You should go over everything you know one more time…

>You should go over everything you know one more time…

>The culprit had some sort of connection with both Mayumi Yamano and Saki Konishi. And judging by the warning letters, the culprit most likely knows about the "other side" and what you did there. It's highly likely that they also knew what Namatame was doing and stood back to watch. Who would know all these things…?

>Another oddity about the case is that there were almost no witnesses. Both warning letters seem to have been delivered direction to your house, but no one saw anyone suspicious. No one unusual was seen around Mayumi Yamano or Saki Konishi, either… Despite the police dispatching an unusually high number of officers to perform a thorough investigation. Someone in this small town who fits all the facts…

>The person who seems to be the most likely culprit is…

Other urls found in this thread:

Nanako Dojima

Running Moshirige


Yosuke would actually make somewhat sense

>Wanted excitement in this boring town
>Had no friends until Investigation Team
>Knew Saki and actually had a reason to get mad
>Advocates for murdering Namatame

Only real flaw is that he had no connection to Mayumi

Isn't it obvious that is culprit is fuckin Adachi?

This guy gets it


The culprit should have been randomized among at least 3 characters, with hints and evidence slightly altered when needed.
I hope the traitor is not fixed in P5.

It's Yukiko. The Yamato Nadeshiko best girl has an evil side to her. It's the stress that made her do it.

Hillary Clinton

Don't do this
Go play Ripper and see why this leads to an unsatisfying reveal

That's a bad idea, it would never work out very well.

>game doesn't progress until you pick adachi


Wasn't the culprit in the original script one of the investigation team? I remember reading some screenshot that said that Yukiko was originally meant to be the culprit, but they ended up rewriting a large portion of the script to make things lighter.

I think it was Dojima originally.

This choice was really cool but it's ruined because it's way too easy to apply video game logic.

>Who has a character portrait and voiced lines?
>Who of those also don't have a social link?

Just makes it way too easy, now the true-true culprit I did not see coming.

Before that it was Yousuke.

Golden adds a social link for Adachi.

The original culprit was going to be Dojima, but they thought it was way too dark so Adachi was chosen instead.

The culprit was Naoto all along. It just makes sense.

By your logic, it'd be Morooka faking his own death

Adachi is ruled out during Rise's kidnapping. He only gets brought back into potential suspect when you find out there's more than one person.

>tfw you pick Adachi because Sup Forums spoiled you the game

Why did the artist think this was a good idea? Isn't that a plot hole?

If you're playing the golden: yes
If you're smart and playing the original: no

urban legends based on mistranslations


Yu Narukami

I have time to play one Persona game. Should it be 3 (FES) or 4?

Play 4 first. You can't control party members in FES.

She wants to bang Kanji, right?

Kanji is gay.


Yes. This too

What... what is that?

Adachi could have denied that he was related to the crime when Naoto called him out at the hospital.

>"Hurr hurr, u said 'that settles it, so ur teh culprit!"
>"I said 'that settles it' because we still had our suspicions that everyone who was kidnapped during the murders were still related to them somehow. Naratame's journal confirmed it."
>"Hurr I am dum lets throw Nagasaki in teh TV"

The writers were fucking retarded.


Maybe they mistranslated it.

Freddi Fish did it, why not Persona?

>no one has posted "say ur fucking prayers Nanako" yet

please post it so I can save it for the future

prime avatar material

why can't i be the traitor instead

Not unlikely that he'd panic the instant he was accused

Why do the japs love Yosuke so much?

Seriously, this ass has his own goddamn manga series somehow.

Kanji is bi because he shows genuine interest in women and acts iron closet about dudes

Do people really believe that or it's just tumblr's wishful thinking?

consult the chart

You can't control party members in 4 either.

>kinsey scale
So does Teddie shove a toothbrush up his dickhole?

He was too heartbroken for saki. Still it wouldve been nice to get a what if story with yosuke being the killer and him fucking up people to keep the excitement going

What? Yes you can, you just have to set each character after you get them.

him being jester only makes things more obvious

Hate to be that guy, but sauce? I tried google and iqdb and I couldn't find anything. Thank you very much in advance.

learn how to search. I see marie and elizabeth and english. With those 3 tags you should find it

Is this the official chart or tumblr headcanon?

but naoto has the biggest tits out of all of them




Actually the game ends if you pick someone else 3 times.

>Kill one
>Marry one
>Fuck one
>Befriend one

Why are they gangraping Naoto

kill yukiko
marry naoto
fuck chie
befriend rise
rape nanako

kill chie
marry naoto
fuck yukiko
befriend rise

yukiko is a traditional girl and would become a my mistress because I saw her naked body
Being firnds with rise is pretty much friends with benefits
Naoto comes from an ancient house and would share the bed with me and rise and yukiko because she wants to uphold a good name and in the end she will love it.

boob envy

Kill Chie, nothing against the character though, she's really likable and hot
Marry Yukiko
Fuck Rise
Befriend Naoto

The letter was the only thing linking Adachi to it, nigger fucked up bad there.

>she's really likable


it was just a prank bro.

Yeah but you can load a save right?

Maybe his connection is through Chie/Yukiko? Yukiko coulda mentioned it to Chie and Yosuke coulda oestered it out of Chie. Makes sense actually

That's why you're better off burning it.

he wasnt friends with yukiko and only vague friends with chie. There was no reason for him to be at the inn and no way to get to the reporter woman

Fucking hell Atlus

Dojima has probably already hit that, he drinks heavily after all

I don't get it.

Ay lmao

>would become a my mistress because I saw her naked body
>Naoto comes from an ancient house

We really are.. Left 4 Dead

>implying yukiko isnt the type of "ow no he saw me naked now I cant get married" and naoto isnt part of a detective house

Wasn't Yosuke supposed to be the closeted gay one?

i was laughing at your wording. it sounds like a japanese person who's learning english.

>become a my mistress because i saw her naked body

anyway, i would
kill naoto
marry yuki
turbofuck rise
befriend chie

yosuke's not gay, he's just a complete faggot. easily the worst character in the game.

if unused audio is to be believed

>Would the killer be someone I've never even met? Nope.
>Would the killer be someone who has no apparent connection to the case? Nope.
>Would the killer be a party member? Nope.
>Would it be someone who clearly has no motive to be the killer? Nope.
You don't even really need to consider the facts of the case, just apply deductive reasoning to basic storytelling principles.
It's Nanako, right?

Yukiko is the 2nd horniest girl on the whole cast, after Rise

>Would it be someone who clearly has no motive to be the killer? Nope.
This is the exact reason why the Zodiac Killer was never caught, he picked his targets entirely at random and nobody could figure out a motive or an MO

>King Moron getting revenge on the bad students that spent their time slutting around instead of studying
I'd play this alternate scenario and love it.


only makes it better. Rise and yukiko can yuri up naoto until she is hot and bothered and doesnt care that im fucking 2 girls aside from her

Her lines during
Christmas + Valentines Day + drinking scene + visiting the shrine + ski trip

She's much more forward than the others (sans Rise)

Not to mention he was an outsider, which was why Izanami chose Namatame, Adachi and Yu in the first place.

fuck i want to do a loyal yukiko run now. see you in 80 hrs

Who knows?
Maybe a bunch of meddling kids found out who at the time, stopped him and kept it to themselves.

Would shoot up the budget with all those additional cutscenes, voices, and boss battles. There's a reason why Telltale game choices don't matter

If he was a self-hating gay he would at least have an excuse


Send Rise to the Shadow Realm
Marry Naoto
Fuck Chie
Befriend Yukiko