When did you grow out of online shooters?
When did you grow out of online shooters?
is this the new THICC thread?
never played them because not a boy
>tits or gtfo
Never, it's a showcase of skill. But go ahead and stick to your jrpgs as you ride the cod hate train, I'm right there with you buddy! :^)
your gender has literally nothing to do with your fucking post, stop acting like people give a shit
Around the same time I grew out of metal and being aggressive on the internet because I was too much of a beta to do it in real life.
>when did you realise you would never be good enough to play with the good guys so you fled to your singleplayer games instead?
confirmed girl trying to act like an angry dude to fit in
Same here but I'm not a trap. Let's fug.
>her watermarking a bad picture of her
ireland pls
When I was 12
Haven't in the last 18 years I've played them. They are always good if you want a challenge.
FUCKING EPIC! I NEVER heard that joke EVER before!
Are you addicted to repeating the same stupid shit over and over again?
When my friends stopped playing with me
>"I can respawn"
That's some truly terrible cosplay. Better not post more.
Angus why are you so mad
dude just say you like fat girls
don't hide behind shitty maymays
I think when TF2 became all about hats and micro transactions.
I tried to get into COD and Black Ops but they just didn't excite me the way it used to.
I did enjoy two weeks of Titanfall.
I will admit that I did play a lot of Rising Storm and a bit of Red Orchestra 2 but not as much as Rising Storm; this is due to me having a hard on for history.
Now I just play games with good narratives, walking simulators or horror based games.
The Evil Within and REmake/REmake0 were great too.
But I'm 30 now and winter is coming.
Never played those.
It's just plain boring.
Why do you people keep posting this shit on here
Lile whats the purpose
If not for the memes, the threads would be deleted by facist mods who hate beauty and fun. I just wanna talk about my superior fetish
the minute i turned 18
that's a lot of makeup
Around time starcraft 2 came out. I always preffered pve games because of lack of salt
Still play them at age 31.
Dont understand why it would be regarded as childish. Atleast not when comparing to other genres.
More important: When did you guys grow out of Anime??
kys, this is so fugly.
>those nails
vile and disgusting
so last week then
>no THICC gf to cuddle with after playing games
Why even live
japan is an example of a place that could actually use a feminism movement though. itd be 1st wave, 2nd at most. not this third wave garbage
When did thickfags become the new obnoxious feetfags/furries? When was the tipping point?
Nobody needs feminism since it ruins societies
Never because they are fun.
>implying it's that bad
After the End of Thickthursdays comic because a big meme.
Yesterday, after I played the Titanfall 2 beta. Fucking loved the first game but this one feels completely wrong