Do you buy games with Denuvo?

Do you buy games with Denuvo?

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How else would expect to play them?

putting on a lot of make up doesn't make you a female

I feel shivers when I look at that picture.

I buy games regardless of DRM or other crap if I want to support the developers.

I don't buy games.

No, there aren't any games with Denuvo that look interesting to me.

Why would I support denuvo?

I've yet to come across a game with devuno I want to actually play, devuno or not

You could boycott them

Deus ex?

The only game I bought with Denuvo was MGSV, because it wasn't known until after release.

9/10 Denuvo games are mediocre, and using Denuvo pretty much guarentees that I will never pay for it.

Apparently it runs like shit on most hardware setups that aren't high end, which kinda defeats the purpose of using DRM to begin with.

The benchmarks killed my interest.

What's the purpose? It's a win\win situation, devs get enough money, I enjoy their game and chances to get new ip\sequel get bigger.

>the more money a company gets the better their future games will be

this is what people actually believe

Rockstar Games


and what the tinfoil bandwagon believe? 50% goes to illuminati lol


What about them?
>tinfoil bandwagon
nice memes, better luck next time.

No. I boycott them and then buy games without DRM.

Why would I? I don't even pirate, none of the games under denuvo are that great either way.

>he hasn't played any denuvo games
>according to him they're not that great anyway
Damn I liked D44M but I guess it was pretty bad after all

Any lipsticks that are that purple don't really look appealing on any women. I understand a plum lipstick and even then it's still that great.

>you haven't even played it!
>you can't have a legitimate opinion unless you pay for it
>if you didn't like it your opinion is wrong if you play for more than X amount of hours

I don't think any of them have been at rental prices yet, so no.

Dats a pretty cute tranny

it's because makeup is supposed to accentuate features on a woman
not paint over them

You really haven't played it though

Doesn't stop you from defending them.
Also yes I have.

>30fps on a 970

what the actual fuck

You played every single denuvo game without paying for them? How?

And accomplish absolutely nothing? Lmao, yeah right. Sounds more like an unconvincing justification for being poor.

>not allowed to watch gameplay to make a decision.
>not allowed to figure out if spending money on this game is worth it when it could go to a foundation or a homeless person that needs the money more then me.
Oh ok.

Since I'm an adult with self control, I can look at a game I want to play and boycott it because the devs or publishers engage in business practices that damage the industry as a whole.
Warhammer Total War comes to mind.

If I actually buy a Denuvo game, it's never at full price and from G2A, hoping it's a stolen key that get charged back.

Also, why the fuck would I want to pay 60 bucks to have my computer infected with literal malware?

>>not allowed to watch gameplay to make a decision.

>>not allowed to figure out if spending money on this game is worth it when it could go to a foundation or a homeless person that needs the money more then me.
You give all your disposable income to charity? What a fag

>moving goalposts
I've played the majority of denuvo games, many of which are in fact piratable.
I don't need to play a game to tell if it's bad, just like you don't have to play a game to know if it's good.

You're allowed to do those things, but only if it leads you to buying them and believing they're good games.

If you watch videos and reviews to determine that the game is bad, then you haven't even played it and your opinion is illegitimate. That's how it works according to these fucks.

For what possible purpose?

when did Sup Forums start caring about games that have denuvo?

>>>not allowed to watch gameplay to make a decision.

Funny that's what pirates are told to do in order to figure out if a game is worth paying for the "correct" way.

Yeah, don't really think much about it.
It's just a video game.


>>moving goalposts

>I don't need to play a game to tell if it's bad, just like you don't have to play a game to know if it's good.
Just lol

Around the same time Sup Forums decided piracy is wrong.

>dx11 benchmarks

>Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Getting DirectX 12 Support From Day One

Read more:

You watch gameplay to figure out if a game might be worth your time, you don't make a final judgement based on footage

But only retards use DX12 user.

I only bought TW:Warhammer and I was disappointed. I'll never buy a game again without trying it out first.

HR was shit and probably the new game isn't going to be better either.

This. I almost always buy games from G2A because of ujust pricing policy on Steam. Why do I have to buy games at the same prices as people living in western countries? I want russian prices too.

Never. Not even for $1 on sale.

Fuck the games they suck anyway... it's like being allergic to something..once you stop for a long time you don't even care or are even bothered your missing it.

This will only end badly for the publishers long term.

That article is from almost a year ago. They delayed DX12 support.

Not an argument.

Still coming. Moot point.

Wasn't responding to one :)

If they're worth it I'll buy them when they're dirt cheap, meanwhile I'll pirate them or not play them at all

I don't buy any games with any copy protection. Last game I bought was drm free Risen collection. Also I only buy physical

No, that's still a very valid point. If it runs like shit with DX11 but better with DX12, then you have to wait longer to be able to properly play the game.


No, I don't buy games ever.

It's not a moot point, because the game runs like ass at launch (when most people are going to be buying it) and there aren't any DX12 benchmarks that show otherwise. Most games that don't support DX12 out of the gate don't see meaningful performance gains once they do.

"Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Getting DirectX 12 Support From Day One" is flat out false, which is what used for his argument

>we expect to release DX12 support on the week of September 5th.”

Wow. 2 weeks? What ever shall we do?

I bought Doom, finished it then refunded

Idunno man, the last time I ended up getting a game before I saw gameplay. I ended up regretting it. Also, what's wrong with donating? When was it bad to donate your income for something important? I honestly went through poverty till I hit 23, why not help people that are going through the samething?

It seems like most people think that seeing things with your eyes isn't enough for your opinion. Even though I bet he shits on No mans sky.

