Why is Steam filled with Vita garbage games nowadays? Can't Gabe ban this Jap pedoshit crap already?
Why is Steam filled with Vita garbage games nowadays? Can't Gabe ban this Jap pedoshit crap already?
Has as much right to exist as any other game.
>not even a single loli
Shitposters using that word incorrectly again
Reminder: Gabe newell confirmed he was a brony.
Reminder: He has also abandoned us
I'll take this lesson he taught me to the grave
We have been playing half life 3 this entire time.
Actually it does. OP is a huge faggot.
Why not? Stop being so ignorant and accept it dude, at least it's still a video game.
It has right to exist despite not a really good game.
Posting best girl
That's weird you posted wrong picture.
>posting second best girl
I mean sure, if Ellie didn't exist I'd be all about it
Dude, its not like you're being FORCED to buy it.
>Banning weeb games and thus losing money because weebs can't spend their money on them
Pick one.
stop porting kusoge like Conception and Mugen Souls
>I want less games available
But why?
tfw Valhalla Knights will never get ported
>Conception 2 cheaper on PS Store than Steam.
Shut up OP.
But that's not torri
Stop posting pictures of sexy anime children. I can't masturbate right now, my sister is behind me ffs.
Torri is pretty based, but she's no Ellie
I romancer her but didn't get her ending
Thank god she's not, ellie a shit
You probably fucked up somewhere. You can get her in both her own ending and the harem ending.
>You probably fucked up somewhere
the problem is I have no idea where. I mean beating the final boss allows me to go back and get another ending
This is the future you asked for, enjoy it
I love her, she was the best thing about this game.
I'd like to see your effort on stopping them...oh wait, you can't.
Needs some actual gameplay first, and not 9,000,000 lines of whyfoo faggotry and retarded exposition.
Looks trash but I have no problem with it being on steam
What do you find so detrimental about these kind of games getting released on steam OP?
I actually got her wihtout problem. Maybe because I didn't show much interest on the other girls.
green > blue > whatever
Pettan rules.
my nigga
I want to headpat that loli tsundere all day.
>"I want LESS games on my platform of choice!"
You literally can't make this up. PCucks everyone.
It's a freakin rpg jesus christ, so it has gameplay although not really good. Stop being so ignorant if you don't know anything about the game, OP.
>very positive
Why do pcfats have literally zero fucking taste?
you can only rate games if you buy them
>Pointlessly shitty gameplay to the point it isn't really gameplay because they just spend their time making whyfoo shit to pander to the permavirgins that will buy it without question
Yet he calls others ignorant. Nice.
It's hard to not be one when you have such a cute, soft loli butt, girl.
Exactly. Why do PCfats have literally zero fucking taste?
I want to sniff that lolibutt.
Stop sexualizing little children!
they are desperate for games.
As for me I am not buying it on the PC. I already beat it on the 3DS, let me get proof.
Can we all agree that Narika is worst girl?
Why do you even care about other people playing it just for the waifu? At least it's a complete game and not just a early access or shit like that
>all ages stuff
Are you the kind of guy who masturbates to panty shots?
What is this sorcery?
You can just stop using Steam since those games aren't going anywhere, you know.
garbage anime games are the least of steam problems when it comes to games
Hi OP.
Literally made for petting, gentle cuddling and balls-deep hardcore anal.
Jesus fucking christ OP. Just let people have their own fun dude.
except it's not OP
>I'm not op I swear
that post only got one (You) on my end and that was for
>this fucking running animation
should make it full 2d instead
Some western game publisher is thinking: We must have the next Nekopara! Bring in the censored and butchered visual novels! You know what? Better make a kickstarter too!
What's some pedo shit you would like to see on steam?
>Complains about anime games.
>On Sup Forums.
>Which was originally founded as an image board for anime.
Also, this game's pretty hot, despite how fucking strange it is.
Sure but it doesn't mean you're not OP.
Or we could not have cancerous shit to the industry as a whole.
Maybe you should try a new form of fun called huffing a tank of helium, faggot.
Musumaker HD Remastered.
let me get you proof I am not OP
Anything with sexy lolis in it. I want Moero Chronicle desu. Can't post screenshots of it because mods get triggered by lolis in underwears nowadays.
Why is steam filled with western garbage "games"? Can gaben ban this filth?
what is this game even?
an RPG? an action game? VN?
What, did I missed that event, I wonder if I skipped it accidentaly.
complaining about shit games is fine
being anime doesn't absolve it from being shit, or being hated
stop being a moron
>Sure but it doesn't mean you're not OP.
and my proof, no (You)
What a shitty game, oppai loli is pure degeneracy.
Waifu dating sim JRPG babymaker crawler.
RPG with VN elements when not in dungeons
Don't need to justify your purchase here.
I just want the entire Vita library on Steam
so many of them could benefit from the tweaks pc can bring, like Valhalla Knights or Lost Dimensions
You take me for a retard? It's a known fact you can't see (you) after OP even if you made the thread.
Oh yeah?
I buy this kind of shit without playing it in order to get access to creating steam cards for them. They pay themselves back tenfolds easily.
Somewhere out there exists sad and lonely fucks who are willing to buy virtual kawaiidesune -steamcards and profile backgrounds that nobody will see for incredible amounts of cash.
>It's a known fact you can't see (you) after OP even if you made the thread.
I call bullshit
You are literally retarded
>Talkshit about anime games on an anime imageboard
Like in Fire Emblem? I liked that, eugenics are awsome.
You are an idiot, stop posting anytime.
>I never made a thread in Sup Forums
The thing is i have much more fun playing this game than the one you recommended to me OP. And why do you calling me a faggot when i didn't act like one?
Steam won't open an Adults Only section unless it's something separated. Another platform. But why would Gabe bother?
See Stop posting anytime, based retardbro.
With the shift in the Sup Forums userbase, ironic threads are becoming less obvious, and more concerning.
These threads will always be ironic.
Or at least everyone will think they are ironic so it doesn't matter if they arnt.
I bet you are OP and are having a giggle because nobody will be able to prove you wrong in this thread
Shut up, loser.
I hope we get more games with cute loli to romance in the future, like Stella Glow and the Rune Factory games.
Because it would make money. Porn still makes money which is why it still exists outside amateur and it would sell on the steam name alone.
Unfortunately the west are self-righteous creeps about erotic material and 1) can't control their kids and 2) are highly litigious.
What a sexy preschooler with an iq of 8 million.
If you don't like about nips games keep appearing on steam then i'd like to see how are you gonna stop them OP...oh just like i say earlier, you can't.