Being a liar is actually very profitable in vidya industry. It's not even about the quality of your game, it's about how much you can hype it.
Being a liar is actually very profitable in vidya industry. It's not even about the quality of your game...
I don't understand how people thought this would be an amazing game. People were saying it will not be anything special, and then some dickfart goes like no you don't get the game. On the contrary, they understood the game perfectly and it's exactly like it was expected to be. If you're disappointed with the game you can only blame yourself
Anyone else appalled by how little shit this whole event stirred up? They intentionally hyped the fuck out of this game and people blamed themselves until someone put together a proper list, even then people went into complete denial instead of recognizing that they didn't get what they think they were buying.
HG should've crashed and burned instead of this little slap on the wrist feedback. Gamers truly have changed.
>how people thought this would be an amazing game
People believed in what that fucking retard Sean said about the game.
That applies to every kind of marketing.
Even memes.
What was the list again? All I remember is some vague shit about planets spinning and stuff like that, which still wouldn't have made the core gameplay any more fun. It looked bland from the beginning, and it came out bland. It never looked like a fun game
It happens so often we've become inured.
These people don't know how to make games but they know how to make trailers and lies :
He was deliberately vague and hinted that there was more than he was saying. He also acted like there was more gameplay than there really is but he didn't want to "spoil" the surprise. Well, the surprise was that there is no fucking gameplay. If you couldn't see this, then you weren't paying attention and your lack of understanding doesn't mean everyone else is wrong.
Video game buyers being the most idiotic consumer group.
He didn't start getting evasive until he saw how big the hype train got, he was much more willing to promise features early on.
Apart from the spaceships and the big snakes that basically looks the same as the streams I've watched. So I ask again, why did people think this would be fun to play
You're mistaken in assuming that he became evasive because of the hype. It's more probable that he became evasive because he realized his team couldn't deliver on the promises. His team's use of procedural generation is amateur at best, but he was acting like he'd replicated all these laws of biology and physics.
Sean implied that there would be more, and people trusted those implications, thinking that the hidden features would add fun.
>He was deliberately vague and hinted that there was more than he was saying. He also acted like there was more gameplay than there really is but he didn't want to "spoil" the surprise. Well, the surprise was that there is no fucking gameplay
And this stuff is exactly why people were telling others to tone down the hype because they'll just get burned. Like with every other game that comes out ever. It got more and more obvious the closer the game was to release yet there were still folks clinging to hope that somehow the game would actually be good and for some reason they just don't want to show the good stuff in the trailers. I would still maintain that if you actually preordered or bought the game day one, expecting it to be amazing, it's your own fault because it was pretty clear it wouldn't be. Everyone else came to their senses
Do you know what marketing is ?
This is why people though it would be fun to play.
The game was selected as the "best indie game" (even though it wasn't an indie game) everywhere even when the only fucking thing we had was trailers.
The trailer you've just watched was their first trailer, and the first second saying "ALL FOOTAGE CAPTURED IN REAL-TIME" is their first lie.
>Sean implied that there would be more, and people trusted those implications, thinking that the hidden features would add fun.
Then it's your own fault because >hey let's advertise a game
>but let's not show any of the fun stuff we have
>instead let's only show the boring stuff
Nobody would do this
I was looking foward to it when it was a small scale 20-40$ indy game.
My expectaitions where never high or low for the game so Ill probably pick it up on sale.
I had preordered the game in January. I canceled mine after I saw that atrocious leak. I still had hope that the game could be amazing before that. I hoped that an independent developer would have some unique ideas and that maybe they were being naive in showing just the blase crap
If you get hyped for something its your own fucking fault, nobody can make you get hyped for something and you're a literal fucking retard if the contents of no mans sky were not what you were expecting.
>Then it's your own fault
You guys are having two different conversions. Most people pointing out Sean's lies are doing just that, point out the lies. You on the other hand are debating why anyone should believe the lies. Two different conversations. It's not an excuse to lie just because your audience is a bunch of retards who can't learn from every other product blunder of the past.
Did you see Batman v Superman?
This isn't unique to the vidya industry you tool.
Welcome to marketing 101. I used to work on retail electronic shop.
There's headphone product that generally better in materials(durable, isn't made of cheap plastic that disintegrate after a few months, have small head strap that keep it in place on your head) that price kind of okay. Nobody buy it because apparently product like "gaymer headset" which all of the time are made in China with shit quality appeal to retard that lurks Sup Forums that fall into nms and kickstarter shit.
I'd like to interject for JUST a moment.
