2016 Year of the blunder

>every single game ends up being a disappointment

Is this true or are we all just expecting 5 star michelin games from small companies?

Name one game released this year has exceeded your expectations.

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I can already tell Persona 5 is going to be great.

What's wrong with the pizza anyway? Looks OK to me.

>Sup Forums crossposter
you need to go back to cuckposting on your containment board

No Man's Sky, the planets are less samey than I thought they would be

but i enjoy Overwatch and Blood&Wine DLC.

My expectations were that it'll be CoD, but edgy. Ended up being fun.

>No Man's Sky
I expected shit and we got utter shit. It exceeded my expectation of being regular shit.
At least I didn't get on the hype train.

That's their thin crust

This pizza looks delicious
WTF is wrong with Gordon

Problem is you got a pretentious snob that has clearly overvalued the worth of his opinion.

Pizza isnt perfect but it gets the job done

EDF 4.1 is damn fun.

Kirby: Planet Robobot was pretty awesome

Are you retarded the pizza looks fucking awful.
Also that's meant to be thin crust. That is clearly not thin crust.


>Bread even in that resolution looks like it has a bagel like thickness and has a undercooked color.
>Sausage isn't spread out well.
>So much grease it has puddles and slides the cheese off the moment you pull it.

Don't have to get bitter because you have low standards

if you watched the actual video youd see that part of the pizza (namely the crust) was uncooked

also the crust was way too fucking thick

like who the fuck eats that much crust these days

fuck the crust

I love this counter meme

What the fuck does that even mean you delusional retard?

"This pizza doesn't meet his standards, his standards must be low. It meets my standards, so mine must be high"

Christ are you a failed abortion or did you just come out like that anyways?

the meme pizza is (mostly) fine

too much cheese and grease, the piece is falling apart

it'd be fine without that

He ordered thin crust.

Also it was undercooked.

It means you're fucking disgusting and you'd be willing to eat literal dog shit as long as they throw it on a crust with tomato sauce and cheese.

DOOM was supposed to be dogshit, and yet it surpassed the original Doom trilogy (1, 2, 64) imo.

DaS3 was a step up from DaS2 and BB and I really only feel sour towards it because none of the areas are good enough to replay.
The first playthrough was great though, and I don't really replay games much anyway what with my big backlog.

AM2R was great for a fangame, might as well be a legitimate Nintendo product as it surpasses many of their latest games.

Deus Ex 4, The Last Guardian, SMTIV Apocalypse and FFXV look great.

Pretty good year for vidya.


It doesn't have ketchup on it

How could anybody say this shit looks good after watching this?

Yeah it looks nice from a distance but when he cuts into it it's clearly completely undercooked and too greasy inside.


>People made a fucking running joke about a scripted reality TV show scene

You people are aware these people had to have had themselves sign a contract to allow them to be filmed and everything is played up for drama?

Not even the food/kitchen situations are real. They literally have a crew of ugly motherfuckers run into the kitchen and try to make the place look like a post-nuclear wasteland. They even tell the cooks to fuck up their food on purpose or make Ramsay unfairly judge it anyway.

60% of the stores he's visited have closed.

I really enjoyed Kowashitai

You are making me hungry senpai

The crust is fine dude.

Especially if it's garlic bread

Stop talking about pizza and start posting games!

I loved The Witness

Its a fucking small family restaurant with a small number of employees and customer base.

Makes no sense financially to exhaust all your resources from a business standpoint in making the worlds perfect pizza so the pizza snobs like ramsay can enjoy their free meal.

>This pizza doesn't meet his standards, his standards must be low

Looks like someone needs to learn English




Overwatch, probably the only game this year thats lived up to its hype (for most people).

>60% of the stores he's visited have closed.

Retards keep spouting this without realizing that most restaurants in general shut down

This. It satiated my puzzle hunger until Obduction comes next week.

Some of the game i enjoyed this year

Uncharted 4 (Ps4)
Ratchet & Clank (Ps4)
The Witness (PC)
Dark Souls 3 (PC)

I think these weren't too disappointing, although i didn't go with mad expectation to any of them

On the same hand you don't get to act like your pizza is God's gift to the culinary world.

