Thank you denuvo for saving pc gaming!

Thank you denuvo for saving pc gaming!

All games under Denuvo suck anyways, I'm not even a pirate, If only Denuvo was used for actual good games, I'd be thanking it. There are no good games in 2016 so far.

Thank you based Denuvo for denying pirate shitters the joy of good vidya.


Witcher 3 is the best game of 2015, 2016, and 2017 though.

>somehow another Denuvo game that runs like shit


And all eternity.

I don't get it, how did denuco save pc gaming?

Almost all denuvo games can be pirated, legitimate users can't mod their games and devs waste money on it instead of dev costs.

Well memed.

i havent bought single denuvo game, but played 3 of them (were gifted to me). And while i enjoyed the games that playthrough, i definitely wont be playing them again (mgs5, tomb raider and mad max) so i see no point in bying or even pirating any other denuvo games.
People are hyped abuot desu ex and i just dont give a fuck knowing denuvo is there. Wish i was on a hype train instead but no.

And it doesn't have denuvo

mankind divided is good


Honestly, please stop. It's fucking annoying.

what drugs are you buying mate?

i played 4 games with Denuvo already...and they are mediocre at best...but the hype rise expectatons...look at Dude sex.

It's not even the best in the series. The opposite, actually.

Hahahahaha, thanks for the laughs

Seriously, it may have good point but the fighting gameplay sucks so much it ruins the game

Shame the PC port is absolute trash and needs a SLI of GTX 1080 to surpass 60 FPS at 1080p

>Witcher 3
Consoletards, everyone.

Dude Sex was already flying a giant red flag months ago when they tried to copy Kickstarter stretch goal shit by trying to pull that bullshit where "if x number of customers preorder our game then we'll give you this tier preorder bonus :^)"

holy shit, either give preorder bonuses or don't.

it turning out to be a buggy, shoddily made mess relying on marketing hype and DENOVO isn't surprising at all.

What? I thought people were playing at 60 fps on high with a GTX770?

Fuck off faggot.

Hitman is the only good game using Denuvo anyways.

Dude Sex was flying a giant red flag when I listened to developer commentary in Missing Link, as far as I'm concerned. These people don't get the basics of interactive storytelling and honestly think taking away player's tools then forcing him to navigate a boring, linear, overly long map is fun.

Still haven't downloaded RIse of the Tomb Raider.

Is it worth it?

I thought people got around this finally?

they did

>release game protected with Denuvo
>don't release a Demo ever
how much more of a faggot can devs be?

I have never, EVER bought a GOG game because they are so easy to download.

I always buy Ubisoft and Denuvo games tho because they are a pain in the ass to pirate even if cracked

did it though? and this works too..

it's very much like the other one..but different story....imagine AC:brotherhood and AC:Revelations.

only one to be cracked, the rest are not...

A GTX 970 barely reaches 30 FPS.

having said that:

"Also, Denuvo never billed the Anti-Tamper technology as 'uncrackable', merely 'hard to crack', which it clearly is. And even if Rise of the Tomb Raider were cracked, "We would continue playing the cat and mouse as we do for many years," Goebl said. "There are changes in every game, even in every update of each game."

so theoretically cracking one Denuvo game doesnt mean the rest are fair game.. but then this could just be PR bullshit i guess we shall see soon enough

It's not really that good a platformer/cutscene simulator.
It's getting really obvious games get denuvo when they aren't good. So that players can't test them before being jewed out of their money.

>Rise of the tomb raider
>It's Tomb Raider reboot pic

>trusting benchmarks on ultra high quality

and the guy who cracked Rise may have been working on it since release meaning it took over a year to crack one game.

Last time they released a demo of a Denuvo game the pirates used said demo to bypass the game's DRM.
Thanks id Software.

you realize that some denuvo games got cracked recently? stay mad whtieknight faggot

Steam and GoG did that eons ago.
This thing is just and attempt to scrap the bottom of the barrel that most of the time just fail and hard.

'some' as in one

Does Denuvo:

Cause performance issues
Not cause performance issues

And where can I see the citations?

Actually, when deciding to make a denuvo powered game, you must decide.

If your game is actually really good, using it is detrimental, because you lose quite a bit of the word of the mouth marketing done by the mass of people that have no money to buy it, but will still tell their rich friends to get it, which will make em buy the game, and a lot of times actually buy the game to the poor pirate as well.

Now if you got a bad or broken (or both) game, the last thing you need is ANY sort of unofficial PR, which means denuvo ends being a good deal because you get at least a whole week of people downloading your game blindly before they catch on enough to damage your sales.

It's impossible for denuvo not to decrease performance, because if it didn't, it would be easy to crack. But the decrease is relatively small, 1-5% decrease in performance according to the Lords of the Fallen devs.

i just wanted Doom and Mankind divided

You could have played Doom via the Voksi bypass, too late now though.

That's what I figured, but I don't have enough solid facts and resources to know exactly why it decreases. Are there any users who have studied performance and graphed such, providing maybe a little bit of insight to the notion?

You can't really do performance comparison with/without Denuvo because it has never been completely removed from a game yet.

Denuvo gives publishers a reason to make good games for the PC and better ports.

Steam Refunds is slowly purging the pixel-shit indie games and Early Access garbage.

The Golden Age of PC Gaming is coming back, boys!