Is he based?

Is he based?

Other urls found in this thread:

He's as based as you are gay

he admitted to baneposting during one of his streams so yeah

I'm Sup Forums as fuck and literally consider him "our guy"



He's a fucking moron.

hes desab

he is a gaming god

He's dsp

I don't think he's the biggest cunt ever, but he really is a pompous douche who fails hard at everything he touches.

>whiny man-child
>Gets mad at video games
>Always blames it on the game
>Very passive aggressive
>doesn't have a job
>is actually very bad at video games
>Nobody likes him except him
>Can't have fun with video games


>constantly shits on others, even to the point of telling his subscribers to go spam someone
>very passive agressive

Where do you see him in 10 years, anons? Do these people realize that their dead-end ''''careers'''' will be worthless soon?

This has to be a fucking satire, I do not believe this is real.

>tfw SoK member



It's real and Machinima actually paid him for this.

Yeah because Hiding behind a keyboard and getting a legion of drone fanboys to do what you don't have the spine to totally isn't passive aggressive at all.

Oh I also forgot.
>Totally delusional, lives in a fantasy land of his own making.
>complains about "doing work" while not actually having a job.
>constantly lies about everything.
>recklessly spends money without saving a dime of it, wastes all of it on video games.
>Talks shit about other people but when he takes it from other people he can't handle it and cry's about it on his personal blog.
>Can't take any form of constructive criticism.
>Claims he doesn't want to be negative but every action proves otherwise.
>Can't even do a lousy unboxing video without going on a autist rant about shit only people like him care about and he doesn't even open the damned thing which is the entire point of an unboxing video.

It's like looking into a fun house Mirror.

>Yeah because Hiding behind a keyboard and getting a legion of drone fanboys to do what you don't have the spine to totally isn't passive aggressive at all.
It really isn't. It's just being aggressive and overtly hostile.

>DSP condemned gamergate's harassment and is vehemently pro-social justice


SoK pls go

And get a fucking life, eesh.

i'm not quite sure you know what passive aggressiveness is. the behaviour you just described is extremely agressive.

meant for

I just realized, this may be the only unboxing video in the history of the internet where the person doing the unboxing forgets to actually unbox the thing they were meant to unbox.

Stay awesome, DSP.

At any rate he is actually the worst parts of Sup Forums all rolled into one the only thing missing is the shitposting and meme spouting

Typical SoK drone.

DSP is next level
he's essentially the Sam Hyde of let's plays
it's all ironic and he's subverting the whole youtube scene with his esoteric, avant garde style. Pewdiepie and other let's players can only wish they'd his kind of ironic sense of humor. DSP is steeped in about 14 layers of different kinds of irony and he keeps getting fucking deeper.'

the unboxing without unboxing is the best example of his attempt to disrupt the mainstream and destroy everyone's expectations. He's a fucking genius and I can't believe he isn't getting more recognition for it.

All I can say to you, Phillip Burnell is "bravo!"

Continue what you're doing, being a BASED GOD of video games.

Well he isn't vidya, so take him elsewhere.


Seriously this, E-celeb/video game culture board fucking when?

>implying I watch e-celeb circle jerk shit.

Who /SoK/ here?

Reporting in

Literally who?

He's based as fuck. Literally "our guy"

My thoughts about DSP can best be summarized into the following:

If you shove patreon garbage down people's throat, having a game as a patreon goal only to ragequit at the final boss and saying "it's not worth it" when people donated for you to FINISH a fucking videogame, you're less than anything and anyone.

The dude gets MONEY for playing fucking videogames, and won't even finish it when people donated towards a spesific game because boo hoo the final boss was too hard

it was persona 3

he played on easy mode


are you the people that try to ruin DSP's life for no fucking reason?

Why the hell are you trying to do that to an innocent man? He's done nothing to you.

Nothing gets me madder than bullies.

He hasn't broken any laws and is a genuinely nice person. What possible motivation could you have for wanting to destroy an entertainer's livelihood and career? really I'm curious because I'm sick of people fucking with DSP and I feel like I need to know his enemies to better deal with them.

Tell me

Why the fuck do you want to ruin DSP's life for?

he's like Sup Forums incarnate

Are you subscribed to his channel? Do you watch him unironically? Are you compelled to advertise his youtube garbage without getting paid? Do you really need to make the same thread every day, marketer?



I admit I laughed.

shut up conspiritard

go put your stupid little tin foil hat on and run off back to Sup Forums or maybe /x/

we're discussing video game culture here
deal with it

proof that the fucking failures that visit Sup Forums will literally latch onto anything on youtube with videogames in it and some guy pretending to be their friend. It's like a virtual babysitter for spergmutants.

>the way he just shits on everything if he doesn't like it
>critiques older games by today's (or his own brand of) standards, making wildly unrealistic claims of its inferiority
>takes in all this factual information and twists it to match his 'truth'
>goes the scorched earth route when answering any constructive criticism (whether its a fan or not), not allowing for any type of debate

Sometimes I wonder if there's some sort of 'Youtube Intervention' where prominent LPers would band together to just talk with him, and just point out what he's doing

Talking about him is literally a circle jerk, because he won't change, and the rabbit hole just goes deeper

>shut up
Choke on my fuck, you hug deprived retard. Stop spamming your babysitter simulators in here and sort yourself out.

>Sometimes I wonder if there's some sort of 'Youtube Intervention' where prominent LPers would band together to just talk with him, and just point out what he's doing
The world would be a better place if they all had a suicide pact instead.

At least we can use him as an example on how not to do a let's play, he's pretty much a cautionary tale at this point.


it's not like he's any different from one of you little shits on Sup Forums

He's just a product of everyone else's cynicism and hatred of video games over the last 10 years. If anything you only have yourselves to blame for his stubbornness and strong convictions because you all did the same thing CONSTANTLY for a decade.

As least DSP believes in what he says unlike the rest of you dishonest fuckwits.

Can't wait for all the salt during his Jak 3 playthrough if his previous TIHYDP Jak & Daxter videos are anything to go by.

you had me there for a sec, i nearly replied seriously

I prefer total biscuit

Even though it its scumbaggish, Phil DID say for the Patreon vote to try and refrain from voting for a long RPG as he said he's most likely rage and quit. Yeah it sucks, but his fans literally brought that whole situation upon themselves.

>a bad guy has to believe that what he is doing is right, even though everything about is wrong
>DSP is the villain that Sup Forums deserves


if you give a fuckhead like Phil money
you deserve to be scammed