The great debate.
The great debate
kick chicken > swampert > sceptile
I want to hug mudkip!
I can understand why Pokemon always associated with autism.
Their evolutions are a different story
>mega swampert
>rain dance
Of course it's mudkip, I loved mudkip before the god damn meme. He's one of the best starters.
mudkip, can easily destroy both when fully evolved
Mudkip for now, Mudkip for always
It doesn't matter, as you shouldn't waste a slot on their evolutions anyway when there's so many better pokemon to pick.
Mudkip is HANDS DOWN the most broken pokemon in PvE Ruby and Sapphire.
Since Marsh/Swamp weakness is only Grass, and there are zero Grass gyms, and even those Grass types can be killed with Ice Beam...
I powered through all of that generation with nothing but my Swampert and easily had no trouble.
blaziken is easily the best starter ever
Mudkip > Torchic > Treecko
Grovyle > shit > the other 2
Swampert = Blaziken > shit > Sceptile
Second stage evolutions have been none stop diseasters from gen 2 onwards. Fucking Croconaw and Bayleef, how could they ruin such great designs as Totdile and Chikorita with those hideous second stages?
swampert is also a cute, imo. Gen 3 is my favourite gen, literally the only pokemon game I put 1000+ hours into.
Any of them, third generation had the best starters. You can't go wrong.
Blaziken is the most iconic third stage out of the trio prove me wrong
It's only iconic because of the anthropomorphic look.
mudkip is obviously the best.
I always thought Sceptile was more popular until Blaziken got speed boost.
Sceptile. Swampert looks dumb and Blaziken is humanoid furfag bait like most starter third-evos now.
Gen 2 > Gen 3
Except for Chikorita it is worthless shit.
Sceptile is also fur bait.
Both of the others are great too though
Feraligatr is decent but Typhlosion is boring and Chikorita is one of the most generic pokemon ever designed. Gen 2's roster is severely overrated.
starters by gen
3 > 4 > 6 > 1 > 5 > 2
Mudkip because he doesn't become an anthro fapbait fag at the end of his line.
He has the best end design if we count mega.
I still think 1 is the best overall. It's the only one where I like all 3 options and their final forms.
1 > 4 > 3 > 5 > 6 > 2
>In b4 "genwunner"
Rare gen where all the starters are acceptable
i liek mudkipz
he's gonna outspeed an energy ball sceptile and survive?
>these shit opinions
1 > 2 > 4 > 6 > 3 > 5
What's the gen 2 equivalent of genwunner called?
I would swap Sinnoh and Kalos
Either way I would definitely put Hoenn and Kalos at the top
What will Alola be?
I know Johtoddlers fits so well, but I wish there was a way to emphasize the way they hang off Kanto like a tumor. Any time they try to make an argument, it always boils down to WELL WE HAD KANTO/KANTO POKEMON.
>Mega Blaziken losing to anything
What weapon does Swampert represent again?
Would you fuck one?
my dick
It's the pig part of the chinese zodiac. Pigs live in mud, and it evolves from Mudkip, and kip is just pig spelled backwards.
Treecko and Torchic are awful.
What a generic and shit looking starter trio.
Johtoddlers with their Kantumors?
Swampert is an extinct species of snake, representing the snake part of the chinese zodiac.
If rain is in place and we've got Megas going, then yeah, it can outspeed it
Dunno if it could KO Sceptile though and if Blaziken had already been on stage long enough no getting around that Speed Boost
Blaziken is the best.
Swampert is alright.
Meanwhile, Sceptile is the biggest piece of worthless trash ever created.
The best water starter
I'm playing ORAS for the first time (never played a Hoenn game)
This region's Pokedex is fucking terrible. The selection of what you can find is so bad.
Gen 2's starters are godawful
>Mega Swampert got Swift Swim instead of an actually useful ability like Water Absorb
The 2nd Great Debate
The Regis
can you get other starters later in the game? never played pokemon
Kyogre is just so fucking dumb-looking.
It's not even a competition.
>Hating on my nigga Feraligatr
I forgot which one it is, but the gen with the pig is complete trash. I boxed my starter in that one.
muh nigguh, shame they suck ingame
>not sap sipper
same here.
zekrom was awesome though
Is Gen 3 the generation where all 3 starters are the closest to each other in popularity? .
Serperior is one of my favourite starter designs, but its stats are fucked.
Don't, throw it in garbage worst remake ever.
[sad computer noises]
Emerald lets you get a Johto starter if you catch all 200 Pokemon in the Hoenn Pokedex, and ORAS lets you get a Johto, a Sinnoh, and an Unova starter in the post game.
If you're playing vanilla RS you're shit out of luck and why the fuck are you playing it when you have two different superior options.
Nah that's probably the gen 5 starters because nobody likes any of them.
Venusaur > Charizard > Blastoise
Feraligatr > Typhlosion > Meganium
Swampert > Sceptile > Blaziken
Infernape > Torterra > Empoleon
Serperior > Emboar > Samurott
Greninja > Chesnaught > Delphox
It expands a ton in ORAS right before the eighth badge. Every area you've been to gets new encounters and the islands you can go to with Soar have tons of Pokemon from other regions.
In official pollings, Oshawott is the fifth most popular first stage starter.
Oshawott (But I drop the starter in this Gen so it doesn't matter to me)
Also Gen 2 and 5 starters are garbage.
Only ones where you get second starter is x/y from kanto and you get one of your rivals starter opposite yours. I hate Fennekins third evolution it's horrendous.
I haven't played B/W it's starters other than stabby seal look retarded.
I like it.
first stage doesn't mean shit when you'll never see it after you've played the game past a couple hours. Nobody likes the third stages of the gen 5 starters and those are the ones that matter.
The dinosaur that isn't even supposed to be a dinosaur.
3 > 4 > 1 > 6 > 5 > 2
Torterra is probably my favorite
Not that user but I haven't even played B/W and know that Oshawatt's third evolution is better than either of the other two.
Objectively best choices for each gen
>???(All 3 starters suck)
Last stages from most to least popular
>you didnt play pokemon
>you must be normie
The 3rd Great Debate
It's pretty goddamn obvious. Wonder if that user would buy my Heartgold at 100 bucks.
I'll always love my Mudbro
lmao again
Groudon because his Mega/Primal wrecks Kyogre's.
Crobat god or Steel Arcanine.
Hard choice so I'm going to have to see exclusives.
Dawn > Rosa >>>> the whores
>Fire starters will NEVER be allowed to be anything other than bipedal humanoid abominations ever since Blaziken became a success
Fucking kill me
You aren't disagreeing
female blaziken