuck? No costumes? Not even the game's own FMVs.
>That secret unlockable dance party when you get all the collectables in the 3DS Sonic Boom game
Only the blue coins are shit
Rewards for skulltulas in OoT. Holy shit, was I mad when I finally got the last one.
>stealth play through
>just walking around
>not having to hurt anyone
It's too obvious neither of you have played any MGS.
In the first one you still have to kill bosses, and from MGS2 and onward, you can still shoot people with tranquilizers or use some judo shit to slam their head into the ground and knock them out.
>>you liked hunting for blue coins using trial and error and no proper checklist
>>you liked the pachinko level
Yes actually
>>the yoshi boat level
>Not using the skip
>>red coins
This is normal 3D mario shit you literally cannot complain about them at this point
>>spraying random, unmarked walls and floors for shinesprites
They're all hinted at in some way in the game
>>sirena beach
>>bowser jr. balloons
>>corona mountain
Easy shit
Triquetra in BL2 is worth it.
>get shitpost gun
>bugs out and makes every gun go shitpost until the game is restarted
>they never, ever fixed this
>scaling is exponential so you need to wait until you finish the game to even play any of them
>any DLC released makes them useless again
Good game design.
>t. SomeCallMeJohnny
>sunshine as a whole is bad
Stopped reading there. Your opinion is shit and you should just kys.
I bet you're one of the people saying galaxy 2 is the best 3D mario.
Repeated boss fights aren't new to Mario games, sorry to break it to you user. Blue coins weren't that much of an issue since memory and online guides serve well. I'm not going to be those faggots who claim they know all the spots because I don't but I'm not stupid enough to get outside help. Everything else you listed I thoroughly enjoyed.
> 100 coins
honestly John, what is your deal with the 100 coin stars for you, the game basically gives you free shines in that sense. If you die while collecting the coins you only have your bad platforming skills to blame because Sunshine's controls are arguably the best out of the entire 3d series. Not to mention a more responsive camera as well. Praise the GameCube Controller!
This is the reason I fucking hate sunshine with a burning passion. 100% run and this is the only fucking thing I get, never again!
itt people expecting a fucking trophy and cash money for 100%ing a game
Not Johnny, but;
>all mario games for 100% have always been the same shit
>Super Mario Bros 1 = Hard Mode
>Super Mario Bros 2: Lost Levels = World 9
>Super Mario Bros 3: N/A (I haven't played it to know)
>Super Mario World 1 = Special World / Entire game change
>Super Mario 64 = Wing Cap Mario
>Super Mario Galaxy = Luigi Galaxy
That's all I can say but that's enough to prove you're bullshit.
>Super Mario 64 = Wing Cap Mario
Yeah, you get the ability to fly around the hub world with the wing cap. And also, the Yoshi on top of the Rooftop too, that gives you like 3 or so extra lives.
mgs usually gives you good rewards
does dishonored even give you anything for a ghost run?
Not really. It was pretty damn cool and dared to try something new.
The blue coins were bullshit though. There should have been a proper checklist for them.
>Get every single brick, vehicle, costume and all other shit
>Congratulations, now you can play as a big guy!
>But your run speed and jump height are the same as if you were regular size
>And also, the Yoshi on top of the Rooftop too, that gives you like 3 or so extra lives.
Didn't he give you 99 extra lives? Christ it was disappointing. I had expected something like infinite hat duration or something.
He gives you 99, and it takes FOREVER.
I never understood these sorts of 100% completion bonuses, or the stealth camouflage in MGS (complete game with no alerts).
If I've completed the game on such a difficulty level, why do I need it?
This sidequest was not worth.
But it was user. Jump attack deals massive fucking damage plus you want to have all equipment right?
What? Yes it was. After going through all that trouble you were actually rewarded with something good. Now the fucking golden skulltas on the other hand......
For the stealth camo, I like trivializing things and running around with it on, not having to care about strict rules or anything.
Too bad about batteries and such though.
But it's the best weapon in the game.