>Why do I have to buy games at the same prices as people living in western countries? I want russian prices too.

You pay more because you make more money doing a job in a western country than what you would have gotten paid doing the same thing in Russia.
Aussies gets fucked because they have shitty taxes.

Actually you were.
You couldn't refute it so instead you resorted to shitposting.

Only D00M so far and I regret nothing. I even kinda liked the MP, it wasn't great but not as bad as people claim it to be

>You watch gameplay to figure out if a game might be worth your time
You mean your money.

>you don't make a final judgement based on footage
Fuck off shithead, a game isn't worth paying for if it isn't good. Take your double standards and go fuck a rake.

Why would I? The only game that looked decent where MGSV, Doom and Deus Ex.

MGSV was garbage, I played all of Doom in that weekend where Denuvo games were playable and it was meh, and Deus Ex is confirmed to be a horrible port.

None so far, any that are worth playing still have their prices jacked up so far that it's not a smart buy.

Oh I didn't realise, I just saw the lipstick. People need to stop wearing make up like a crazy make up artist trying to look like a snowflake.

I'm from Hungary mate. I earn around 600 yuros as an architectural engineer. The russians in the western part earn more in average, than us. So?

Gow about those useless fucks put some fucking work in their games, huh?
And you want me to pay for this crap?
Can't wait for this industry to crash, nothing but giving money to people who simply have no idea of making videogames.

>Idunno man, the last time I ended up getting a game before I saw gameplay. I ended up regretting it.
I'm just saying that you can't really fully judge a game until you actually finish it
>what's wrong with donating

>an assertion is an argument

>Fuck off shithead, a game isn't worth paying for if it isn't good. Take your double standards and go fuck a rake.
Don't get upset :) Are you saying that every game you thought looked good in footage was good all the way through when you played it?

Don't use the promise of DX12 support to counter empirical proof that the game runs like shit.

>>an assertion is an argument
You just admitted you have no arguments.

Okay? Neither do you, neither does almost everyone on Sup Forums

You should be paying Russian prices then since that's basically Russia.

No I buy them with my mom, when she drives me to gamestop.

You can't have it both ways you shitsucking mongoloid. If watching gameplay footage and reviews isn't good enough to make a valid judgement on it, then it isn't good enough to base your purchasing decisions on.

You don't get to tell pirates they have to watch videos instead of playing it first hand to form an opinion, but have to pay for it in order to play it to form an opinion you failed abortion.

>american education

>No U
Actually I did, you deflected with shitposting and handwaving the argument as an "assertion".

Keep deflecting shitposter


Other user called me a fag as an insult towards me donating to a good cause. Also I usually do finish trash games but by then buy them from a bargain bin. I don't see these titles turning into bargain bin prices anytime soon. My first judgement from watching a ton of gameplay for all the games under denuvo, don't look or probably don't feel right. When they cost below 20 bucks, I'll make my final judgement.

If you finish a game that you didn't like you're a bitter faggot who MUST have liked it because you spent hours of time finishing it.

I'll be the judge of that. I've seen game that supposedly "run like shit" in benchmarks but move like velvet butter on my (then) $600 build.

Northern European, actually.

Visited Budapest a few weeks ago, possibly the cheapest vacation trip in my life.

Your judgement is irrelavent. You don't have evidence that the game runs well on anything but the most expensive of setups.

>he's still upset
Settle down
> If watching gameplay footage and reviews isn't good enough to make a valid judgement on it
I never said that, I said it's good for seeing if the game might be something you're interested in

Show me your brilliantly detailed "argument" then

>you're a bitter faggot who MUST have liked it
Wrong, just because I forced myself to finish it doesn't mean it's well designed. Even if you liked some things about it you can still say it was bad overall

>all these faggots responding to offtopic-baiting OP ITT

fucking kek, no wonder this board went to shit

I know it's a shit country. You'll not insult me with this desu. Which country are you from?

>off topic

>still upset
No you're just a cocksucking moron.
>I never said that
Except you did. "you don't make a final judgement based on footage"

People don't want to spend money on a game that MIGHT be worth paying for. You're literally arguing that people should be less informed about games they buy, using double standards and circular reasoning that makes second hand impressions good enough to buy games off of but not good enough to make any valid judgement.

You can't even spell simple words. Your opinions are worth nothing.


I liked it though.
Everything was cheap as hell tho, which is probably reflected in your salaries, so you guys paying russian prices seems fair.

>no argument
>nitpicks typos on a Taiwanese puppetry board

Your life is worth nothing. Your opinions are completely worthless.

its like the 6th thread with the same image, filename along with a boring barely on topic question

every thread ends up in shitty offtopic discussion about the image, i guess this is an exception

whatever, youre probably OP defending this trash thread, so keep that up.

First they would have to put a game I would like to play
Phantom Pain was hacked, so it doesn't count

Also it's 2016 and yet he has no spellcheck or doesn't even use it. He might need a tutorial on how to use a computer.

>STILL upset
Just lol
>Except you did
Misread what you wrote
>People don't want to spend money on a game that MIGHT be worth paying for.
But that's exactly what they do. Are you saying that you like 100% of the games you buy?
>You're literally arguing that people should be less informed about games they buy
Nope, that they can't be sure they'll like a game before they play it

no, i don't play games with DRM of any kind. i'm not fighting for a free software future or any shit like that, i just personally don't like it.

if publishers don't release their games DRM free, i'd prefer them to use denuvo over just steam DRM. at least denuvo actually works as an anti-piracy measure.