Do you own that restaurant?

Videogames are fucking dead and so is this board.

He's there to give them "counseling" and "rebuild their menu".

Yeah, they bullshit the viewer by making him somehow do all that in 3 days, but he's still there to keep them alive. Having an overrated dickhead like Ramsay is supposed to be advertisement.

That's the fucking point. Are you retarded too?

Read this
Then read the post it was replying to
I'll even copy paste the chain

>Problem is you got a pretentious snob that has clearly overvalued the worth of his opinion.
>Pizza isnt perfect but it gets the job done

>Are you retarded the pizza looks fucking awful.
>Also that's meant to be thin crust. That is clearly not thin crust.

Don't have to get bitter because you have low standards

You also need to take a few fucking reading comprehension classes dipshit. Is it internet hour on the short bus here or something?

>implying this isn't what americans love
None of you would care about greasiness, you'd be excited for that thicc crust

I've met more Americans who prefer thin crust do to the crunch it has.

What episode is this

>Is it internet hour on the short bus here or something?

It must be since three of those posts were mine and you don't seem to understand that being willing to eat trash means having LOW standards, not HIGH. If his garbage pizza got the job done then he wouldn't have had to call someone in to save his failing restaurant.

yeah so why are they using 4x the amount of dough they need to use, why are they using that much fucking cheese?

they advertise quality, not size but produce very large low quality pizza, thats more fucking harmful than whatever youre talking about

I was pleasantly surprised and enjoyed playing through EDF, DOOM and DaS3

Looking forward to trying out Uncharted 4, FFXV and TLG soon.

And some i'm looking forward to in the rest of the year

Battlefield 1 (PC)
Gravity Rush 2 (Ps4)
Syberia 3 (PC)
Gran Turismo Sport (Ps4)
Dishonored 2 (PC)
Nioh (Ps4)
TLG (Ps4)

I expect at least 2 of those to be disappointing but it's not that bad of a year honestly

Childhood is when you agree with Ramsay.

Adulthood is when you realize that the pizza actually looks pretty alright.

The one where Gordon acts like a fucking bitch.

No I dont. I just hate critics who dont take into account the people behind the pizza.

Not all restaurants can afford the most overpriced ingrediants, equipment and staff when theyre just starting out.

Thats why when you watch gordons show you realise how out of touch he is with the common working class chefs and restaurant owners.

Funnily enough, thin crust is just as unhealthy in alot of cases. Fatties think asking for Thin crust makes the cheese/meat/grease in the middle evaporate.

Oh and a diet coke.

This has never made any sense to me.
I loved solving the puzzles, the "story" and "message" are inconsequential compared to that, and luckily the game wastes next to no time on them

>Name one game released this year has exceeded your expectations.

Then I'd have to go with Tokyo Mirage Sessions : #FE
It's a great SMT with Fire Emblem influences
Played through the 50 hours in one go without getting distracted by other games.
A shame Sup Forums canned it for it's first impression and presentation

This nigga

I keep thinking about picking this up. Be my first EDF. Worth 40 bucks?

I'm not even the guy you're arguing with, but man, you do you have brain damage? He's agreeing with you. He also thinks the pizza is shit. I'll give you TBOTD and assume you misquoted.

>Name one game released this year has exceeded your expectations.
For all the shit Sup Forums gave it, I'm enjoying #FE greatly.
Probably because I never played SMT nor FE before so I can't nerd rage.

>It must be since three of those posts were mine and you don't seem to understand that being willing to eat trash means having LOW standards, not HIGH. If his garbage pizza got the job done then he wouldn't have had to call someone in to save his failing restaurant.

And you don't seem to be able to understand the meaning of quotations, or follow a thread chain.

Click on the replies till you get to the first message and then read down.

If this is (you)
Then you said
"Don't have to get bitter because you have low standards"

To somebody who said
"Are you retarded the pizza looks fucking awful.
Also that's meant to be thin crust.That is clearly not thin crust."

Do you understand it now? Do you get it?

Problem is people give this faggot attention.