What you're referring to as new todd is actually Todd/Sean, or as I've recently taken to naming it Sean plus Todd. Sean is not a liar unto himself, but rather another misleading component of a hype culture driven games industry that rewards developers who continually fail to meet expectations, and paint pictures their final product doesn't match.
Many gamers listen to Sean every day, believing his lies without realizing it. Through an inevitable failure to deliver, Sean that people are upset with is often called "Todd", and many players are not aware that they are the same sort of developer, developed by the games industry.
There are Todd Howard games, and some people are playing them, but it is just part of what the industry rewards. Todd is a symptom: the developer in the industry that directs the masses toward what's delivered as the next step, when in reality that step is backwards, often losing features and depth found in their previous titles. The developer is an essential part of the games industry, but begins to casualize itself if not stopped; it can only deliver deep experiences with an experienced player base and community at large with greater standards for depth of interaction, writing, and everything that makes a game great aside from it's veneer. Todd is becoming more referenced in combination with Sean: the whole industry is basically Sean with Todd added, or Sean/Todd. All the so called "Todd" like lies are really games industry = Sean/Todd.
It's terrible but you're completely correct. It works so well because the industry and its customers are incredibly immature. Anyone with an IQ out of the double digits saw this coming a country mile away.
He learned from the best
>You guys are having two different conversions
Dang this is actually true. Think I'll stop posting now
how much did this game cost to make and how much has it sold?
Some people were hoping for more. Yes, if you expected more then you're a retard, however, a great deal of people had high hopes based off the lies.
What is GTAV doing in the background?
When the details of your game are so vague, people tend to fill in the gaps with their own wildest dreams. Especially when those people are easily hyped fanboys and "journalists" looking for the next big fresh thing.
I never thought this would be anything amazing. But I don't get any joy from that, I would have preferred a pleasant surprise, a good game.
>every single videogame trailer lies to you
>don't care
>sean murray does it
it's because people stopped caring
I assure you you bought and played games that have been marketed with lies, but you don't care abotu those you still bought them
The difference is that (usually) it's just a matter of bullshots and some vague exaggerations. Sean made some hard claims about the game that just weren't true.
But this kind of scrutiny SHOULD be applied to every developer. It won't, because most video game consumers have terrible memories, but it should.
Are all English devs great bullshitters?
Media Molecule, Lionhead and Hello Games are all around the same location and all are pretty vague about their games
Someone post the periodic table lie
They all went to the same school, it's like Hogwarts except for lying.
same as it ever was
Why the fuck did you ass hats pre-order?
Just imagine, if you will, you weren't all reactionary morons. Morons that repeatedly buy in to hype that ultimately always falls flat.
Don't get me wrong, before launch I was interested in buying it, but I waited until I saw a lets play video or two and read some opinions before buying. Can you guess why I did that? Can you guess why I don't own this game yet?
>Being a liar is actually very profitable in vidya industry.
Being a liar is actually very profitable when selling to idiots/children/man children.
Don't blame him for your shitty purchase, you could have waited. When people call you entitled this is what they are talking about. He didn't sabotage the game, he didn't make it worse, he sold the game as is and you only have your childish selves to blame for your shitty purchase. Just don't listen to the hype, how do you keep falling for this shit over and over?!
I'm going to sit back and wait for a sale. The PC version will be fixed by then and maybe some more shit added.
Blame the victim some more, pleb.
stop buying shit and getting mad fag
After watching so many of Sean Murray's interviews I've noticed that he uses the word "ecology" a number of times. I get the feeling he thinks it means "some plants and animals on a planet," rather than "a complex web of interconnected metabolic and behavioral pathways for converting energy from one form to another." He's just another fucking uninspired idiot who thinks he understands science and that's why I hate him.
>it's fine to lie because only stupid people fall for it
I didn't buy the game but fuck you
Joke's on you, nigger. I didn't buy this abortion. Stop making excuses for liars and incompetents.
Independant game consumer here. DO NOT BUY no mans sky. This dev is 100% lying about pretty much everything. Tell you what, if I were you, I'd be more exited about the new Fallout 4 DLC.
Haven't I seen you somewhere before?
You made it happen Todd.
It's probably because only autists on Sup Forums and reddit demand justice on video games
Why is everyone so upset over some one time offhand thing he said during an interview and yet praise games like The Last of Us and Bioshock Infinite which both blatantly made themselves out to be something they were not (watch the E3 demos)?
I didn't even buy NMS but the impression I got is that what you saw is what you got but people let their imaginations run too wild.
