How come there was never a good Robocop game? How do you even fuck up something like that?
How come there was never a good Robocop game? How do you even fuck up something like that?
u fuckin wot m8
arcade version was okay. robocop 3 on amiga was decent
Was that game even finished? How did they get away with releasing that shit?
Human Revolution was a good RoboCop game
robocop was always trash, of course there was never a good game about it
This thread finished quick. That is a great game.
Come on user you're not even trying.
That is a broken, unfinished game. Stop agreeing with your own posts, faggot.
Hey look, it's Kraft Punk!
How is it unfinished? How is it broken?
By virtue of it being unfinished and the mechanics being broken, jesus christ. Did you even try finishing it?
Played this many times, way better than the shitty NES game.
That looks neat. Is there an emulator for this?
You not gonna go into detail there user? Just saying it's broken because it's broken isn't really a legitimate argument.
Yeah. Amiga is emulatable even on a homebrewed Wii.
There's horrible clipping with the sprites and sometimes the hitboxes aren't even there, like some kind of beta version that found retail somehow. It's a broken piece of shit that wasn't ready for release.
we all know why you made this thread OP
Come on. That's not the reason.
Now THIS is the reason
That's more like it. Honestly I'm inclined to agree with your points, the game is rough, but I've played worse; much worse.
Did you ever play the virgin terminator game? Now THAT'S unplayable.
Hot damn, that's rad as fuck.
I prefer the NES version.
This was my shit as a kid
Yeah maybe on your shitty emulator. Have this for the SNES, never had a serious issue with that
There were a few arcade games that are pretty excellent. You can play them on MAME, ask the emu general or /vr/ faggots.