One hour of BF1 footage from Gamescom

>Special classes like flamethrower dude and sentry are pickups on the map like in Battlefront

>still no fix to the st upid AI "placeholder" voice

Apart from those two objectively bad things, what do you guys think? No memes about historical accuracy please, we all know its not accurate and never will be.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Special classes like flamethrower dude and sentry are pickups on the map like in Battlefront
Thats enough for me to not get it.

COD looks better imo

Really? Well I guess that's a matter of personal taste whether you enjoy futuristic or historical settings, personally I'm tired of the modern/futuristic games so this is a welcome change for me

Battlefield 1 is modern


It's a historical setting, whether or not its historically accurate is a different question entirely.

yeah well that's just like ur opinion man

What's with the unnecessarily huge map which ensures you'll never run into more than one or two enemies at a time? How is that fun?

>nigger Germans
>no France
>no Russia
>sandnigger womyn

>historical setting

This is about as much of a historical setting as Valkyria Chronicles.

Have to agree with you on that one. The space bits looked fun and infantry level combat has always been pretty "solid" in cod games albeit not realistic at all, don't see them fucking up that too easily.

Get cancer and die underage millennial scum

>gritty WW1 shooter
>UI uses clean modern minimalist style

When will this shit die

>its a historical setting
>while not being historical
Its a fictional setting in the past, its not WW1

>yfw its the same UI they used in Battlefront

it really feels like a slap in the face that they made the main "poster" character a fucking black guy

it's ridiculously innaccurate

that aside, though, game looks fun, will probably buy. Does anyone know if there are planes and snipers in the game? like if you can pilot a plane

did ww1 really have that many flying dildoes in the field?

>gritty WW1 shooter
Looks like a literal reskin of Battlefield 4 and Battlefront reboot, complete with reused assets from both. Sounds are vastly recycled from previous BF games and all the map terrain assets, rocks, textures etc are reused from Tatooine in Battlefront.

And if this shit is gritty WW1 shooter then Valkyria Chronicles is a gritty WW2 strategy game.

Of course not. And WW1 didn't have automatic weapons outside of MGs which were not really portable.

This entire shit is inaccurate as hell, might as well be alternate history game with how much bullshit it's pulling.

>Does anyone know if there are planes and snipers in the game? like if you can pilot a plane
Why don't you try watching the video in the OP? but yes there are.

We wuz worldwar heroes n shiiii

mite b cool
beta in a week

Looks like a rehash of every BF game ever with a different skin, as per fucking usual

Watchu mean different skin you racist ass cracka?


>that map

never played a battlefield game before BC2, did you

Nigger I played the first battlefield (bad company 1) and maps were nowhere dis big shieeeet man


>Nigger I played the first battlefield (bad company 1)

must. not. reply. to. bait. posts.

should I get bf4 or hardline

>historical setting
>with as many as possible anachronistic changes to make it completely identical to FPS set in the present day

Are you retards implying BC1 had large maps? Because thats objectively wrong you fucking morons

>LOTR is based in Medieval Europe

>historical setting
Loosely basing your game on a time period does not fucking make it historical

M&B is not a historical medieval game just because it has some fucking suits of armor and swords

Wow this makes it look really mediocre. Like, it just seems like Battlefront with a reskin and more open maps.

Does LOTR take place in Europe, with European nations?

Keep using false comparisons though, retard

BF Hardline isn't played that actively apparently.
BF4 is the go to authentic, historically accurate WWII milsim nowadays.

LotR was actually based on the end of 19th-early 20th century Europe with the whole thing being an alegory for the industrial revolution at the time.

Think there was a glitch in my game there were black imperial german soldiers

>Historically accurate


If this new BF is a historic WW1 game, then BF4 is a historic WWII game

>Does LOTR take place in Europe, with European nations?

Does BF1?

Nobody cares about historical accuracy.

>nigger Germans
>no France
I will not fall for your propaganda, westernshit devs.





Absoutely kill yourslef for watching these group of complete fucking fags.

>then BF4 is a historic WWII game
You mean WW3.

Looks good.
Will buy if its not broken at launch.

Obviously WWII because it has the 1911 and had some other old gun, which means it's a historic game.

>market WW1 game
>it's actually not WW1 at all

Fuck off, don't bother making a "historical" game if it's not going to follow history.

Speak for yourself, nigger.

Frankie was actually solid until he turned to complete sellout

You will only fall for the propaganda you like.

what a strange looking m14

Spot the faggot.

Well I wouldnt take your opinion judging by the way you type "ur".
Also actually thats not just his opinion its the one of many, The games will have the historical setting but wont be historically accurate. Thatd be impossible to do

>I got BTFO
>better divert attention away from my failed argument

No historical game has ever attempted at being accurate though.
Plus, Verdun is the proof that a realistic WWI game would be a giant snoozefest.
This is a WWII game masqueraded as WWI to sell it as unique, pure marketing, but I wanted a WWII BF so this will do.

>I wanted a WWII BF
>What is 1942

There's automatic weapons because the kids who play these games don't like semi-automatics unless its a sniper rifle.

This is such a huge problem.
These games are fucking sterile just from this, why bother with all that pretty graphics when you don't even try and keep a theme.

>No historical game has ever attempted at being accurate though.

An old, dead game with horrible graphics.

Actually looks half decent. I haven't played a battlefield game since bf 2 years and years ago. Battlefield 1942 is one of my favourite FPS games. This looks pretty decent, I like the setting.

Cautious optimism.

>No historical game has ever attempted at being accurate though.
Kill yourself because you clearly don't play such games.
I can name at least 10 off the top of my fucking head.

