Complete freedom

>complete freedom
>higher budget
>more time and lax deadline
>tech support from Japan Studio
>no meme marketing
>no PC release

Sony is objectively the best publisher for From Software games.
Prove me wrong. YOU LITERALLY CAN'T.

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I haven't played neither of them and you might be right, but I'm honestly so burnt out on Souls I don't even care anymore

First party treatment is a godsend for games. Japan studio and third party games are great. Shame few people realize it. Two developers perfecting a game

Too bad that even the best Souls game is just good

I can't OP
BB > DeS > DaS > DaS 3 > DaS 2

Delete this in this right instant

Can't disagree with facts desu.

Japan Studio largely developed The Old Hunters by themselves under supervision from Miyazaki and a few other From bigwigs, so I'd actually be curious to see them give a Souls-esque game a stab themselves.

Not that it means anything of course, but Bloodborne's producer sat in at the Nioh dev stream a few hours ago and said something to the effect of "Japan Studio are all keeping a close eye on what our friends at Team Ninja are doing with Nioh". Potentially exciting?

>Bloodborne's producer

Isn't he currently working on Tokyo Jungle 2?

That's pretty fucking awesome news.

Japan studio is apparently working on these projects: Ape Escape, New JRPG(Possibly Wild Arms) and Deep Down with 2 new From projects.

This is amazing.

Those were the two easiest game with the laziest bosses.

yeah, take fromsoftware, ps4 bros
no really, you can have it

I don't think it's explicitly known what Yamagiwa is doing at the moment, but yeah, he made some Tweets a while ago that suggest he's up to something.

Source on the rumours of a new Ape Escape? I've heard the rumours about the two JRPGs they're doing internally (One is action-y and has a Chinese title, according to the forum where that Horizon Zero Dawn concept art got leaked), but I hadn't heard anything about a new Ape Escape.

When will fucking old hunters finally go on sale?

That's just more speculation than anything really but I just have a strange feeling they are going to do something with the IP. I shouldn't have said it.

I can't, you're right.

If only Dark Souls was picked up by Sony instead of Bamco, we'd have a complete second half of the game and Dark Souls 2 wouldn't exist.

Ah, it's all good, just that you had me excited for a minute! It is rather unfortunate though that Ape Escape is MiA but Sony still fund crap like that Fat Princess Diablo ripoff.

Yoshida admitted that he completely fucked up with how he handled DeS and we got the creation of Bloodborne outta Sony missing out on DaS, so I'd say it worked out pretty well.

For once I'll agree with a console pleb. Having played BB and DS3, it's clear BB was a fuck-ton better.

Ape Escape/Bloodborne crossover when?

Just buy it you cheap fuck.

Well, Demon's Souls and Bloodborne are my favourites of the series, so I agree with you there, but not because of any love I have for Sony. I just think they're the superior Souls titles. The entirety of Dark Souls was a lot less exciting to me, even if I did really like all of them.

I am looking forward to the release of the first piece of Dark Souls 3's Dlc. I hope the 24th will be a surprise release instead of just a trailer.

... I also might give Scholar of The First Sin a spin, Dark Souls II completely lost my interest after its Dlc packs, but I heard The Ivory King is actually bretty gud.

Japan studio is pretty much the only worthwhile Sony first party studio if you're not a normalfag.

DeS > DkS3 > DkS2 > BB > DkS

I just wanna see what Takahashi and Santa Monica Studio manage to cook up with Wattam. Looks suitably bizarre already.

Oh boy, here come the shitposts.

At least we went 22 replies with a decent discussion.

>but I'm honestly so burnt out on Souls I don't even care anymore
Seconding this though I did play DeS and 1K+ hours of BB. After 600 or so hours of DS3 it was enough.

Not even that user but you're shitposting more than he does.

>Dark Souls II completely lost my interest after its Dlc packs, but I heard The Ivory King is actually bretty gud.
That's a meme. If you didn't like the main game -which I liked btw- you're not going to like the DLC. It's just more of the same.

>Demon's Souls
>high budget

You haven't played it have you user?

If it wasn't for Sony it wouldn't had any budget to begin with.

>complete freedom
>higher budget
>more time and lax deadline
>tech support from Japan Studio
>30FPS with drops

Didn't Sony tell FromSoft they would publish DeS but then backed down calling it the worst game ever when they saw early gameplay footage? Isn't that why they needed Atlus to publish it?

