Post dead franchises with zero chance of coming back anytime soon
Post dead franchises with zero chance of coming back anytime soon
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Why would you play with my emotions like this
first game is so fucking overrated its unreal.
I quit during the elevator part hoooly shit.
Everything before it was fucking boring and repetitive.
I loved it when I was a kid but it doesnt hold up even slightly
I only played the second one but the ending was such a cliff-hanger bullshit one
Shit, forgot the picture
>ends pretty well
>give you a satisfying conclusion to the bretty gud story
>ruins it by slapping an asspull cliffhanger on top of that with no hopes for a sequel
I will never not be angry at 2K for this.
Which first game
>too lazy to find picture
I guess he's talking about Sands of Time
Well one game is not a franchise but still
it still hurts
>give up when youre 90% through the game and the last part consists of you having an instantkill weapon (and you can even skip those parts by just running past the enemies)
>not ignoring all the sandpiles so you can use 2 mega time freezes to make the elevator battle a breeze
Advance Wars
Why are we still here? just to suffer?
>MG Survive
It's still alive, buddy.
That sucks. The last game wasn't great but the platforming it had was probably the best in the franchise
Warcraft rts :(
die please
No, it is quite ironically a corpse being paraded infront of us now
thanks konami
That's already what it was by the time of portable ops and AC!D and peace walker
SSX, though it's not like I want it to come back.
There are too many.
Legacy of Kain
American Mcgee's Alice
Ogre Battle
Fuckloads of old franchises.
the creator is literally dead too fuck
>1 amazing trilogy
>Shitty reboot
>2 criminally underrated movie tie in games
>Actually serviceable movie
>Utterly dead because AssCreed got popular
It hurts
>Shitty reboot
Hey, I liked 08.
Is Dawn of Mana as bad as everyone says it is?
Dungeon Keeper
Why? Because EA don't think it'll generate much money which it wouldn't, all the fan-made ""Dungeon Management" games have been absolutely slammed by fans, and the last time EA touched the DK franchise, they managed to piss off basically everyone on the internet.
DK is absolutely dead and nothing would ever bring it back.
Not even being ironic, famalam.
Let me fix that for you
>one amazing reboot
>an edgy sequel to the reboot
>a decent finale to the reboot
>reboot rebooted as shitty openworld game with ending DLC
>movie is shit
>two games released at the same time as the movie with literally no ties
>one version is shit
>the other is a true sequel to sands of time
Storyline wise, not necessarily. While cliche at first, it becomes extremely gritty and depressing with a very much bitter ending.
Gameplay wise, think Kingdom Hearts with bad attempts at physics and everything is a minigame and you go back to level 1 each time you begin a new area.
Plastic Army Men and Time Splitters
Imagine a Prince of Persia game from Platinum.
>the other is a true sequel to sands of time
The wii version?
>no more this
Did the DLC really end it though? It was just as ambiguous as the main game.
golden sun inb4 dark dawn hate. it was a good game
Nah. PoP games are 50/50 combat and platforming, and Platinum is only equipped to do well by one of those.
Rayman 3 is one of the grooviest games ever
also that fucking disco music and all those beatufiul locations this game is a thing of beauty
Which one is the true sequel to SoT?
AP was so much on verge. It was one step into trash and one into heaven.
Sequel would only disrupt this delicate balance.
>still only game where dialogue wheel made any sense
>There won't be another Ape Escape for millennia, and eben then it'll most likely be a shitty reboot with terribly redesigned characters like nu-Spyro
Wii version was so disappointing. I thought it was a new game but instead they just remade TTT with waggle mechanics. And worst of all it made the executions really hard to do since shakes are not very precise.
>I thought it was a new game but instead they just remade TTT with waggle mechanics.
They did make a new game. You are confusing Forgotten Sands with Rival Swords.
Every single time Ubisoft teases a new announcement a part of me hopes that it's a new Prince of Persia. I don't know why I even bother anymore.
At least a new PoP is legally possible, unlike this one here.
>Time Splitters
fuck my shit up why dont you
but forgotten sands wasnt wii exclusive
wtf dude, this isn't a good music thread
Mass Effect after Andromeda burying the franchise for good
I really wanna know who the hell thought this was a good idea.