That sidequest got us Majora's Mask. I think I read somewhere that one of the devs made MM because they liked the idea of trading from OoT/Link's Awakening. I might be wrong. But, if I'm right you will like that sidequest for what it has given us.
a better ending
Just use megaton hammer.
Oh right. That's my bad for not enjoying any of the endings enough to see them as a reward.
lulu's celestial weapon in ffx
I thought that was fine. The REAL bullshit about OoT was the gold skulltulas.
>go throughout the game collecting all of them
>all those extra areas in dungeons that were purely for the skulltulas
>using the scarecrow song in a bunch of different places
>reward is a big rupee that you can go back and keep getting when rupees are fucking useless at the end of the game, and in the game in general
What a fucking shitshow. Was that really the best they could do? The biggest task in the game spanning the entire game world, and the best they could do was infinite money when money didn't do jack shit? Should have been something so much cooler. Like maybe they should have given you the house or something.
Biggoron does twice the damage of megaton you dumb faggot.
I say it's not worth because it took too long to get relative to the progress you could make just pressing on with the temples, I personally didn't like not having a shield, and it's just not needed because the combat isn't really hard in the first place.
It's the same with skulltulas and getting all the heartpieces, there's really no proper incentive to do it other than completionist habit
what sucks is that I think some games could benefit from a pacifist option but don't really offer it. Like GTA. Sometimes I want to feel more immersed and try to be a citizen commiting as little crime as possible; often I'll just incapacitate an enemy instead of killing them
This one had cool unlockable stuff throughout the insane collectathon though so it wasn't all that bad that the very final thing is disappointing, by that point you've already got tons of great unlockables.
In my opinion if you 100% a game, they should let you access the debug menu and fuck around endlessly.
>not gimping dark link through his shield
The reward for collecting all 200 pigeons is bullshit. It's just a helicopter that appears on the top of a building, and it hardly even spawns anyway, AND you can easily get one somewhere else. So basically it's completely worthless.
The sidequest itself was bad IMO. The pigeons are extremely small and very hard to see, their greyness blends in with the environment way too well. And 200? That's kind of overkill. Having to shoot the collectible was kind of cool though, seeing it disappear in a flurry of feathers.
>100% Kingdom Hearts 2
>your reward is a trailer for the next handheld game
>Beat Megaman ZXA on hard
>Reward is some plothooks for the next game
>Can get biggoron's sword as early as after Fire Temple, earlier if you skip Forest Temple.
>1 cycle Morpha
>Not Worth it....
The quest itself is easy, but man, when you have to climb up that final stretch, it makes me fucking nervous every time. Having to kill those skulltulas on the wall so they don't knock you off. It's intense.
I thought it was cool how they did it. First you just get the giant's knife, which breaks easily. Thus when you get the unbreakable biggoron's sword, it's weirdly satisfying.
Also, is it weird if i pronounce it like one word "biggoron", as if it sounds like "bigger on"? I know technically its "big goron" but my brain saw it as the former and thats what it was to me since
>chrono trigger DS
>beating the dream devourer gives you a shitty tie-in to chrono cross and a pointless sword that you don't need anymore
I have several.
>Acquiring every single variation of all vanilla weapons and armor with basic/uncommon/rare/legendary denominators and unique variants from the factions/vendors nets you: A handcannon (revolver) that does less damage than other legendary guns.
>Dungeon Travelers 2
>100% gives you a permanent game over screen in your current save file and you can't use it for NG+, the game is just over and you get a shitty "Thank You"
>Armored Core 5
>You get a Ultimate Weapon that takes a billion years to charge up, takes up most of your energy reserves even with the best engine in your mech and requires you to stand still and take damage while the mandatory 20 second charge up happens
>It does pitiful damage relatively by the time you're at 100% completion
>You can also just unlock everything from a shitty cheat unlock you have to pay for
100%ing Megamix gives you a cute picture of the team that worked on Rhythm Heaven, but it definitely didn't feel worth it after shit like Copycats.
was it any different in the ds remake?
>there is no reward for beating the game
>beat dmc4 on legendary dark knight
>get a picture saying "wow you're no casual gamer!"