>sony is objectively the best publisher XD

Yeah, Yoshida saw an early build version of DeS and thought it looked fucking awful. Then after DeS became a cult hit and From subsequently went off to Bandai for DaS and it became a legitimately mainstream hit on the PS3 and 360, Yoshida approached Miyazaki, admitted he was wrong and commissioned From to collaborate with Japan Studio again for Bloodborne.

sony published it in japan
atlus published in usa and bamco in europe

Ah christ, the sonybronies are feeling insecure again. Neither is as good as DS1 and 2, so I don't know what the point here is.
PC releases make every game better, every time.

DeS = flick
DaS = cinema
DaS2 = movie
DaS3 = film
BB = pure kino

>BB = pure kino
Which in Sup Forums terms means complete shit that hipsters devour.

Is that why Demon's Souls was a rushed piece of shit with over 7 missing NPCs and and entire world gone?

Based Sony

Sounds like user error

>Implying Dark Souls wasn't rushed with a shit ton of cut content

Well being wrong is also an option.

>implying I implied that

The only Souls we don't know was rushed to shit was Bloodborne and that's because we have no way of looking into the game files and finding unused content.

>no warping until halfway through
>best healing system
>best world design
>comfiest atmosphere
>no trash waifu forced on you

Dark Souls is the best.

>Deep Down

It's dead, m8.

Development is still officially active, according to Ono and Yoshida, albeit it's being reworked heavily. Capcom and Japan Studio have got until next February to do something in an official capacity with the trademark.

>>best world design



>being this wrong about DeS

That shit was so rushed and unfinished you assclown.

Also sony is filled with hacks, they hated DeS when they saw it, ratcher and clank, uncharted, and Knack are more their style.

World, not level user. Every game as a shit level or two. The overall world and how it was built is what made DaS special to a lot of people. All the warping around in other games just doesnt give you the same feeling at all.

>try DaS
>pretty okay
>eh, still kinda fun
>it clicks, put easily four times the playtime into it
>DaS3 rolls around, preorder and everything because after BB I believe from can do know wrong
>it's unbelievably meh

I don't think it was Sony, but something about Bloodborne worked. The pace, the setting, something.

all of this desu famalam

this, but i think i liked DaS1 more than you

but BB was just, YES, THIS IS IT

>tfw i'm the only person on Sup Forums that thinks rolling through attacks is pussy shit and gameplay should be slowed down taking longer time to heal etc...

Basically part of what DaS2 did mechanically in a setting thats the true sequel to das1. Not the cluster fuck of das2 world or the fanwank/bblite that das3 is.

>gameplay should be slowed down
>taking longer time to heal

How wrong could one man possibly be?

Ah, so this is maximum wrongness.

>How wrong could one man possibly be?

>mfw i really am the only one on Sup Forums that thinks fast combat is boring unless its dmc or cuhrayzee shit.
I could never finish BB and DaS3 is the lest interesting one to me. Das1 best with DeS right behind. DaS2 in the middle because it was atleast still souls and not bloodbournelite. Shame it was butched halfway through developement, could have been best souls if bamco wasnt a fuck.

>>no warping until halfway through
>I enjoy wasting my time backtracking

>>best healing system
Completely negated the value of healing.
Bloodborne has the best of both. 20 limit, and at the same time they are not unlimited. If you wasted them, you will have to farm them.

>>best world design
Bloodborne is more consistent and does not have an incomplete second half.

>>comfiest atmosphere
Come back when you have a probe adjective.

>>no trash waifu forced on you
Yeah, but a forced meme npcs instead.

>I enjoy wasting my time backtracking
Yeah, I do.

>If you wasted them, you will have to farm them.
Wow, so fun.

>Bloodborne is more consistent and does not have an incomplete second half.
Bloodborne is pretty inconsistent actually.

>Yeah, but a forced meme npcs instead.

>don't like NPC
>don't talk to it
Problem solved.

>no PC release
I don't know how you kids can think this is a positive, all this means is that one of the best games of this gen is forever doomed to shitty performance.

This so fucking hard. I could deal with DeS since ps3, but BB felt terrible to actually play if your use to smooth framerates. Like a return to n64 framerates almost. Its not good