What video games let me use guns against medieval troops?

What video games let me use guns against medieval troops?

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Darkest of Days or something like that.


Rise of Nations

New Vegas

What anime is this?

Civilization if you're quick enough.
Also what anime is this?

Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri



Don't shill this shitty anime

bretty gud tanks m8s

It is good until it starts getting into real world politics.

Empire Earth

>It is good until it starts getting into real world politics.

How can there be any tension if every fight is guaranteed to be a one-sided slaughter?

I heard it's basically propaganda for a conservative, isolationist, militarized Japan.

Return to Castle Wolfenstein.

It is. Its also about waifus and blowing up dragons with C4.

>I heard it's basically propaganda for a conservative, isolationist, militarized Japan.
But that's good

>Its also about waifus and blowing up dragons with C4.
Fucking sold, thanks user

>It's a "Sup Forums shows their taste in anime" episode

Magicka: Vietnam.
Civilization series.

>beats western soldiers and knights and shit
>with western inventions and technology

Who's the asspie that came up with this shitty mango

>propaganda for a conservative, isolationist, militarized Japan.

I could deal with that. It's the delusion that the JSDF is the only competent army in the world when they have done fuck all.

I'd rather have >500 gazillion folded nihon steel katana shit than this salty wanking desu

The main characters are from the JSDF. It's all about making the JSDF look like gods.

Yes, those soldiers that havent done anything in the last 50 years. They are the greatest.

>anally-annihilated Americlap
Sure it is.

don't bother it's shit

Shooting up primitive medieval soldier is just as impressive as the Columbine high school shooting you know

>Magicka: Vietnam.
Mah nigga

>tfw I ain't no Sorcerer's son starts playing

Serious Sam.. though they might have been advanced aliens

It's always fun to see uppity savages put in their place. Like when the US nuked Japan.

>treating JSDF as samurai and katana folded one bijillion times

How far will nips go with this superior warrior meme? I guess 2 nukes weren't enough

They were begging for one in all fairness

>western invention

first to use guns in europe were mongols

shogun 2
empire earth

Fine, machine guns.

Europeans made guns practical and battle-ready. To the Chinese they were just a gimmick to scare the enemy or some shit.

You shoot people who use mace, wooden shield and crossbow in 1/3 of the game

what anime has big guns and shit dies?

Kabaneri? I havent really seen it so I dont know how much they actually use guns.

Resi 4.

I can't still forgive fucking Angel Beats for such wasted potential. A battle in the afterlife for a resurrection? Lol nope, let's make "muh feels and regrets with the high school band"
I still mad

GATE. Stay the fuck away. Genuine shit. Not Sup Forums's 'everything is shit' shit. Actual shit.

Why do the anime versions look different? All of the female characters seem to have the same eyes and many hairstyles have been changed for no reason.

Threads about anime on Sup Forums are 100000x better than anime threads on Sup Forums.

There's a reason the cuck said that Sup Forums is the most cancerous board on Sup Forums.

You might be the most pleb man currently alive.

> punching through multiple layers of thick black steel like paper.


Except that Sup Forums (Yes. Sup Forums is one person) has the most entry level tastes like JoJo or Cowboy Bebop.

Reminder that more than half the people complaining about GATE would love that shit if it was about America stomping a fantasy world instead of Japan.

The show sucks, but it's entertaining so long as you're not easily triggered by Japanese nationalism.


Not exactly a quality series but it fits your description. For general /k/ anime people will recommend Black Lagoon or Jormungand.

Which cuck are you talking about? I hope you're not talking about moot because Sup Forums was the favorite board of that cuck.

>black steel
Unless it's magic then of fucking course it would punch through anything less than kevlar at tht range.

There are three simple rules around here, newfriend.

You don't go to Sup Forums for anime recommendations.
You don't go to Sup Forums for vidya recommendations.
You don't go to Sup Forums for movie recommendations.

All boards are shit at their primary purpose.

Stomping a fantasy world without any resistance is boring, no matter who does it.

How is it good?

after you m8, you seem into girly tears, bitch

There is resistance in the form of magic and overpowered fantasy monsters.
Trashing a backwards tyrannical empire is fun in a cathartic way.

>This is a real person typing this


You're wrong.

They don't end up using guns to do anything. Its sorta there just so they could have a "lol gyrojet pneumatic guns" part of a episode.
The longer it goes on, the more it focuses on samurai katana swordmanship, and Ikomas inability to just use his pneumatic hammer to kill anything.

Because the opposite is sweden and germany right now

The JDF is a shit army and Japan as a whole is America's bitch. The show completely ignores this. If it was set in Russia, China or America it would actually make sense.
Also if it was in Russia or America it wouldn't be an anime, so I'd maybe even watch it

So my point stands completely. Cool.

>>Not exactly a quality series
I'll cut you, nigga.

> actually doing symmetrical warfare in the 21st century.
> not just assassinating or setting up a coup to depose the enemy leadership while maintaining salty relations with the enemy populace.

Do you even controlled opposition.

The JSDF propaganda is only one part of it. The other part is the intense otaku pandering waifushit.

W-Woah this main character is an OW-TAW-KEW just like me. W-Woah all these girls like him.

Those shows are actually somewhat decent though because they don't rely on 'le high pitched anime girls'

What's wrong with a bit of boots-on-the-ground action now and then?

Except it doesn't you butthurt weeb.

Fuck off. You aren't here to talk about video games. Go back to Sup Forums.

I'm not an americlap and the show was shit.
Watch good JSDF propaganda instead, like Yomigaeru Sora or Zipang.