Heroes getting nerfed left and right

>heroes getting nerfed left and right
>The King of close quarters combat is still untouched
Best character

Reaper along with Reinhardt are the 2 most balanced characters in the game.
They are great at what they do and have very exploitable weaknesses.

This guy gets it.

There are a bunch of Heros that I'd say 'work as intended', like Reinhard. Reaper, Zarya and Soldier, maybe also Bastion Lucio and Widow.

I'm too scared I'll be un-credit to team to ever play flanker classes like Reaper and Tracer. So I just stick to support or tanking.

What's the point of Soldier?

As someone who mainly plays Genji, whenever I play Soldier I feel like 90% less useful in general.


Knockback on demand rockets

This post is edgier than Reaper himself

Jack of all trades, master of none.

>Group heals
>Good at range
>Decent in close quarters
>Decent burst with a direct hit from his rockets
>Ult pairs nicely with a number of other heroes ults
>Viable on any map

He compliments basically any team composition. If he's poorly played it's a waste and he'll never win a game on his on but he never hurts to have around.

So he's a useless piece of shit.

>He compliments basically any team composition. If he's poorly played it's a waste and he'll never win a game on his on but he never hurts to have around.
He always hurts since you could play Genji, Tracer, McCree or even Pharah instead.

He's only good when playing against shiters.

Mid range combat. Soldier is king.
You gotta stay in the "sweet spot" range and you will rack up the kills.
Also, put your biotic field around choke point corners so your team can fall back and your team will have great pushing power since they can fall back and be greatly healed.
Here's a protip, don't play 76 if you think his ult will not be effective, in est, against team of beefy 250+ hp heroes.

>Jack of all trades, master of none.

AKA useless

How is it that every Reaper player has exactly the type of name you'd expect them to have

What are you doing off Shamestation Skele?

So when are ults and bastion getting removed from the game? It might be passable if that happens.

>and bastion getting removed from the game

Hey now, skeletons aren't edgy. You have a skeleton. are you edgy? I hope not.
Skeletons are fun.
Always trust skelebros.

>Playing Pharah instead of Soldier
Sure, if you want to spend most of your time in the barracks.


>playing Pharah while no falloff Hitscan McCree is running around


McCree has falloff though and with discord orb getting nerfed Pharah might be useful again

braindead, deployed is too accurate when full auto and hard counters Reinhardt who is already balanced.

and here is where 76 comes back into play and says NOPE

how was that not potg?

Looking at heroes in a void like that is wrong though. You can say Bastion hard counters Reinhardt but who cares? Bastion loses to the entire offensive squad and can't really be seen a true counter to Reinhardt since he has zero room to breathe outside of first encounters and specific choke points.

Bastion is easily countered, and is only played by pros in a last cap defense

>git gud

His margin of error is a lot larger than those characters with the exception of McCree. And I like Phara but 76 rules the mid range and if a Phara is dumb enough to expose herself she gets blasted by a half decent 76.


thats illegal buddy, reporting you to the bone cops

t. sub-50 scrub

Bastion is only viable on payload with Reinhardt to shield him. Else he gets killed off easily by anyone

bastion is viable always if his team can defend him.

Why is it ok for Lucio to be literally the best character in the game? How come nobody has a problem with this?

Literally any team you can imagine, if it doesn't have a Lucio it's better with a Lucio, he is the best in any team in the game against any team in the game in every single map of the game.

anyone look at the new map? holy shit, flanker paradise.
Reaper tracer and genji are going to be INFURIATING on the new castle map.

>bastion is viable always if his team can defend him.

Which makes him unviable by virtue of that fact alone. Any character he gets baby sat is going to be good, but bastion has virtually no self sufficiency apart from his heal which does him little good when he's basically a free kill in turret mode.

Inb4 faggot that posts zenyatta pushups

Even the worst COD/BF4 scrub can pick up 76 and clip a Pharah quickly. He has his Niche and he's stupidly underused for McREEEEEE

I can practically hear the Linkin Park song playing in my head as I watch this.

Because his abilities don't ruin the game. Mercy's rez ruins the game. Zenyatta's discord, McCree's old fan-the-hammer, Genji's ult, they all ruin the game. Lucio is just fun and useful.

He only has 200 hp.
Ifhe was actually focused he goes down quick, but alot of people just don't shoot at him.
"Oh man he grinding along a wall, I can't hit him, better shoot at the roadhog."

To me it seems that people just assume someone else will kill him, so he gets ignored.