>Deliveries 0/20
About the same amount of promises no man's sky delivered on
The fact that this game stutters on my rig with a GTX 980Ti running at 2560x1440 makes me refund it about 30min in. I am not paying AAA price for something that doesn't werk.
>Being a liar is actually very profitable in vidya industry.
Well yes, because most "gamers" are the kind of fucking retards who pre-order games. When you're that stupid, you deserve to be lied to and be scammed out of your money.
Having high ambitions for your game is not "lying" you retards.
And that's dumb.
If you buy a new toy water pistol for the kids and it's marketed as being able to shoot water at ranges up to 10 meters but it turns out it can't even pull off 2 then that shit is getting mass refunded and the company disappears only to resurface next year under a different name.
Vidya should at the very least be held to the same standard as kids toys.
Posting this again for mirth's sake:
Media Molecule was doing good up until Dreams, now that is an extremely vague game with absolutely no explanation for what it actually is. LBP and Tearaway were extremely straightforward in what they were.
Half the people doing these kinds of videos are just trying to profit from it at this point
Well, at least the guy who made that a year ago can feel smug about his prediction coming true.
Dreams also doesn't have any real hype or anything though, so not even on the same level
the fact that people just refused to take into account the numerous times on video where sean contradicted himself, I would say it's amazing but people really are that stupid
>you can literally do anything
the difference is that they are telling the truth
Any video any of these assholes make is for profit. I don't see why that's necessarily wrong.
They're not lying unlike some barefoot hobo.
Guys, I can't stand this anymore. We at Hello Games did our best to deliver an awesome experience and you guys just destroy it. I'm not a liar. The features are there, you just haven't found them yet.
if its a bad game then explain this
I keep hoping the libertarian Sup Forums kiddies will finally realize that this is how capitalism actually works. Lies, fraud, and theft are the primary virtues of our economic system.
You let the game run for 50 hours while in the menu
Fuck off, Lenin.
>n-n-no it's not true
Search your feelings. You know that Ayn Rand has lied to you.
I can play 50 hours with a balloon, does that mean aything?
it means you have a rubber fetish
>Being a liar is actually very profitable in vidya industry. It's not even about the quality of your game, it's about how much you can hype it.
Welcome to 30 fucking years ago you pissant.
There are laws against false advertisement for a reason. If a car manufacturer was advertising that their next car will have 1000mpg and then they release it and it only gets 50mpg they would get sued to hell. "Should ahve waited for the reviews :^)" wouldn't be a valid defense for them in court. I hope we get some better legislation against video game lies soon.
I AM NOT A LIAR. I wanna see you guys develop a game like No Man's sky. All you manchilds do is bitch and moan while sitting in your mother's basement.
I think a lot of people got caught up on the whole 18 quintillion planets gimmick and is probably the first time they've heard of procedural generation. There were people saying this would be the Mario 64 of randomly generated content.
Well look beyond the large array of planets and you'll see there isn't much to do. You can only name so many rocks. This one is called Dwayne.
NMS definitely has the most cucked fanbase in existence, they are still defending this faggot despite all the lies. The worst case of buyers remorse denial I've ever seen.
Fuck you, nigga. You don't have the vision to create a game like No Man's Sky.
Did you rike it?
>it took Numale Sky for people to realize this
>when Sony's been at it for years
Fuck you, Kojimbo.
He's right. "hardcore gaymers" get swindled all the time.
>Scaled down WatchDogs
>No Man's Sky
>Scaled down graphics in almost every video game
>Might No. 9
Good, good. Let the lies flow through you.
>all those trailers were probably just Sean Murray fucking around the the tools on a top of the line pc
>this nigger was just spawning whatever and scripting cool sequences to put in trailers
god damnit
I am so pissed
they should've just released an SDK for fuck's sakes
You're an amateur and you know nothing about biology, chemistry, ecology, or physics. You couldn't even be bothered to give dimension to your game. You're a fake piece of shit.
Yes it means that you are easily satisfied, have shit taste in games and dont mind developers lying to you.
Fucking sheep
It is beyond fucking retarded that they are allowed to show the scripted E3 trailer on the steam shop, even though it has NOTHING to do with the actual game.
If it looked as nice as the trailer, it would at least be a nice walking simulator.
You're worse than Hitler.
>it's exactly like it was expected to be
You keep posting that and I'll keep posting this faggot
>Don't blame him for your shitty purchase, you could have waited.
> other people should suffer, that's OK
> Dr. Pavel, I'm DLC
>you can literally do anything
he stole the mechanic from
Amen. And you know the "journalists" will NEVER call you out on your bullshit.
Because they're desperate for clicks.