Vietcong, Red Orchestra, Soldiers Heroes of WW2, Faces of War, Men of War (and its expansions), Blitzkrieg games, Verdun, Rise of Flight, IL2 Sturmovik, the entire fucking Close Combat series

Now stop baiting you piece of shit.

>put a nigger in the game
>BF1 threads in Sup Forums at all times
Is Sup Forums the easiest to fool, most gullible place on the internet?
Its so easy to manipulate you into shilling games that I wonder why I haven't done it myself.

>people are acting surprised that DICE made their game filled with historical inaccuracies, automatic weapons and gadgets.

Are Sup Forumsirgins that naive or did none of them ever played a battlefield game before? I mean seriously, if you didn't see that coming from the day the WWI setting was reveled, you're fucking brain dead, and you might as well kys.

>historically accurate
Fucking lol.

Besides, those franchises are dead for a good reason.

>the only BF1 thread on Sup Forums atm
>no one mentioned niggers until now
Nice try, shitposter

>Are Sup Forumsirgins that naive or did none of them ever played a battlefield game before?
I have, unlike you I didn't start with Bad Company you underage chucklefuck.

>those franchises are dead for a good reason
>implying half of those are dead
Here's your (You)

>Woman leading mudslimes

This would literally never happen, why are they always softening up how bad islam really is

It's not that we didn't see it coming. It's that we didn't realize just how bad it would be.

looks average to be honest, nothing unique except the "Wacky-WWI" scenario.
Game looks like every Battlefield game after Bad Company 2, with the good old copy paste of old assets

This, if anyone expected anything but a BF4 reskin with literally the same gameplay mechanics, in not only a BF game, but a EA game, you were only fooling yourselves.
The audience of this game are dudebros who want to try to solo a fucking tank.

>no one
You are all cheap, easy to use tools.

Dice made battlefield 1942, 1943 and vietnam, which had good historic settings. And some of the last battlefields were fun, like bad company 2 or bf3.
Saying "hurr durr don't trust DICE because I don't like battlefield" isn't saying much.

That said, they really fucked up this time. They had a perfect chance to make a good, accurate WW1 game, but they decided not to.

For me the worst part is that they didn't include the eastern front at all. Which was quite fucking important in the war.

>BF1 is a historical game

>accurate WWI game
Really hard to market to dudebros a shoiter about crawling in trenches with only semi automatic weapons.
There's simply no way to make an entertaining WWI shooter.

>This would literally never happen

>I have, unlike you I didn't start with Bad Company you underage chucklefuck.

I played them all, shithead. You're still naive as fuck to not acknowledge the path DICE has taken in the last decade and not have predicted what the game was going to be.

Hope it sells a lot, Sup Forumscucks are only entertaining when they are angry.


I hope soldier appearance is customizable, I want to use a helmet and not some stupid fucking snowflake hat

It is.
According to the alpha's files, you can customize the outfits, color of your skin, and you can make custom camos for guns.

>ottoman flag

noice, i thought they werent playable

>constant run and gun chaos bullshit, no cohesion, tiny squads, no front-lines

why do people like this

it's literally generic

add in people spawning from the ass of each other and it's just a tiresome experience

>There's simply no way to make an entertaining WWI shooter.

Then why bother? Instead of pissing on that setting just do WW2 which the mechanics clearly emulate. People were actually asking for it this time after years of modern/near future shit.

>random fictional camelfucker as credible as ones of the wives of the religion's founder in a leading role
yeah no if you don't understand why your nitpicking is wrong don't bother answering

>People still excited for an EA game in 2016
Its like some people never learn. Did the last two battlefield games and battlefront teach you nothing?

>generic female moba anouncer instead of yelling soldiers

>Instead of pissing on that setting just do WW2 which the mechanics clearly emulate. People were actually asking for it this time after years of modern/near future shit.
Day of Infamy and Days of War are going to fill that void.
Day of Infamy is the WW2 offshot of Insurgency while Days of War is Day of Defeat 3 by original devs who left Valve and don't have rights to the brand but have rights to the maps and the gameplay.

>why bother
Cheap marketing.
Its EA.

Dont like it? dont fucking play it then cunt.


>There's simply no way to make an entertaining WWI shooter.

Well, I imagine it as:

>match centers around an assault to the enemy territory, jumping from trench to trench
>start of the match gives you 2 minutes to pick your assault position in the trench and get your preferred equipment
>attackers quickly respawn, moving the spawn if you advance to another trench
>can use tanks and artillery freely

That would be just one map, other maps could have no trenches at all like some parts of the early eastern front, where battles happened mainly in forests or rural towns.

funnily enough it's not final, it's been said to be replaced by a male announcer in further builds, we'll see at the end of the month if it's actually true

Did you get that out of your "4 chan pics" folder


except it isnt
this battle were the one that started the ummayad takeover against the rashidun aadn is heavily documented by eraly islamic historians. she literally comanded the entire army and even fought hand-to-hand in the front line

please dont spout things you are ignorant about

>All these armchair historians deciding on what is historically accurate
>Not understanding the balance between fun gameplay and historical accuracy

It's the same in every BF1 thread.
>muh nigga
>muh womyn
>muh automatic
>muh tank speed

What the fuck is wrong with you all. I never once heard you complaining about Aerial Boat Jets or C4 jumping Tank maneuvers, Loopzouks or even Jihad Jeeps, yet somehow a gun that actually existed in WWI and was deployed somehow triggers you because it's automatic.

You are the best goy around, chewing on corporate dick