If system give you defense you are basically fucked. Good map should have both defense and attacking possibilites so both team have similar chance.

I wouldn't say the best, he's just downright perfectly balanced.

Reason why everyone plays Zen and Lucio isn't because they're OP it's because no one wants to be a basic bitch healslut, they actually want to participate.

I can see your point, but this comes down to a good player vs shitter argument.

Good bastions almost never die and are a miile away from the front line getting most of the kills.

Bad bastions set up right next to the choke points and die to genji.

you know how to fix lucio? If he gets hurt during wallride it cancels and can't start again unless he touched the ground

This times 10000000

Lucio doesn't piss people off. I've never, ever heard anyone get mad at a "bullshit Lucio ult" or an "overpowered E".

Reaper isn't good because Roadhog and Winston are shit right now while tanks like Zarya which have a smaller hitbox are top tier

>Good bastions almost never die and are a miile away from the front line getting most of the kills.

Where the fuck are those guys at? Sub 60 rank? LOL

>Genji gets nerfed when Winston exists

I don't get it. Do people just not switch heroes to match the situation or...?

>Lucio doesn't piss people off
>people don't get angry when they can't fucking kill lucio who contests the point for minute after his whole team died

Because you are either sacrificing Zarya or your precious deathball just to counter one hero. And a good Genji will just stay away from you. It might work in triple tank set up's but those are situational to go triple tank.

>switching to the worst tank in the game

Rofl enjoy feeding ults and doing tickle damage

Most of Genji's nerfs were just fixing unintended animation cancels and shit. The only real nerf was shortening his ult, which makes perfect sense since now it's the same length as Zenyatta's ult. Genji being able to wait out Zen's ult and kill everyone in the last 2 seconds was stupid.

>muh rank
More than half the heroes never see much ranked play, that is a poor argument

I dunno. Sometimes I'm at a fringe encounter and his ult catches the player im getting at the very edge even though the graphic doesn't reach him and I scream fucking bullshit and punch a wall.

>when Winston exists
Only thing Winston can do is spook Genji away for 8 seconds, then he will be back from another flank killing your snipers and healers.

Monkey has only one mobility ability, his jump, while Genji can scale walls, double jump and AHUGA. Good genji would never die against Winston

Roadhog is clearly the worst tank.
No escape+huge sefl healing means bad roadhogs stay alive longer fueling enemy ults for the whole round.


Bad heroes are not picked because they are trash. That's not the main reason. They aren't consistent as the other heroes. You get consistent and stable results with the top heroes and overall usefulness in any situation. The others are either too situational or a hero (see Mccree) does everything that hero you picked does but better.

if only not his homing, wall-hack hook you'd be right

If you have to initiate with leap he easily gets away

As of now, nothing. His nerf a few patches ago ruined him

I love how in these webms nobody SHOOTS THE FUCKING REAPER

That is his only saving grace, the ability to instantly kill low health/hurt heroes every few seconds. But if he misses his hook (which even the best roadhogs do) he is just an ult generator.

>I don't get it. Do people just not switch heroes to match the situation or...?
Yeah what have you never played a pub in your life?

There are plenty of S76 players at high ranks, the fact that he's not in the comp meta due to mcree being more effective with perfect aim doesn't mean he is useless.

Soldier is pretty useless right now because of the spread nerf. But I agree with the rest of the list.

I know right?

I don't understand why people bitch about Mccree still. He seems very balanced at this point. You have to be very precise with him and knowing when to flashbang and who to shoot / flashbang at the right time. You also got to know when to be aggressive and when to GTFO since anyone with good mobility and focus will tear him to shreds.

He's getting a nerf though?

That's not Roadhog

Actual balance doesn't matter as much as perceived balance, and since he was OP before they nerfed his range, people still think he's too strong. I prefer S76 in competitive for consistency, although with the new 60tick servers mcree might be better.

I wouldn't mind seeing other heroes in comp OW but this causes a huge concern for me. They can't perfectly balance this. What will they sacrifice in order to get more heroes to be played in comp since it's obvious that Quckplay (pubs) don't matter

If you want to make Bastion interesting then:

1) Replace his armor with a shield on all modes.
>Self regenerating
>Tank mode receives 150 temporary armor, shield stays 100

2) Remove Self-Repair, replace with a smoke screen that mitigates damage for X% and X seconds.
>Small AoE smoke screen, so there's some team play there
>10-12 second C/D
>50% damage reduction from projectiles and hitscan for 3 seconds, no reduction to melee

3) Tank shells can pierce barriers.
>Includes Zarya's barriers
>Duration reduced to 7 seconds

My nigga

He's a little pussy opportunist who gets cucked unless he he catches you in a weakened state.