Go watch the episode where he shoots and cooks a pigeon. That shit is literally, no meme tier, raw. Watch the face of the hunter guy when he eats it, it's hilarious to see him pretend it's not killing him. He to lecture people on how they should eat more pigeon even though he does not serve it in any of his restaurants

>it has some problems but it's mostly fine

Pizza is one of the easiest dishes to prepare and evaluate if you have the right oven.
there is no such thing as a "mostly fine" pizza.Every pizzeria in the town/city will either sell a good pizza or go out of business pretty fast.
Pizza it's either good, perfect, or unsellable at a 6-8$ pricetag;a "mostly ok" pizza can only be sold as very cheap street food, not even for takeaway food.

I've seen this pizza meme before,
does anyone have a video of it so that I can understand the context ??

ebin :^)


Who told you that, dude? People just like it because it's crunchy.
Nothing to do with carb intake. If people were watching their weight, they wouldn't eat pizza at all.
Pointing out one tiny group of retards doesn't say much.

Childhood is when you eat the pizza anyways because it's goddamn pizza

Adulthood is when you actually acquire some taste and health consciousness and don't want to eat undercooked bread soaked in grease

pizza meme at 14:00

Literally every episode of Kitchen Nightmares starts with "this will be his MOST CHALLENGING restaurant yet!"

Why do people watch this shit.

"Thin crust please, I'm trying to watch my weight. Oh and extra cheese please"

If you like mindless fun of destroying buildings and shooting lots and lots aliens/giant insects, then yes. It's my first EDF too,

I have some advice for you:
1) Pick all armor and weapon boxes
2) Try to switch and try to complete missions at hard as soon as possible. Higher difficulties give you much crazier weapons and they have better armor drops.

There is grind for armor at later levels on hardest and inferno difficulties, but you'll be able to complete normal campaign just fine.

because people love watching ramsay roasting idiots



Pizza seemed too greasy but I'd eat it tho

Because Gordon Ramsay is my husbando


/ck/ is a failure.

>yet it surpassed the original Doom trilogy
immediately disregarded

>W40k Eternal Crusade is out in 22 Sept
>It's still an unfinished turd
Goddamn, this is the last time I am falling for the Early Access/Pre-Alpha/Kikestarter meme


>health conciousness
>undercooked bread
Can dough give you salmonella or something? Isn't it just flour, water, and yeast?

I recommend a book of chess problems for you then. Seriously. If you genuinely hunger for such "puzzles lel xD" then just go solve some chess problems like here yacpdb.org/#static/home

I'm not saying you're wrong, but...
>raw pizza

I've enjoyed the fuck out of 2016 so far

Do you want a fucking yeast infection????

But seriously, it's more like, eating low quality shit that's bad for you is a shitty meal. If you're gonna indulge in food that's bad for you, you want it to taste nice. Otherwise why bother.



Honestly, that pizza would be good if the chef(cook) used a third of the amount of the dough and a quarter of the amount of cheese.

Too much dough fucks the consistency, and too much cheese makes it greasy.


holy shit

>Le real gamer protects his epic childhood gems

I love pizza crrust, but only if it's cooked right.

I just like games like this. It's no Myst, of course, but it still was pleasant, and I found the art style to be quite pleasant.

I buy this frozen pizza at $3 a piece and it's way better than that crap.


According to the blind test Ramsay did, people even preferred the frozen Pizza over that pizza. It looks disgusting, and according to the people that tried it, it was worse than a frozen pizza

>Please be good
>please good

Its doomed to fail, user.
>inb4 saving the thumbnail


Better than CoD shit and still fun but glory kills are cliched and gay and there's like a fifth the amount of monsters than the originals. More 'Doom-y' than the third at least


Better than DS2 maybe, but BB's way more consistant and polished and unique. Weapon transforming spoiled the shit out of anyone wanting better movesets.

Hitman isn't a a disappointment.
Anyway who needs new games when Dominion 4 exists.

The Flame in the Flood
Pony Island
Act IV of Kentucky Route Zero
Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight
Golf With Your Friends

Maybe play different games?

Is he more stressed in his restaurant or something. This is great. Is there a compilation where he's really pleased with how things are going.

>raw crust