What did he mean by this?

what did he mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


Genuine zombie game?

MG Survive GOTY confirmed

his old co-workers probably felt the same. or he talked to them about it and they stole his idea.

That he want to make a shitty, overwritten, nonsensical interactive movie with not-zombies in it.

>zombie shit

we moved on from world war 2 shooters so why cant we move on from this stupid shit

Are the crystal zombies from MGSurvive just recycled assets from Silent Hills?


fake account

We need some other monster to rise from the shit and overthrow zombies, im so fucking sick of them

your mom is fake faggot

He wanted Revengeance 2 to be a zombie slasher game which is totally fine. It could've been about a young Grey Fox fighting leftover VOCAL CHORD PARASITE zombies spread by some guy that sucked Skullface's dick who's with whatever is left of XOF.

We hate Survive because the fuck is with wormholes to another dimension with fucking crystal zombies? Like shit nigga the game could've easily been mother base soldiers sent into XOF territory where they unleash the PARASITES to make zombies. They didn't have to shit up some story that involves even more bullshit than Phantom Pain and Revengeance.

>what is metal gear survive

go fuck yourself cuckboi

Even in 2013, zombies had been done to death.

>Thinks Kojima is working on Survive
So user was wrong, you're not only illiterate but straight up retarded too.
Neck yourself.

The game was probably in the works when Kojima was there.

Or maybe all this is part of the ruse.

>thinks Kojima doesn't work for Konami just because he opened up a new studio

whoa, what's this? kojima can make retarded decisions too? whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Would all you Kojidrones be shitting on Metal gear survive if it said "A Hideo Kojima Game"?

Sup Forums would be shitting on it even harder if it was by Hideo



even more so

I think he wants to make a zombie game that's genuine!

Obviously he has seen the Night of The Living Dead, and wants to make something that gives the same feeling as that movie.

Alright user, you can stop being purposefully retarded for replies now.

Konami have probably started rifling through Kojimbo's old files for ideas


I'd literally hate him more then my own father. I really hope Kojima is gone from konami and not rusing us with his new company. I hate zombie games period.

he wants to make a game about shitposting sonyniggers and nintendrones

or a meta aweare game where the characvter constantly question their position in life, and ask for meaning why still asking themselves if their actions are determined or if they are a result from a free choice, and weather their expierences are geniune or if their reactions are just automatic.

the ending will be the realization that they are characters in a video game

the guy who write silent hill will be co-writing.

He's implying that he could do a better job at making a zombie game than Konami, because they are making one that's only ever going to sell because it's riding on the waves of the MGS series, while he means that he could do it from scratch, a new made-for-zombies IP in other words.

holy shit you're retarded
what the fuck do you think the skulls were

Knowing Kojima he probably wanted something akin to The Last of Us
Survive has a more Left 4 Dead vibe


I'd be completely convinced Kojima had gone mad and would insult the game even more.

Oh well, my point still stands and I hate the bastard now.

If he did, the trailer would be GOAT and would sell me the concept.

Oh well, at least i'll get to see Konami give up next year.

No, Kojima is doing it so you have to get hyped, and if it's shit you just cover your ears and scream "KOJIMA'S RUSE CRUISE NEVER ENDS"

He wanted to make MGSV a zombie game.
Konami wouldn't let him so he pitched a fit and left. Konami actually did nothing wrong.

If this was by Kojima it would be a false game before revealing the real one.
Not Konami though, they actually thought this trash was a good idea.

Welcome to the club.

That sushi looks fucking good.

>I'd literally hate him more then my own father
Be careful not to cut yourself on all that edge, Liquid.

soldiers infected with parasites

Brainwashed, fast, supersoldiers built to kill.
Those are not zombies.
Its irrelevant, everyone hates this game, its DOA and it is going to flop, and rightfully so.

I laughed, thanks user. Maybe my nickname will be liquid now.

Focus on that laptop.

Kojima is a misunderstood genius, the hero gotham city wants but doesn't deserve, and the greatest game write of all time surpassing even the chess & checkers

This is the kind of turd that no one will be talking about after a week.

>that bing translation
Jesus christ.
>blue and red
I feel beyond dumb. Please help.

>it will be a different experience

delete this

The two fellows switched places. Their actual roles are opposite.
Konami is playing the bad guy(no, that's not a suicide attempt twitter.com/SStapczynski/status/737071451728142336), while Kojima is the goody two shoes and overall hypeman.
The reality is much more different.

Does this mean that dead stranding is Silent hills?

they didn't fucking listen to fanelli goddammit

What exactly am i looking at?

I don't have the whole picture, but it's possible.
Death Stranding is tied to Metal Gear Survive via wormholes/alternate universes and the equations found on the sticks on Reedus' neck. Death Stranding is also tied to Silent Hills via the main character being the very same. Del Toro and Ito could still be working on it, and we would have no clue, just like it were with Ito before it got "cancelled".

This is an old recruitment page for the "next metal gear" that went up in the same week Kojima Productions was announced. The recruitment page's source code contains multiple instances of "kojima" written in it.

I'd actually be happy if it was silent hills. Honestly I still don't want Survive.

Looks genuinely good.

>tfw you'll never go to japan and have real sushi.