Ana's nanite grenade cucks him to death and stops his soul sucking bullshit

Yeah in PTR his speed boost is almost nonexistent

>worst tank
>literally every pro matchup before the comp update was double winston

Triple jump was nerfed probably because it made escaping Winston easier than they wanted. It gave him mobility that Winston couldn't keep up with.

>when the meta revolves on around literally one hero

did they fix him and nerf him to the point of uselessness or is he still viable?

Because as far as im concerned the game is literally unplayable with this gook in the game.

>his nerf ruined him

The spread reduction delay is fucking annoying and wholly unnecessary, but it didn't ruin him. He was just pushed out of the Meta since McCree does better damage and 76's sanic mode and band aid dispenser don't quite compensate.


The classes in OW are very simple. So with balances and changes, its likely to change the preferred classes altogether. Much like how Zen's buff made Mercies extinct.

Blizzard has a weird issue of overbuffing characters. Zenyatta's Discord orb used to give 50% more damage from all sources. But Mercy can't have a 50% boost on her staff and was nerfed to 30% TWICE. Basic shit like that that should have been incredibly easy to see. To speak nothing of Zenyatta's healing being just as effective as Mercy but 2x safer because he doesn't need to be anywhere in range to heal AND he gets the ability to deal heavy damage with a 50% debuff at his disposal. Personally, I think Blizzard is testing the waters with alot of these buffs to see how far exactly the game changes with meta shifts before nerfing them to normalcy.

DESU, I think OW would benefit from a like 1 character ban per team. Not only does it fix the over dependence on certain characters, but it would introduce a level of play variety. Like maybe both teams want Lucio, but maybe another team wants to see how a game without his speed boost plays out. So okay, if Lucio is gone, do you play Ana or Mercy now. Stuff like that. Maybe Mccree's removal would cause classes like Pharaah to flourish.

that was a good move, what are you talking about
is it sarcasm?

>Implying Winston doesn't have the mobility to chase down and cut off fleeing prey from healing.

A big part of playing Winston right is hogging all the nearby health items while frying people to death.

Also his tesla cannon has a sweetspot, and he takes very little damage when his back is turned.(can't be headshot)

Git gud keed.
Don't sleep on Harambe

They didn't stay behind it, instead went running around it to where the ult could plink them.

Wall's no good if you're not going to stay behind it.

To be a shittier McCree


what he is terrible

>Because as far as im concerned the game is literally unplayable with this gook in the game.

Stay mad racist cuck

>How not to BUILD WALL.webm
So why blame the wall

>On Ilios last night with a friend
>Had a game last night with someone named Harambe
>Asking why no one's going dedicated healslut
>Someone says the word cuck, can't remember who
>Throwing around a few dank memes
I'm honestly wondering if it was someone from here.

I hope you're just a butthurt babydick jap and not a butthurt weeaboo defending japs

Lucio, Zenyatta, and even McCree are far more METAGAME revolving than Genji
With Genji's nerfs there's literally no reason to pick him over Tracer anymore, though

>Gets a few bug fixes that made him insane to pin down
>Nerf his extremely strong ult

No, Genji was extremely strong because the only thing that countered him was Monkey business and only if Monkey Business ambushed Genji.

The fact that his E counters things like Reinhardt's Firestrike AND Melee hits is stupid.

>tfw play Zarya and syphon a riptire or HIGH NOON and get an instant full charge as well as save my self and save a teammate
Literal best lady, right here.

Even ironic racism belongs on Sup Forums

Unless you just want to prove to the whole class you're an insufferable low-IQ skinhead then by all means no one will stop you.

are you one of those annoying cunts that whine nonstop if your team runs with 2 supp and none of them lucio?


can you read? it's blaming the wall builder

>all people genji can team wipe with his stupid ult whenever he wants

Above rank 60 when i was playing, teams were literally making comps on how to deal with the other team's genji, if you didnt you lost.

Gook robot deserves to be useless

Are YOU a jap? Is that why you are so bootyblasted?
Fuck off nigger.

>he thinks Genji is OP

wait till the resurgence of bullshit hanzo again. Faster projectile speed PLUS reverting the projectile hitbox changes means that we get a whole nother round of "hanzo wildly firing into the fray and getting free headshots"