>Live happy life chillin with friends
>Assholes burn your town in search for some tree as you try to catch your waifu's stupid ass troll rabbit
>Run the fuck away with your waifu, grandpa and best friend
>Watch the latter two get captured to make your escape
>Waifu and you have to check on the tree else you all die
>Tree impregnates your arm the moment you touch it before leader asshole does
>Waifu gets captured
>Fucking world goes nuts over the tree
>Bad spirits everywhere
>Try to rescue best friend with help of random fairy sister
>He's now possesed and tries to fucking murder you
>He dies cursing you for surviving instead
>Try to find waifu with fairy instead
>Find out asshole leader is your brother
>They could only find the tree because you were there
>Everyone else including grandpa is dead
>Waifu only survivor but possesed to boot
>Kill brother after he turns into monster
>Go help possesed waifu
>She goes nuts and tries to murder you as well
>Kill Waifu
>Fairy AND Waifu's spirit fuse into goddess, also die
>Congratulations, you saved the world! Everyone you know is dead!
>Except the fucking rabbit
This game.
Are the graphics and music nice like is expected from a Mana game?
Was it a good game though.
Yes, it is. The Wii version of Forgotten Sands is different from the PS3/X360/PC version but in name only. It's even made by an entirely different studio with a completely different story, so it's not even like Double Agent.
Oh yeah, speaking of Double Agent, pic related to thread.
I recently watched a compilation video of people asking gaben about HL3 and you can notice that as they advance Gaben first was like "dude we will release when done I say nothing about development" into "I wont say anything about the development". So I think they actually just canned the development
Music is very much up there.
Graphics... fully 3D made it lost much of its charm, but the artwork remains sort of similar to most Mana games.
I think there is a new evil genius being made(a non Facebook one)
You might enjoy it
I would day Darkwatch for the ps2
>Tfw no cowboy vampire killing shooter
But a remake was already "confirmed"......
Source? All I can find are people talking about JD4 being shut down
if they want to push the female protagonist why not do it with a good game
>remake was already "confirmed"
Need source on that
I want Halloween the game to come back. FUCK.
Dont play with my heart. The second game was one of the best FPS i ever played
was thingken of picking up an xboxhueg for the good DA or maybe emulating the ps2 version since there hasn't been any attempt at a splinter cell game in years
Because as mentions, trying to make a new No One Lives Forever game would be a legal nightmare, since no one knows who owns the rights anymore. Some company tried to find this out in order to digitally release the original games and they came back empty-handed.
All the good devs that made this are at Good Feel now
Part of me does, but knowing Capcom and budget constraints, those 2D sprites would be tarnished in 3D.
Guilty Gear has the luxury of having mostly simple motions, whereas Darkstalkers relies on exaggeration for everything (attacking, getting hit, custom states [Midnight Bliss]), which will either end up a lazy mess in 3D, if at all.
Rayman is still alive and well.
I think he means The Forgotten Sands
I wouldn't mind as much if they made it look like MvC3 with the comic book design. In a perfect world the next Darkstalkers would be made in the same style as Guilty Gear. It's the best we can hope for since Capcom still refuses to touch 2d again.
Blacklist wasn't that long ago, and it was good.
uh dude double agent was released in 2006 and it was shit, no splinter cell game since
this is why I vote pirate party even though they arent professional at all. This whole IP thing is pure cancer. They try to get rights to release the game, suddenly get a cease and desist order. Then they call trying to explain they want to get teh fucking licences and they should back off the guy they had was surprised since they just automatically bully anyone trying shit. Then they cant get anything done because no one holding any part of the IP is cooperating. All they do is hold on to the IP just to make sure they can milk whatever fool tries to use it but if someone tries to get it legally they dont care.
Is this one of those cases where we pretend a game doesn't exist because it was shit?
Because if not, you should go play Blacklist.
Only the first game was good.
I did and it wasn't a splinter cell game in the SLIGHTEST
Well, okay then.
its true though
you should play sc1 through 3 to find out what I mean
blacklist wasn't a bad game per se but it didn't have anything from the older splinter cell games, mechanically or otherwise
I have and I don't agree with you. But it's fine, it's 6am and I'm not interested in arguing about it.
lel no you didn't.
>level design doesn't hold a candle, much more straightforward, checkpoint system, every now and then an alternate path to make you feel like wow you're such a splinter celler or 1 or 2 levels that have you going back and forth between the level, aside from the side ops bullshit
>movement NOWHERE near the system the original games had, no wheel control on the PC either
>sound detection almost entirely gutted
>no shadows or shadow meter
>stealth designed around screen ads
>FPS section
>sam is an edgelord and not a laid back old timer with a joke to crack every now and then
>3rd echelon doesn't exist, its 4th echelon and they are an anti terrorist organization as opposed to an information wing of the NSA
>doesn't continue the series habit of plot points carrying across games
the only thing that comes close to the old games are the 4 grim missions, and even then, they do not hold a candle
didnt it get some sidescroller entry?