I don't get it. Like what do you guys want for completing a game 100%? There's not a whole lot the game could do for you at that point. I usually only 100% a game if I like it a lot and want to get as much out of it as possible, I don't really care what I get from it. A cute little reward is okay, but it's more about the game. Yknow like the whole "journey is more important than destination" thing
KH2 is fun unless you add FM's content in, then it becomes tough; try 100% Birth By Sleep, any version.
Every side mission or question mark in Witcher 3.
Imperial Dragon armor. Wait two in-game weeks for it to be made, and it's not even as good as the armor you had ten levels ago. I still wore it for swag reasons, but I was pretty let down that it was my only reward from the Empire. It should at least have been on par with Daederic, or scaled with your level like the Crusader armor.
At least give me an immortal, really majestic steed with Imperial Dragon horse armor or some shit, like a white Shadowmare.
>no new difficulty unlocked
>no different modes
>no new game+
>no reward whatsoever for completion
>credits can't be skipped
A surprising amount of titles are like this. All your time put in and no sense of accomplishment anywhere to be found.
Was it the one where you had to dodge lightning hundreds of time in a row ?
But that's great.
Only way it could be better is if Tatsuya Yoshikawa recited the "U'R DA BEST" monologue in hilarious engrish.
MGS3's didn't have any battery to it.
Peace Walker and V let you develop the Stealth Camo without even having to do anything difficult like that, but if you use it you can't get a S rank on missions. It still works great for doing side ops in V easier though.
>wanting to skip the credits
are you some kind of fag?
Out of all the games I've played, nothing beats this sack of disappointment that wasn't worth the trouble.
>Flesh Pits
I'd like to shove my nose into her flesh pit if you know what i mean
You are retarded, not killing anyone is easy in mgs
Did you finish that Rose level, user?
How did all you fuckers forget that after talking to Yoshi you also get a different triple jump that gives invincibility?
Which Katamari is this? I've played the original and Forever and I don't recall this.
>an entire new character
>cutie skeleton with a mustache
Never play video games again. You don't deserve them.
>interviews with Boon saying a reward for the tower exists
>Boon keeps saying that the reward is something that the most die-hard fans will love
>loads of rumors of a konquest mode-like mini game
>don't want spoilers so I avoid the internet while I do it
>get costume
>go to bed
The second game between those two.
Is that the We Love Katamari bonus level? It was neat just rolling about, but I never finished it.
We Love. It's a challenge that unlocks after beating the game: collect 1 million roses.
Roses can only be gathered in singular, or in Rose Bunches, worth 10.
The katamari never gets any larger.
The task is so tedious and pointless that the game even lets you actually exit the level at any time to save your game and pick up the task again at a later date.
you HAD to remind me
>Splosion Man has an achievement for not killing anyone in a level
>It's called "Only Gandhi would be proud"
Are they at least littered throughout, or are they spread out?
Disabling all the orbs in Inside
Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 has the best completion bonus where you can play as Spidey
Littered, but it takes a while a short while for the respawn to happen
>We will never get the trilogy ender where you play as Prometheus and Pandora in a redemption adventure, using both Model Z and Model W.
Damn tragedy.
Auditore Cape, bros..
One of the Tony Hawk Underground games let you play as Shrek. Based skating games.
>I bet you're one of the people saying galaxy 2 is the best 3D mario.
It's definitely better than Sunshine that's for sure.
I did the trick where you tie the sticks on your controller with rubberbands to make it so you travel in a loop.
Sometimes when I want to relax I boot up We Love Katamari and just play that level for an hour.
>Golden Sun: Dark Dawn
>Your reward at the end is a cliffhanger for a game that'll never happen.
Developers really are stupid sometimes
>We want another Golden Sun game
>Well okay here's this
>This is not the kind of Golden Sun game we wanted, but we'd still like more of the older style games
Why should I kiss you?
>100% Battle for Bikini Bottom
>You get a short ass clip of characters singing the theme song
>Pay 40,000 shiny objects to get in the theater
>It's just concept art
>we're gonna give you money
>but there's nothing to buy
I mean if you really wanted to learn supersliding it might be worth something