Where should the next Farcry be set Sup Forums?

Where should the next Farcry be set Sup Forums?

>Swiss Alps
>Australia during the 1800's

Wasn't Primal a resounding failure?

Dead where it belongs

Fuck ubisoft. Worthless company.

My ass

in garbage bin

Brazil, on the military Police side
burning favelas down

>kneels to gaben


Give the franchise to devs who give a fuck, preferably some slavs.

It should die just like Assassin's Creed.

Vietnam war

>tfw no BOPE simulator

I didn't know I needed this

Denuvo Mountains.
It's not like they're so tough to climb though.

Full Blood Dragon game.

But Far Cry Primal was just set in a Reskinned Kyrat, are you dumb?

>Do Australian Culture class at Uni
>Lecturer tells me Aboriginal Dream Time is actually Quantum Mechanics and Aboriginals figured it out before everyone else

Did he tell about the petrol huffing?

Fictitious mediterranean islands near the Levant in the midst of a war between two ex-great powers

>not just saying fuck it and making a dothraki simulator

like why the fuck not

the exact same map again but called a new name

Chernobyl for a Stalker ripoff?

It was a white woman, and of course not.

>Blood Dragon was an April fool's joke that was real
>Blood Dragon 2 Vietnam War 2 is an April fool's joke
fuck you ubisoft.