How come Runescape is the only MMO that did it right?
How come Runescape is the only MMO that did it right?
>clicking a million times on the same spot for weeks is fun
I don't know op. You tell me.
>people telling me how Runescape is all the rage
>ask them what the gameplay is like
>they say they don't really play anymore, they just bot for skills
>launch into a discussion about how the new bots can bypass anti-bot shit
It's not for me, I stopped after the tutorial myself.
>Runescape 3
What the fuck is that? Is that Runescape? I don't remember it looking like that
graphical updates.
runescape is still up and running, very healthily actually. It gets weekly updates.
exactly, and for me that nostalgia isn't even enough. boring af to level mining
Why is Jagex so incapable of actually making the graphics appealing
I see. It just kinda looks, wrong
>that pic
The goold old days
only smelly poor people played runescape
Yea I used to level mining/smelting but the inventory is so much more cumbersome than I remember
>pay by the month
the only way I want to pay for a subscription is by the in game hour
Excessively manipulative dopamine reward system.
>U can trust me with ur adamant
I feel similar but it's not that extreme. I'd prefer just buying like a 30 pack of 24 hours or something but I know it'll never happen.
the newer areas look pretty good imo.
Looks good to me.
Just the game itself probably is still not that great
I still play. I quit in 2011 when I heard about the combat update and started playing OSRS when it was released. Haven't stopped since.
>12 years strong
Minions on a beach.jpg
Wait, that craps...
>come back every few months
>play free to play for a while
>get bored before I ever commit to using a bond
and that's how it goes
Similar situation. I haven't done anything since price drops, i always check the GE to decide whether or not do use my bond
Because it's the only MMO that did quests right.
Did runescape get plex?
Pretty much.
if im correct plex is eves equiv of members as an ingame item?
Then yes, bonds have existed for quite a while now, it was originally only the main RS(rs3) then Oldschool rs got them, they work both ways on the same account a bond on one account gives you members on rs3 and oldshcool rs